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2013 NACME Data Book. Deck 2: Pre-College Educational Challenges. Overview/Purpose.
2013 NACME Data Book Deck 2: Pre-College Educational Challenges
Overview/Purpose • The slides in this deck provide data on the educational preparation of students prior to college. Slides show the different types of curricula, the extent to which students complete key courses in mathematics and science in high school, and standardized test scores in key subject areas. • Many slides have two versions: one with and one without data labels. The graphics are “cleaner” without the labels, yet there are some audiences for which such labeling might be important. • As with other decks, the set is not necessarily meant to be a self-contained, sequential presentation but, rather, a deck from which users may select slides for any number of presentations. The repetition, therefore, provides users with many choices to present data. • Attribution: please indicate that the source of these slides is the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. (NACME), Department of Research and Program Evaluation. The NACME web address is: www.nacme.org, where the slides can be accessed and downloaded. Updated slides and additional decks covering new themes will be made available on an on-going basis. • Terminology notes: URM = underrepresented minority, which includes African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Latinos. When the term “American Indian” is used, it references “American Indians and Alaska Natives,” consistent with U.S. Census Bureau definitions. Asian/Pac. Isl. = Asian and Pacific Islanders are people of these descents who are U.S. citizens and permanent residents and do not include people of Asian origin who are in the United States predominantly for educational purposes. “Foreign” is used to refer to “temporary residents.” Latinos can be any race: the category in most data sources includes people of all racial backgrounds who indicated that they were “Hispanic.” “Non-Latino White” refers to people who did not indicate a Latino background and did indicate “White” as a racial category.
High School Math Course Completion, by Race/Ethnicity Deck 2.1
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Algebra I Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Algebra I Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Algebra II Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Algebra II Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Analysis/Pre-Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Analysis/Pre-Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Statistics/Probability Courses in High School, 2009 * Data should be interpreted with caution due to low n values Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Statistics/Probability Courses in High School, 2009 * Data should be interpreted with caution due to low n values Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking AP Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Public and Private High School Graduates Taking AP Calculus Courses in High School, 2009 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Persons Age 25 and Over with High School Completion or Higher, 2011 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of Persons Age 25 and Over with High School Completion or Higher, 2011 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of High School Dropouts among Persons 16 through 24 Years Old, 2010 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of High School Dropouts among Persons 16 through 24 Years Old, 2010 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Scores, by Race/Ethnicity Deck 2.3
Percentage of 17-Year-Old Students at or Above Selected Mathematics Proficiency Levels, 2008 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 500 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Percentage of 17-Year-Old Students at or Above Selected Mathematics Proficiency Levels, 2008 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 500 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Average Scale Scores for Science, Grade 12, 2009 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 300 Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2009 Science Assessment.
Average Scale Scores for Science, Grade 12, 2009 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 300 Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2009 Science Assessment.
Average Science Scale Scores of 4th, 8th, and 12th Grade Public School Students, 2009 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 300 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Average Science Scale Scores of 4th, 8th, and 12th Grade Public School Students, 2009 Note: Scale ranges from 0 to 300 Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2012. Digest of Education Statistics, 2011.
Mean SAT Math Score, 2012 Note: Scale ranges from 200 to 800 Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
Mean SAT Math Score, 2012 Note: Scale ranges from 200 to 800 Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
Mean ACT Scores in STEM Subjects, 2012 Note: Scale ranges from 1 to 36 Source: ACT Profile Report, National (Graduating Class 2012). Accessed online at www.act.org.
Mean ACT Scores in STEM Subjects, 2012 Note: Scale ranges from 1 to 36 Source: ACT Profile Report, National (Graduating Class 2012). Accessed online at www.act.org.
Percentage of Students Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores, 2012 Note: ACT college readiness benchmarks are 22 for Mathematics, 24 for Science, 18 for English, and 21 for Reading. A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses. Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
Percentage of Students Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores, 2012 Note: ACT college readiness benchmarks are 22 for Mathematics, 24 for Science, 18 for English, and 21 for Reading. A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses. Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
Intended College MajorofSAT Test-Takers, 2012 Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
Intended College Major ofSAT Test-Takers, 2012 Source: College Board, (2012). 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report. New York, NY: The College Board.
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. 440 Hamilton Avenue Suite 302 White Plains, NY 10601 914-539-4010 914-539-4032 fax Visit us online: nacme.org Connect with us: