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Welcome. MTA RF Workshop. Particulars. The morning session is here in 1 East The afternoon session is in the Black Hole WH 2NW No registration Coffee Breaks – Cafeteria Dinner: @ 7:45 at La Sorrella Di Francesca 18W Jefferson Ave Naperville, IL. MuCool Test Area. MTA Hall.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome MTA RF Workshop

  2. Particulars • The morning session is here in 1 East • The afternoon session is in the Black Hole WH 2NW • No registration • Coffee Breaks – Cafeteria • Dinner: @ 7:45 at La Sorrella Di Francesca 18W Jefferson Ave Naperville, IL

  3. MuCool Test Area

  4. MTA Hall

  5. Beam Line Installation has Started • MUCH activity at the moment • Unfortunately, RF is locked out until the shielding wall between the MTA and Linac is back in place

  6. “Green” quads Shieldingblocks SQA’s Cooling ring dipoles Pulsed magnets MW’s MTA beam line layout

  7. “C”-magnets gate valve 25” 10” Booster & dump beam Extraction point to MTA line • Extraction begins upstream and ends downstream of the chopper • It is accomplished by 2 pulsed “C”-magnets power from a single power supply. • One 3° magnet upstream and one 7.5° magnet downstream of electrostatic chopper • Keeps the H- magnetic stripping losses under reasonable levels 10.5°

  8. MTA beam line installation • Goal • Feb 2007 • Install the MTA beam line components, or as much as possible, during 2007 shutdown. • FNAL shutdown • Start August 6th • Duration 10 weeks • Start from scratch…or almost from scratch • Finalize the beam line design and finish drawings • Build stands • Refurbish magnets • Utilities installation • Expand electrical distribution for MTA • Install cable trays • Install LCW system for cooling requirements • Install instrumentation, magnets, beam valves, beam stops, vacuum, controls, etc… MTA Beam line Status Fermilab AAC Meeting F.G. Garcia

  9. Organization Chart

  10. Hydraulic tests look good Surveyors referencing the magnets 10 TQTB (install 8 + 2 spares) (also known as 200MeV Quads, Green Quads, 400MeV Quads…) Current Status • Remnant field measurements complete • Electrical upgrade complete • The reference survey is complete • The magnet stands are ready and stored at MTA stub area TQTB quadrupoles are ready for installation

  11. air soil 10’-6” soil 26’-0” concrete 21’-0” 13’-6” concrete Shielding under hatch area The existing shielding underneath the hatch is not sufficient to run beam to the MTA enclosure It has been installed primary to protect personnel inside the MTA enclosure from Linac beam

  12. Operational limitations Source: Fermilab Radiological Control Manual (FCRM) http://wwwesh.fnal.gov/FRCM/Ch02/Ch02.html, 2005 Courtesy: C. Moore

  13. Shielding under hatch area (cont.) • Design has been developed • Conventional blocks • Space for beam stop is allocated • All blocks are on site • Estimate: ~10 days T&M contract Start: August 14th Courtesy: T. Kobilarcik

  14. Start of shielding work was delayed due to an onsite strike and the riggers would not cross. • Worked out last Thursday • Shielding work should be complete by 8/31 and we should be able to start RF tests again right after Labor Day • At this point we are decoupled from Beam Line Installation work • Except for parts that go in the MTA

  15. Overall Schedule

  16. The Vacuum RF Near-Term Plan • Continue Button tests with Bare and TiN coated buttons • We have buttons made with the following metals • Tantalum • Tungsten • Molybdenum-zirconium alloy • Niobium • Niobium-titanium alloy • Stainless steel • Continue conditioning 201 with Be windows (if power ever becomes available) without B field (after re-tuning). • Then do B field scan • Can go up to few hundred gauss at present • Need new pumping system to go higher • SHOULD ORDER ASAP • And eventually Coupling Coil

  17. ASAP

  18. Cryocooers Thermal shields and intercepts Power leads Cold mass supports Vacuum vessel He condenser He cooling pipes Coil assembly Pro/E drawing by C.S.Liu

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