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Web-Based Software for Teaching and Managing Writing Across the Curriculum in Grades 4-12. Research Based!. All Teachers. All Content Areas. Anywhere Access!. All Students. Principles of an Effective Writing Program. Research Based Strategies within 6 Trait Power Write™
Web-Based Software for Teaching and Managing Writing Across the Curriculum in Grades 4-12 Research Based! All Teachers All Content Areas Anywhere Access! All Students
Principles of an Effective Writing Program Research Based Strategies within 6 Trait Power Write™ Meeting the Needs of All Students Three principles of an effective writing instruction program: • basic framework of planning, writing, and revision • specific genre and writing process instruction • feedback guided by the strategies explicitly taught (Gersten, Baker, Edwards, 1999) 6 Trait Power Write™ encompasses all principals of an effective writing program. In addition, it goes beyond what research says is essential and incorporates reading, listening, and speaking strategies into the writing process, empowering all students to master the skills needed for AYP.
Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) Strategies within 6 Trait Power Write™ were developed using the principles of the SRSD model. This model promotes independent learners, insuring all levels of students will become literate and productive lifelong learners. Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): Researchers Karen Harris and Steve Graham designed SRSD for students with learning disabilities, but all students have been found to benefit. (Beckman, 2002) The three goals of the SRSD approach: • Assist students in mastering the cognitive processes of planning, producing, revising, and editing written language • Help students further develop the capability to monitor and manage their own writing • Aid students in developing positive attitudes about writing and about themselves as writers (Graham, Harris, Troia, 2000)
Building Literacy – Quantity and Quality Research Based Strategies within 6 Trait Power Write™ Meeting the Needs of All Students A comprehensive reading and writing program must include: • quantity • quality (Cunningham, Cunningham, Allington, 2002) 6 Trait Power Write™ promotes quality writing through the structure of research based strategies as students work through the POWER WRITE Process. In addition, the management of strategies promotes substantial writing practice without overwhelming the teacher or the student.
Expository Writing Compare/Contrast Essay Narrative Writing Cause/Effect Essay Personal Narrative How-to Essay Short Story Problem/Solution Essay Research Report Book Report Summary Descriptive Writing Letter Writing Persuasive Writing Poetry Describe a Person Persuasive Essay Friendly Letter Haiku Describe a Place Letter of Inquiry Argumentative Essay Limerick Describe an Event Letter of Complaint Diamante Describe an Object Letter of Recommendation The POWER WRITE Process Process Writing for 23 Forms of Writing Prewrite Gather Ideas Organize Put Ideas in Order Write Sloppy Copy Focus on Ideas Evaluate 6 Traits Consider Changes Revise Make Changes Wait Set Writing Aside Read Aloud Hear Writing Input & Feedback Get Suggestions Other Process strategies for any form of writing Tackle Final Flaws Polishing Edit End with Perfect Copy! Present Writing
Teachers select either the POWER WRITE or POWER Process when assigning writing! Prewrite Prewrite Gather Ideas Gather Ideas Organize Put Ideas in Order Organize Put Ideas in Order Write Sloppy Copy Focus on Ideas Write Sloppy Copy Focus on Ideas Evaluate 6 Traits Consider Changes Evaluate 6 Traits Consider Changes Revise Make Changes Revise Make Changes Submit Writing Wait Set Writing Aside Read Aloud Hear Writing I nput & Feedback Get Suggestions T ackle Final Flaws Polishing Edit E nd with Perfect Copy! Submit Writing
Quick Write Assignments – Journals, Learning Logs, Reading Logs
The POWER WRITE Process Embedding the 6 Traits throughout the Process Prewrite Organize Write Sloppy Copy Evaluate 6 Traits Revise Ideas and Content – brainstorm main ideas Organization – draft a plan for order of ideas Voice– consider audience and purpose Ideas and Content – focus on ideas All Traits – Students evaluate their writing using genre specific questions that reflect the highest rating for each of the 6 Traits. Teachers customize which questions and/or traits are viewed. All Traits – Students do a focused content revision based on their evaluation of their writing using the 6 Traits questions.
The POWER WRITE Process Embedding the 6 Traits throughout the Process Wait Read Aloud Input and Feedback Tackle Final Flaws End with a Perfect Copy! Teachers and Students Assess the Process and Completed Writing Online Students take a break from the writing before reading it aloud to a partner Students listen and analyze: Sentence Fluency Organization Ideas and Content Word Choice Voice Conventions– polishing edit Presentation
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