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2013 NACME Data Book. Deck 6: 40 Year Trends, 1974 to 2014. Slide Deck Overview/Presenter Notes.
2013 NACME Data Book Deck 6: 40 Year Trends, 1974 to 2014
Slide Deck Overview/Presenter Notes • This deck is intended to illustrate changes in engineering trends among underrepresented minorities over the past 40 years. However, note the dates on the slides as few sources had the full range of data available. • Users should be mindful of the Y-axis scaling: the scale is relevant to the graphic and is not consistent across graphics. Additionally, white males are so numerous in engineering that graphs including this group will have far different Y-axis maxima than those showing data only for minority groups or for women. • Users who are attentive to the color scheme will notice consistent coloring of variables across graphics (i.e. African American trends are illustrated in blue when all races are present). However, be mindful that the colors were repurposed when the variables changed. • Many slides appear repetitive: this provides variations on the theme, showing different sets of groups defined by race/ethnicity, degree level, and sex. Additionally, due to the longitudinal nature of this deck, the majority of slides are line graphs. • As with other decks, the set is not necessarily meant to be a self-contained, sequential presentation but, rather, a deck from which users may select slides for any number of presentations. The repetition, therefore, provides users with many choices to present data. • Due to rounding, not all percentages equal 100%. Additionally, users should take note of the footnotes for valuable interpretive information, as well as source attribution. • Attribution: Please indicate that the source of these slides was the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. (NACME), Department of Researchand Program Evaluation. The NACME web address is: www.nacme.org, where the slides can be accessed and downloaded. Updated slides and additional decks covering new themes will be made available on an on-going basis. • Terminology notes: URM = underrepresented minority, which includes African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Latinos. When the term “American Indian” is used, it references “American Indians and Alaska Natives,” consistent with U.S. Census Bureau definitions. Asian/Pac. Isl. = Asian and Pacific Islanders are people of these descents who are U.S. citizens and permanent residents and do not include people of Asian origin who are in the United States predominantly for educational purposes. “Foreign” is used to refer to “temporary residents.”
SAT Mathematics Scores, 1986-2011 Sources: 1) College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1986-87 through 2009-10, retrieved September 14, 2010, from http://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/cb-seniors-2010,2) National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
SAT Mathematics Scores, 1986-2011 Sources: 1) College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1986-87 through 2009-10, retrieved September 14, 2010, from http://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/cb-seniors-2010,2) National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
SAT Mathematics, Reading, and Writing Scores, 1986-2011 ____ Reading _ _ _ _Mathematics.........Writing Note: Writing Test was initiated in 2005. Sources: 1) College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1986-87 through 2009-10, retrieved September 14, 2010, from http://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/cb-seniors-2010, 2) National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
SAT Mathematics, Reading, and Writing Scores, 1986-2011 ____ Reading _ _ _ _Mathematics.........Writing Note: Writing Test was initiated in 2005. Sources: 1) College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1986-87 through 2009-10, retrieved September 14, 2010, from http://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/cb-seniors-2010, 2) National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Trends in Engineering Enrollment, by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Deck 6.2
Percent of Freshmen Intending to Major in Engineering, 1985-2010 Sources: 1) Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, 2) Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
Percent of Freshmen Intending to Major in Engineering, 1985-2010 Sources: 1) Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, 2) Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
Percent of Freshmen Intending to Major in Engineering, 1985-2010 Sources: 1) Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, 2) Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
Percent of Freshmen Intending to Major in Engineering, 1985-2010 Sources: 1) Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, 2) Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Engineering Enrollment, 1999-2009 Source: Engineering Workforce Commission, Engineering & Technology Enrollments: Fall 2009
First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Engineering Enrollment, 1999-2009 Source: Engineering Workforce Commission, Engineering & Technology Enrollments: Fall 2009
First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Engineering Enrollment, 1986-2009 Sources: 1) NACME analysis of Enrollment and Persistence Databook (1986-1998); 2)Engineering Workforce Commission, Engineering & Technology Enrollments: Fall 2009
First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Engineering Enrollment, 1986-2009 Sources: 1) NACME analysis of Enrollment and Persistence Databook (1986-1998); 2)Engineering Workforce Commission, Engineering & Technology Enrollments: Fall 2009
Percent of College Enrollment Rates of Recent High School Completers, 1973-2011 Sources: 1) National Center for Education Statistics, 2011. Digest of Education Statistics, 2) American College Testing Program
Percent of College Enrollment Rates of Recent High School Completers, 1973-2011 Sources: 1) National Center for Education Statistics, 2011. Digest of Education Statistics, 2) American College Testing Program
Percent of College Enrollment Rates of Recent High School Completers, 1973-2011 Sources: 1) National Center for Education Statistics, 2011. Digest of Education Statistics, 2) American College Testing Program
Percent of College Enrollment Rates of Recent High School Completers, 1973-2011 Sources: 1) National Center for Education Statistics, 2011. Digest of Education Statistics, 2) American College Testing Program
Trends in Engineering Degree Attainment, by Race/Ethnicity Deck 6.3
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Men, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Men, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Women, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Women, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Degrees Earned by Women, 1977-2011 .........Bachelor's _ _ _ _Master's ____ Doctorate Note: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Values are the percentage of degrees earned at each time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Degrees Earned by Women, 1977-2011 .........Bachelor's _ _ _ _Master's ____ Doctorate Note: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Values are the percentage of degrees earned at each time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Men and Women, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URM Men and Women, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Degrees Earned by Men and Women, 1977-2011 Notes: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Values are the percentage of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees earned at each time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Degrees Earned by Men and Women, 1977-2011 Notes: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Values are the percentage of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees earned at each time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Degrees Earned by URMs, All Levels, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Associate’s Degrees, 1985-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Associate’s Degrees, 1985-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Associate’s Degrees, 1985-2011 Notes: Foreign are included in "Non-URM.“ Value at end of line is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Associate’s Degrees, 1985-2011 Notes: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Value at end of line is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Trends in Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, by Race/Ethnicity Deck 6.4
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Earned, 1977-2011 Note: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Value at end of line is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Earned, 1977-2011 Note: Foreign are included in "Non-URM." Value at end of line is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees among URMs, 1977-2011 (n=187,685) Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 (n=1,833,606) • Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 (n=1,833,606) Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 Note: Foreign students are included in “Non-URM.” Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 75% 14% 8% 3% Note: Foreign are included in “Non-URM.” Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 Note: Foreign are included in “Non-URM.” Value at end of line is total number of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees, 1977-2011 Note: Foreign are included in “Non-URM.” Value at end of line is total number of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by Men and Women, 1977-2011 Notes: Foreign are included in “Non-URM.” Value in the legend is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.
Percent of Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by Men and Women, 1977-2011 90% Notes: Foreign are included in “Non-URM.” Value in the legend is total percentage of degrees earned over time frame. Source: NACME analysis of Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data accessed via National Science Foundation’s WebCASPAR database system, July 2013.