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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ( I ). RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Conducting portion : قسم التوصيل 1- Nasal cavity. 2- Nasopharynx. اخر جزء بالبلعوم ( قبل الحنجره ) 3- Larynx. 4- Trachea. 5- Primary bronchi (extrapulmonary خارج الرئه bronchi).
RESPIRATORYSYSTEM • Conducting portion : قسم التوصيل 1- Nasal cavity. 2- Nasopharynx. اخر جزء بالبلعوم ( قبل الحنجره ) 3- Larynx. 4- Trachea. 5- Primary bronchi (extrapulmonary خارج الرئه bronchi). 6- Intrapulmonary bronchi: - 2ry bronchi (lobar bronchi). - 3ry bronchi (segmental bronchi). 7- Primary bronchioles (preterminal قبل النهايه bronchioles). 7- Terminal النهايه bronchioles. من هذه النقطه ينتهي القسم ( اي ) ( قسم التوصيل) • Respiratory portion: قسم تبادل الغازات 1- Respiratory bronchioles. 2- Alveolar ducts القنوات . 3- Alveolar sacs. 4- Pulmonary alveoli. سؤال : يعطيك مركبات ويقول ايها من قسم التوصيل وايها من قسم تبادل الغازات
أولا : NASAL CAVITY(N.C.) • Anterior أمامس portion of N.C.: Vestibule دهليز الانف ( الخشم نفسه ). • Posterior خلفي portion of N.C.: تتكون من a- Respiratory region. تفصل لاحقا b- Olfactory region. <<<<<<< N.B. The nasal septum divides the nasal cavity into two halves.
: VESTIBULE OF N.C.أولا Lining: is lined with thin skin. مشابه تماما للجلد بالتركيب 1- Epidermis (Keratinized stratified Squamous epithelium). 2- Dermis. Contents: 1- Vibrissae شعيرات انفيه: stiff hairs. 2- Sebaceous glands غدد منتجه للدهن ( تتحول لحب الشباب عند التهابها ). 3- Sweat glands. Wall: 1- Hyaline cartilage. الجزء الامامي ( راس الانف ) 2- Cancellous اسفنجي (spongy) bone. الجزء الخلفي
: RESPIRATORY REGION (AREA) OF NASAL CAVITY ثانيا MUCOSA (MUCOUS MEMBRANE): (A) Epithelium: Pseudo-stratified طبقي كاذب ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells (Respiratory epithelium) يشرح اخر شريحتين (B) Lamina propria ( Subepithelial C.T.): contains: 1- Large arterial plexuses شبكه & venous sinuses (Highly vascularized C.T.) 3- Many seromucous سائل شبيه بالماءتنتجglands (acini). 4- Abundant lymphoid elements: Including occasional lymphoid nodules, plasma cells & mast cells.
PARANASAL SINUSES التجاويف ( الجيوب ) – راجع الاناتومي للتوضيح Lining: 1- Respiratory epith. (Mention…….) 2- Lamina propria. CLINICAL APPLICATION: Sinusitis التهاب الجيوب الانفيه.
ثالثا : OLFACTORY REGION (AREA) OF NASAL CAVITY(OLFACTORY MUCOSA) Site مهمه ججدا ( سؤال ): 1-Roof of nasal cavity. 2-Upper part of nasal septum. 3-over superior concha. Structure: • Olfactory epithelium: Pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium. 1- Olfactory cells (olfactory nerve cells) 2- Sustentacular (supporting) cells. 3- Basal cells. هذه الخلاييا عباره عن خلايا جذعيه وظيفتها تعويض رقم 1 و 2 اذا تلفت (B) Lamina propria: contains: 1- Highly (richly) vascularized loose to dense C.T. 2- Contents: a) Bowman’s glands ( olfactory glands) : are serous acini. b) Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers: Are axons of olfactory nerve cells + Schwann-like cells (glial cells). c) Rich vascular plexus. d) Numerous lymphoid elements.
التفاصيل OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 1- Olfactory cells: Are bipolar neurons خليه عصبيه ثنائيه القطب Dendrite has olfactory vesicle. وتوجد ظاهره على السطح ( كما في الصور ) Olfactory vesicle has 6-8 olfactory cilia. Olfactory cilia are nonmotile Microtubules of olfactory cilia: (9x2+2x1 then 9x1+2x1). Cell body with spherical كروي nucleus. Axons are unmyelinatedwith Schwann cell-like olfactory ensheathing cells (glial cells). Axons penetrate the basal lamina. Axons will collect in the lamina propria to form bundles of nerve fibers. Bundles will collect to form the olfactory nerve. مهمه
OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 2- Sustentacular (supporting) cells: Are columnar cells with: Apical striated border (microvilli). Oval Nucleus, in the upper third. Apical cytoplasm has secretory granules with yellow pigments تسبب جعل لون المخاط الانفي ( تكرمون ) اصفر. Have junctional complexes with olfactory Vesicles and other sustentacular cells. Function: Physical support, nourishment & electrical insulation for olfactory cells.
OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 3-Basal cells: 2 types: a) Horizontal cells: Flat cells, lie against the B.M. Function: Replicate to replace globose cells. b) Globose cells: Short basophilic pyramidal cells. Whose apical aspects do NOT reach the epithelial surface. Function: Proliferate to replace both sustentacular & olfactory cells.
: ثانياLARYNX تتكون من: • (Mucous membrane ): 1- Epithelium. 2- Lamina propriaكالعاده . (B)Cartilages. (C) Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles: all are skeletal. (D) Ligaments.
LARYNX • Mucosa: 1- Epithelium: (2 types) a- Respiratory epithelium: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. b- Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium: In: يوجد فقط في -Vocal folds. - Superior surface of epiglottuis 2- Lamina propria.
LARYNX • Mucosa (cont.): There are 2 pairs of shelf-like mucosal folds: 1- Vestibular folds: Are immovable غير متحرك. L/M: a- Respiratory epithelium. b- Lamina propria: Loose C.T. with seromucous glands lymphoid elements & adipose cells. 2- VOCAL FOLDS (CORDS): have: a- Epithelium: non keratinized stratified squamous. b- Lamina propria. c- Vocal ligament: bundles of parallel elastic fibers (dense regular elastic C.T.). b- Vocal muscle: Skeletal muscle. N.B. No lymphoid nodules, No seromucous glands.
(B)Cartilages: 1- Hyaline cartilages: Thyroid, تفاحه ادم Cricoid, Body of arytenoids. 2- Elastic cartilages: Epiglottis, لسان المزمار Corniculate, Cuneiform, Tips of arytenoids. (C) Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles:all are skeletal. (D) Ligaments.
LARYNX Glands Thyroid cartilage
LARYNX Vocal fold Respiratory epith. Bundles of skeletal muscle fibers
ثالثا : TRACHEA The wall of trachea is formed of: • Mucosa. • Submucosa. • Adventitia.
TRACHEA (POST. WALL) Trachealis muscle
MUCOSA OF TRACHEA • Epithelium: Respiratory epithelium: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. (2) Lamina propria: Loose, fibroelastic C.T. containing: a- Lymphoid elements (e.g. lymphoid nodules & lymphocytes). b- Mucous & seromucous glands. (3) Elastic lamina: Dense layer (thick bundle) of elastic fibers. It separates lamina propria from submucosa. N.B. Mucosa is non-folded except posteriorly.
SUBMUCOSA OF TRACHEA Contents: 1- Dense irregular fibroelastic C.T. 2- Numerous mucous & seromucous glands. 3- Lymphoid elements. 4- Rich blood & lymph supply. N.B. Other textbooks reported that submucosa of trachea is loose C.T.
ADVENTITIA OF TRACHEA Contents: 1- Fibroelastic C.T. 2- C-shaped rings (10-12) of hyaline cartilage. Trachealis muscle (bundle of SMF) connects the open ends of each C-shaped ring of cartilage. Perichondrium of C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage are connected together by dense fibroelastic C.T.
RESPIRATORY EPITHELIUM Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells. يحوي6 types of cells ( all touch the basement membrane) 1- Ciliated columnar cells: 30% 2- Goblet cells: 30% 3- Basal cells: are stem cells (30%) 4- Brush cells (3% ) 5- Serous cells: 3% 6- DNES cells (K cells) : 3-4%
RESPIRATORY EPITHELIUM Types of cells: 6 types • Goblet cells (30%): Produce mucinogen → hydrated→ mucin. (2) Ciliated columnar cells (30%). (3) Basal cells(30%): Short cells, rest on the B.M., Do not reach the lumen. Function: stem cells (proliferate to replace other cell types.
RESPIRATORY EPITHELIUM (4) Brush cells (3%): Have microvilli. Function: are sensory receptors or degranulated goblet cells. (5) Serous cells (3%): secrete serous fluid. (6) DNES cells ( K cells) (3-4%): Are neuroendocrine cells. Contains basal secretory granules. Amines, Peptides, Acetylcholine, ATP.