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Explore how Diplomacy, Non-Alignment, Detente, Treaties, and Liberation Movements have shaped international relations. From the Cold War era to modern challenges like the Iran Nuclear Program, discover key moments that have shaped diplomatic efforts to ease tensions.
Diplomacy Some countries choose to not to support USSR or USA Did not want to become dragged into war or confrontation between the USSR and USA Many saw the work of both countries as nothing more than colonialism Began the movement of Non-Alignment: the position taken by some members of the UN, mostly from the developing world, that did not form an alliance with either the United States or the USSR USSR and the USA used diplomacy to solve potential differences both in the UN and in direct negotiations.
Detente and Treaties After Stalin died, Khrushchev wanted to try to coexist without war, even if USA and the USSR were ideologically different. After Cuban Missile Crisis this became even more important. USSR felt they could not keep spending billions on the arms race, and the USA was spending vast sums of money on the Vietnam war
Detente: -use of peace treaties and reduction in arms spending to reduce tensions. Took place in the late 1960’s till 1979. French word for relaxing.
Nuclear Arms Treaties 1972-Nixon went to Moscow and signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 1) limiting the amount of nuclear bombs. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty: recognized that the threat of nuclear war would increase if you could shoot down nuclear missiles. Deterrence would not work. Nuclear War would be winnable.
Iran Nuclear Program President suggests he wants to use nuclear program for peaceful purposes. Other suspect he wants to develop nuclear arms Most countries are applying international pressure and maybe sanctions to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Should other countries be allowed to develop nuclear weapons?
Obama and Medvedev just signed a new arms deal decreasing nuclear arms by 30% Puts limits to about 1500 nuclear warheads. Obama said that he would not use nuclear weapons on countries that did not have nuclear weapons.
Liberation Movements Hungarian Revolution, 1956 Students started protesting against the government, government began shooting students, Protest grew and spread throughout the country, -new government was created, wanted to have elections, withdraw from Warsaw Pact -Soviets sent in military, took over country, killing 2500 people, and eliminating all opposition
Czechoslovakia 1968: leader started to create reforms that gave more rights and decentralized the government. Soviets invaded, taking control over the country.
Berlin Wall, 1989 Berlin Wall had been created to separate east/west Berlin, keep east Berliners from going into Allied zone. People who tried to escape were shot. 1989 wave of pro-democracy movements spread throughout Germany and Eastern Bloc countries Citizens of both sides came and destroyed the wall. Soviets did nothing, army watched as this occurred.