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Life Is Like A Waterfall Phase I

Life Is Like A Waterfall Phase I. Wei Wei Professor: Afsaneh Ardehali Winter 2009 32 ARTN 420. Project. Xcel Sport Medicine, located in Vandalia, Ohio Physical Therapy and Training 7000 Sq. Ft. Proposed Budget $750,000. Existing Site. Sign too small I nvisible Less glass.

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Life Is Like A Waterfall Phase I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life Is Like A WaterfallPhase I • Wei Wei • Professor: AfsanehArdehali • Winter 2009 • 32 ARTN 420

  2. Project • Xcel Sport Medicine, located in Vandalia, Ohio • Physical Therapy and Training • 7000 Sq. Ft. • Proposed Budget $750,000

  3. Existing Site Sign too small Invisible Less glass Inconvenience area Unorganized space Uninterested color

  4. Research • Health (Theme) • Sketch • Material • Color

  5. Health http://www.hdwallpapers.in/walls/beautiful_sky_white_flower-normal.jpg http://static.howstuffworks.com /gif/willow/tiger-info0.gif Relaxation Freedom Future Hope View Trustworthy Professional Respect Pattern Sharp

  6. Health http://www.doraktravel.com/Resorce/Gallery_Images /thumb_LoteniWaterFalls.jpg Unbeatable Strength Natural Peace Joy

  7. Material http://media.rd.com/rd/images/rdc/ family-handyman/2003/05/buying-wood-f looring-01-af.jpg http://www.auto-accessory-manufacturers.com /images/Auto-Carpet.jpg http://www.barranger.com/Gallery/ April2008/glass-wall-(6).jpg Professional Warm Waiting Room Staff Office Circulation Freedom Dream Future Hope Wall Skylight Window Door Natural Relax Peace Therapy Room Studio Pattern Relax Kitchen Restroom Mechanical Rm Strength Clean Hope Open Structure http://www.tilesales.co.uk/ kitchen/images/large/kitchen2.jpg http://www.acegrinding.com/images/stainless_steel_rods.jpg

  8. Color http://hillbillychristmasinjuly.org /index.php/physical-therepy http://www.artsparx.com/images/color_room02.gif http://marlonlynn.com/images/g allery/photos/vienna_physical- therapy-room.jpg http://thewinger.com/words /wp-content/images/600/ 20070216_010004.JPG http://images.helpinghandschir opracticcare.com/local/46/2008_ office_pictures_008.jpg http://mt2-stage.ecohomeresource.com/ colorful%20room.jpg http://s1.hubimg.com/u/134496_f520.jpg

  9. Questions

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