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Physicians Regulatory Timeline. First year of meaningful Use incentives. January 1 Stage 2 of MU begins for those attesting in 2011 Certified system for 2014 required. October 1 Deadline to attest to first year of MU and avoid penalties in 2015
Physicians Regulatory Timeline First year of meaningful Use incentives January 1 Stage 2 of MU begins for those attesting in 2011 Certified system for 2014 required October 1 Deadline to attest to first year of MU and avoid penalties in 2015 October 3 Last date to begin first year of MU and receive any Medicare incentive payments December 31 MU year ends. Attesting in 2014 avoids penalties in 2016. July 3 last day to being 90 days of MU if first year and avoid penalties in 2016 Last year of MU payments for physicians. Penalties continue MU Stage 3 begins. 2016 certified system required 2% penalty for those not meeting MU deadlines in 2014 or 2015 Attesting to MU by October 1 2016, avoids 3% penalty in 2017. Meeting to MU in 2016 avoids 4% penalty in 2018 January 1 MU year begins for those that have previously attested January 1 MU year 2 starts for EPs that attested in 2011 Last year to achieve /attest to Medicare meaningful use and receive full payment amount October 3 Last day to begin 90 days of meaningful use if attesting for 1st time December 31 End of MU year October 3 Last time to begin demonstrating first year of MU and attest in 2013. December 31 End of MU year for 2013. Attesting to MU in 2013, avoids penalties in 2015 Meaningful Us (MU) Payments December 31 End of MU year. Attesting in 2015 avoids penalties in 2017. July 3 Last day to begin first year of MU and avoid 2015 penalties January 1 Beginning of MU year for those attesting previously Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Before 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 July 1: 5010 enforcement begins: providers must submit administrative transactions in 5010 format December 31 End of 2012 reporting period for .5% PRQS incentive for reporting quality measures plus potential for additional .5% for meeting professional certification requirements End of performance measurement period to submit eRx for 25 qualifying visits , earn 1% incentive and avoid eRx penalties in 2014 Beginning of last year of PQRS Incentives .5% bonus for reporting quality measures and qualifying for additional .5% for meeting professional certification requirements. End of PQRS incentives (penalties continue) 2% penalty for provider that didn’t qualify for eRxexemption ICD-10 for admissions/visits * January 1-December 31 1.5% penalty for those that didn’t report qualify measures in 2013 January 1 MU Stage 3 scheduled to begin in 2016 2% penalty for those that don’t qualify for reporting quality measures in 2014 January 1 Beginning of PQRS period for 2012 quality measures Beginning of 2012 incentive year for qualified e- prescribers. Beginning of 6 month measurement period to avoid eRx penalties in 2013 and annual performance measurement period to avoid eRx penalties in 2014 Jan -Dec 2012 1% penalty for those not meeting eRx requirements in 2011 January-June, 2011 Providers who submitted eRx for 10 qualified visits met performance requirements to avoid 2012 eRx penalty January-December 2011 Providers who submitted eRx for 25 qualified visits avoid 2013 eRx penalty. January 1 Beginning of reporting period for 2013 PQRS quality measures January-December 2013 1.5% penalty for providers that did not qualify for an eRx exemption Beginning of 6 month performance period to avoid eRx penalties in 2014 MU= Meaningful Use eRx = e-Prescribing PQRS = Physician Quality Reporting System Notes: Incentives and penalties for eRx and PQRS are a % of Medicare reimbursement For physicians MU penalties are a % of Medicare reimbursement *HHS has proposed extending ICD-10 deadline to October 2014 This is accurate as of 4/10/2012 June 30 End of 6 month performance measurement period to submit eRx for 10 qualifying visits and avoid eRx penalties in 2013 CMS reimbursement incentives, penalties and rules December 31 End of reporting year to qualify for .5 % bonus for reporting 2013 quality measures, ability to qualify for an additional .5% for meeting professional certification criteria Reporting PRQRS in 2013 avoids penalties in 2015 Physicians who report eRx for 25 qualified visits receive .5% incentive End of eRx incentives, penalties continue in 2014 January 1 Payers must accept administrative transaction in 5010 format