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The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2015 CAEE Department, Architectural Engineering Program

Dive into HVAC system design with this course, covering load calculations, psychrometrics, component design, and more. Develop a thorough understanding of HVAC systems for residential and commercial buildings. Explore topics such as chillers, heat exchangers, duct systems, controls, and energy consumption. Get hands-on experience through projects and assignments. Enroll now to enhance your skills in HVAC design and engineering.

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The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2015 CAEE Department, Architectural Engineering Program

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  1. The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2015 CAEE Department, Architectural Engineering Program Course: HVAC Design ARE 346P/CE 389H Instructor: Dr. Novoselac, Atila ECJ, 5.430 Office (512) 475-8175 e-mail: atila@mail.utexas.edu http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/Novoselac Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.

  2. Objectives • Introduce course syllabus and establish ground rules • Describe class content • Address any of your concerns

  3. HVAC systems • Systems that: • Cost very much (residential 10-20% , commercial 20-50% of total cost) • Uses the most energy • Most strongly influences our comfort • Has great potential to improve/degrade our health • No longer taught in ME (at UT) • Very high demand for graduates

  4. Motivation for studying HVAC systems • Responsible for ~40% of energy consumption • ~90% of our time is spent indoors • HVAC systems are a central part of every building

  5. Prerequisites • Building Environmental Systems Familiarity with HVAC • Thermodynamics Psychrometrics, phase change, properties • Fluid Mechanics Flow in pipes and ducts, non-dimensional numbers Useful but not necessary • Heat Transfer Conduction, convection, radiation

  6. Course Objectives • Apply fundamental physical principles to HVAC design • Describe and size each component in an HVAC system • Design HVAC systems based on manufacturer’s datasheets • Contrast residential systems with commercial systems and use appropriate design techniques for each type of system • Solve HVAC design problems with high-quality references

  7. Course Topics • Background, Introduction and Review 2 wks • Heating and Cooling Loads 1 wk • Psychrometrics and mass transfer 1 wk • Air conditioning and refrigerant cycles 2 wks • Chillers and Boilers 1 wk • Coils and heat exchangers 2 wks • Ducts, air, and water systems 2 wks • Large HVAC Systems 2 wk • HVAC Control 2 wk • Final Project, field trip 1 wk • 15 wks

  8. What am I NOT covering? • Detail calculation of Cooling/Heating loads • Human comfort/Indoor air quality • Furnaces and boilers • Absorption cycle refrigeration • Energy generation (heat and power, cogeneration) • District heating and cooling (campus or city scale)

  9. This is a skills class • I expect you to come away from this class and be able to understand everything that you see in an HVAC system or know where to go to learn about it. • You will be able to size most HVAC components, design smaller and medium size systems and understand larger systems

  10. Textbook • Kuehn, T.H.; Ramsey, J.W.; Threlkeld, J.L. 1998. Thermal Environmental Engineering (3rd Edition) Prentice Hall ISBN: 0139172203 • First edition was 1962 • Excellent graduate/undergraduate textbook • Thorough, fundamental, many examples • Look forward to your opinion • Other books are optional

  11. Grading • Mid-Term Exam 30% • Project 30% • Homework Assignments 35% • Participation 5% 100% • Homework is a large part of your grade • ~ Weekly assignments, reducing in intensity by the end of semester • 10% penalty per day for late assignments • You are allowed to work together, but each student must prepare their own solution

  12. HWs (35%) • Four homeworks • Combination of • book problems • design problems I made • You can work to together but each student should submit individual assignment • NOT a copy of summons work • HW deadline is at the end of the day

  13. Project (30%) • Final Project • Undergraduates - group assignment • Graduates – individual assignment • Design HVAC component and systems • Assigned in late October • Final project will have written (report) and oral (presentation) components

  14. Exam (30%) • One open-book midterm exam: • Sometime in November • 1 or 2 longer problem(s) • Few short answer questions

  15. Participation • My assessment of your participation in the class • 5% of total grade • How to get participation points • Come to class and be on time • Submit all assignments/project on time • Participate in class

  16. My Issues • Please don’t come to my office between 8:30 and 9:30 am on Tuesday and Thursday • Class preparation • Please don’t use e-mail to ask me “content” questions • Call me or come see me • Suggestion are welcome

  17. Course Website • All class information online • http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/Novoselac/classes/ARE389H/ • PLEASE LET ME KNOW ABOUT ERRORS


  19. Your questions ?

  20. The Big Picture • HVAC systems need to provide conditioned and acceptable air quality in buildings • Heating, Cooling, Ventilation • Heating, cooling, ventilation loads

  21. Systems: Heating • Make heat (furnace, boiler, solar, etc.) • Distribute heat within building (pipes, ducts, fans, pumps) • Exchange heat with air (coils, strip heat, radiators, convectors, diffusers) • Controls (thermostat, valves, dampers)

  22. Systems: Cooling • Absorb heat from building (evaporator or chilled water coil) • Reject heat to outside (condenser) • Refrigeration cycle components (expansion valve, compressor, concentrator, absorber, refrigerant) • Distribute cooling within building (pipes, ducts, fans, pumps) • Exchange cooling with air (coils, radiant panels, convectors, diffusers) • Controls (thermostat, valves, dampers, reheat)

  23. Systems: Ventilation • Fresh air intake (dampers, economizer, heat exchangers, primary treatment) • Air exhaust (dampers, heat exchangers) • Distribute fresh air within building (ducts, fans) • Air treatment (filters, etc.) • Controls (thermostat, CO2 and other occupancy sensors, humidistats, valves, dampers)

  24. Systems: Other • Auxiliary systems (i.e. venting of combustion gasses) • Condensate drainage/return • Dehumidification (desiccant, cooling coil) • Humidification (steam, ultrasonic humidifier) • Energy management systems

  25. Drain Pain • Removes moisture condensed from air stream Cooling coil • Heat transfer from air to refrigerant • Extended surface coil Condenser Expansion valve Controls Compressor

  26. Heating coil • Heat transfer from fluid to air Heat pump Furnace Boiler Electric resistance Controls

  27. Blower • Overcome pressure drop of system Adds heat to air stream Makes noise Potential hazard Performs differently at different conditions (air flow and pressure drop)

  28. Duct system (piping for hydronic systems) • Distribute conditioned air • Remove air from space Provides ventilation Makes noise Affects comfort Affects indoor air quality

  29. Diffusers • Distribute conditioned air within room Provides ventilation Makes noise Affects comfort Affects indoor air quality

  30. Dampers • Change airflow amounts Controls outside air fraction Affects building security

  31. Filter • Removes pollutants • Protects equipment Imposes substantial pressure drop Requires Maintenance

  32. Controls • Makes everything work Temperature Pressure (drop) Air velocity Volumetric flow Relative humidity Enthalpy Electrical Current Electrical cost Fault detection

  33. Goals of this class • Use thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, control theory, physics, critical analysis to design HVAC systems that work

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