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In this PPT we describe the different types of expansion cards. We illustrate lot's of expansion cards like interface card, modem, network card, video card etc. It is designed by http://www.shopricom.com/46M6164
Expansion cardsalternativelyreferred as theaddon card, internal card, interface adapter and only card. Itisanelectronicboardorcircuitaddedontotheexpansion slot of themotherboard of thecomputer. Itaddstosomeability of thecomputer. Usingthisadditionalability a computer can connecttoanothercomputer in a network. Types of Expansion card. • Interface cards (ATA, Bluetooth, IDE etc) • Modem • Network card • Sound card • Video card • Video capture card Types of theExpansioncards
Thiscard oftensays as the NIC. Anexpansionboardyouinsert in thecomputer, so thecomputer can connecttothenetwork. Most of thisdesignedforthe particular networklikeprotocol and media etc. Some can abletohandlethemultiplenetwork. Types of the Interface cards. • ATA • Bluetooth • Firewire • IDE • RAID • SCSI Interface Card
Itisalsoreferredto as the IEEE 1394. Itisinventedby Apple in the 1995. It has also a bus which has thebandwidth 400-800 Mbps and theabilitytohandlethe 63 unitonthesame bus. Itisalso as like as the USB. Like USB it has lot’s of thedifferentdevicessuch as drives, camera etc. IDE := Itistheintegrated drive electronics. Itisalsoknown as the ATA ortheparallel ATA and it has theparallel ATA onlyfor IBM compatible hard disk. Itisdifferentfrom SCSI becauseit has controllerforeachdevices, eachdevices can directlyconnecttothemotherboard. Firewire and IDE
RAID :=It stands fortheRedundantArray of Inexpensive Disk. RAID isconnectedtothehard drive and speed up the performance of thecomputerstorage. Itismainlyused in the server and high performance computer. SCSI := Itisthesmallcomputersystem interface. Itisthesecondmostcommonlyused interface for disk drive. Itiscapabletosupport 8 to 16 devices. SCSI standardforparallel interface, it transfer information at therate of 8 bit/sec. Italsosupportsevenperipheraldeviceslike CD-ROM, scanner etc. Itismainlydesigenforthe Apple MAC butitalsoused in the Unix and PC. RAID and SCSI
Itisalternativelyreferred as displayadapter, graphicscardor video adapter etc. Itisaninternalcircuitallow monitor todisplayimagesor video fromcomputer. These are connectedwiththe AGP, PCI onthemotherboard. Video card has threeconnectiononthe back side VGA, S-Video and DVI connector. Video Card
Fromaboveillustrationexpansioncards are kyed, meanstheywillgotoonedirection. Thesecards are designedforthe particular expansion slots. The back side of theexpansioncardalso a back slot thatallowscomputertoplugintothecard and interface withcomputer. Conclusion