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This article explores the unique contributions of Pirate Parties and argues that they can successfully develop innovative strategies based on both start-up and multinational companies. It emphasizes the importance of multilingualism in enhancing creativity.
What Pirate Parties can do that other parties cannot ? Exploring contributions from new ways of thinking (Senge, Rheingold, Morin), I will argue that Pirate Parties are working on (and should continue to), a successful development design, based on both start up and multinational companies’ strategies. Some focus will be given to concerning multilingualism’s importance to enhance creativity Steve Jobs (2 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f60dheI4ARg
The Fifth Discipline, Peter SENGE (2010, updated and revised edition, Crown Publishing Group) Systems thinking, Team learning, Mental models, Building shared vision, Personal mastery
Systems thinking (the fifth discipline that integrates the other four) • - be someone • - learn, teach and interact • - create, innovate • - share, propose, foster, realize MORE : http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Fifth-Discipline-Practitioners-as-per-1484167?gid=1484167&goback=.gmp_1484167
Team learning • Team learning starts with dialogue, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and genuinely think together. It develops the skills of groups to look for the larger picture beyond individual perspectives. • - me - we – together - team
Mental models & Building shared vision • Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures (images) that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. • - true – false - obvious • - real - virtual • - now - then - before • Building shared vision - a practice of shared pictures of the future that foster genuine commitment rather than compliance. • - know - doubt - believe - dream – SHARE !
Personal mastery Personal mastery is a discipline of • - continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, • - focusing our energies, • - developing patience, • - seeing reality objectively; It fosters the personal motivation to continually learn how actions affect the world. • - learn - teach • - patience - self-discipline - willingness
In addition to the disciplines which Senge suggests are beneficial to what he describes as a learning organization, he also points out several deleterious habits or mindsets, which he refers to as “learning disabilities”: • - I am my position • - The enemy is out there • - The illusion of proactive attitude.... • - The fixation on events • - The parable of the boiling frog • - The delusion of learning from experience (time enough for feedback) ... unknown consequences • - The myth of the management team (they find all the solutions)
The 11 Laws of the Fifth Discipline (I): • - Today's problems come from yesterday's solutions • - The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back • - It grows better before it grows worse (short term improvement vs. long term disadvantages) • - The easy way out usually leads back in • - The cure can be worse than the disease • - Faster is slower
The 11 Laws of the Fifth Discipline (II): • - Cause and effect are not closely related in time and space • - Small changes can produce big results...but the areas of highest influence are often the least obvious • - You can have your cake and eat it too - but not all at once • - Dividing an elephant in halves does not produce two small elephants • - There is no blame …
Howard Rheingold« Net Smart » “A population that knows what to do with the tools at hand stands a better chance of resisting enclosure. The more people who know how to use participatory media to learn, inform, persuade, investigate, reveal, advocate and organize, the more likely the future info sphere will allow, enable and encourage liberty and participation.”
http://rheingold.com/netsmart/ «The future of digital culture—yours, mine, and ours—depends on how well we learn to use the media that have infiltrated, amplified, distracted, enriched, and complicated our lives. How you employ a search engine, stream video from your phone cam, or update your Facebook status matters to you and everyone, because the ways people use new media in the first years of an emerging communication regime can influence the way those media end up being used and misused for decades to come»
Digital Literacy- amplifiers, creative commonsPeeragogy- reasons to learn, reasons to teach; asymmetryReversal Education- free of charges, altruist- influence - manipulation
Les sept savoirs nécessaires à l’éducation du futur, Seuil (2000) http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001177/117740fo.pdf («The 7 Wisdomsrequiredfor the Education of the Future», in French) Résumés : http://www.gps-st-ismier.org/spip/spip.php?article160 http://www.ecole-des-finances-personnelles.fr/les-sept-savoirs/
1.How to know Blindness of knowledge: error and illusion • Education, which aims to provide knowledge, does not take into account the essence of what human knowledge is: its features, its weaknesses, its difficulties, its propensity to error as to illusion. Education simply ignores the mechanism of knowledge construction. • It is necessary to develop the teaching of the characteristics of human knowledge, of its mental and cultural processes and procedures. • - errors - certitudes • - illusions - norms
2.Principles of relevant knowledge • The major quality of knowledge is its capacity to stagger problems in their global and fundamental aspects in order to incorporate local and partial knowledge. • - mutual relations and reciprocal influences between the parts and the whole • - global - local • - specialization - disjunction
3.Human condition & 4.Earth identity • The human being is a physical, biological, psychological, cultural, social and historical one. • In this section, Morin shows us how is it possible to redesign the existing disciplines ( natural sciences, humanities, literature and philosophy ) to explain the inextricable link between the unity and the diversity of each human being. • - - - • It is crucial to teach the history of the global era, which began with the connection of all continents in the 16th century. It is also important to show how all parts of the world became interdependent. We should point out oppression and domination periods that human history have passed through, some of them being still relevant. • The global crisis that marked the last century is to be studied in its deepest aspects: it reveals that all humans are now facing similar problems and share a common destiny.
5.Uncertainties • We should teach the strategic principles that allow us to tackle hazards, unexpected and uncertain events and situations. We should be able to modify our strategy, according to the information acquired to put it in practice (importance of feedback). • We must learn to sail in an ocean of uncertainties passing by islands of certainty. • To live our lives as smoothly as possible, it will be necessary to prepare us for the unexpected. Uncertainty is part of the human adventure.
6.Mutual understanding &7.Ethics of mankind • Mutual understanding between peoples is vital in order to end all forms of barbarism. • We must study misunderstanding from its roots, terms and effects. To stop racism, xenophobia and contempt, there should be increasing interest in roots’ causes and the question "why" should be used, rather than trying to identify the symptoms. • - - - • Ethics of mankind ; The purpose is to contribute to the awareness of some "Earth -Patriotism" and its translation (evolution) into a desire to achieve the earthly citizenship.
BE DIFFERENT • Same values, shareddiagnosis (other parties have theesetoo) • Help eachotherisbetterthancompetition • Fleetingfriendships of young people fosterdiversity, curiosity, creativity • Used to imperfection, we are able to learn from our errors • To be a party… and … not to be a party (likeothers) ; national vs. PPEU or PPI • Thinkglobally, actlocally, ACT TOGETHER ! THINK TWICE, or more… • Members, activists, sympatisants, “captive customers” (Digital Literacy, Pirate University, Publishing Company ?)
BETTER & FASTER • Local and regionallevel : innovate (~ startups) ; look for inspiration not for imitation • Ensure : traceability, memory (tactical secret ?) • Define : progress, subsidiarity, • Prepare transposition to othercontext ; verify feedback • European, national level : bepredatory(~ multinational companies), from one another • Quick transfer and adaptation of new ideas ans practices • Translate intoneighbours’ languages (not only English….); ensurefast distribution • Define : interoperability, security, • Concentrate the action and save the energy
PPEU & PPI • Restlessness, indignation, protection of interests, reactions and oppositions are not enough to make politics • Build on new value : reputation • Be dynamic, never stop… • PP EU : create a new balance of power ; use EU languages (ways of thinking) • PPI : became an ethical regulator ; a “professional” of “non professionals” ; federate !