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ABORTIon. When is it ok? Is it ever ok? Is it always ok? . Do Now – What are your thoughts. Share out… Were you surprised by any of the answers? Which answers were you most surprised by? Which answers were you least surprised by? . Why should you care?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ABORTIon When is it ok? Is it ever ok? Is it always ok?

  2. Do Now – What are your thoughts • Share out… Were you surprised by any of the answers? Which answers were you most surprised by? Which answers were you least surprised by?

  3. Why should you care? • You, your partner, your friend, your daughter may one day be faced with a difficult decision…What would you do? • Scenario • You just found out you or your girlfriend is pregnant, you are 19, and you just started your 1st year of college and you are scared. Your parents are angry at you for the choices you made and refuse to help you with your situation. You are looking into your options, but start to realize you will have to drop out of college and get a job, but you don’t have a lot of experience and will have to get a minimum wage job with poor benefits. What would you do and why would you make that choice?

  4. Pair and Share • Turn to your partner: Share what you have decided, discuss what similarities and differences your decision had. • With your partner, discuss assuming you decide to get an abortion (whether you did or not) • Come up with 5 questions, concerns or fears would you have for your doctor or just about the procedure? • Write these on the bottom of your Do Now.

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