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GANIL-SPIRAL: Physics Highlights and Ongoing Projects in Nuclear Research

Explore the latest updates on nuclear physics projects at GANIL-SPIRAL, including beam advancements and facility expansions for cutting-edge research. Learn about upcoming initiatives and collaborations in the field.

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GANIL-SPIRAL: Physics Highlights and Ongoing Projects in Nuclear Research

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  1. GANIL -SPIRAL 2010-2011 GANIL-SPIRAL: Physics Highlights and Ongoing projects

  2. Nuclear facilities in Europe KVI Gröningen Jyväskylä CERN-ISOLDE GSI DUBNA ORSAY GANIL Legnaro Catane GANILCoordinating Institution ENSAR: New I3 FP7 EU Program follow up of FP6 EURONS TNA GANIL: to provide access to GANIL

  3. NuPECC LRP2010 Recommendations-June 2010 • Complete ESFRI Facilities • FAIR with PANDA, CBM, NuSTAR and FLAIR • SPIRAL2 at GANIL including S3 and DESIR • Complete Major Upgrades • HIE-ISOLDE at CERN • SPES at INFN-LNL • AGATA

  4. 238U beam VAMOS Exogam N-wall LISE MUST 2 MAYA TPC ACTAR Selected recent Physics Highlights x ISOL ISOL SIRA In Flight

  5. 2010 Beam time available for physics High energy: 3615 h 61 expts IRRSUD: 1585 h SME : 1100 h VAMOS Exogam LISE

  6. GANIL in 2011 3 running periods in 2011 (4113 h): (no problem for HE physics experiments ) 18 March  –   15 May                    run1 23 May    -  27 July                 run2 29 August  –  16 October              run3 GANIL-SPIRAL1-SPIRAL2 General information to the community 2011- 2012 - 2013 rise of SPIRAL2 … towards a fruitful and coherent scientific program between GANIL- SPIRAL1 - SPIRAL2 • GANIL-SPIRAL 1 scientific program four months in 2012 • Deliver more than 350 UT in 2012 • (2 runs from March 15th -Oct 30th 2012) • GANIL –SPIRAL1 : 6 months in 2013 • The first beams of SPIRAL2 Phase 1 are expected in mid 2013.

  7. Fresh news from the SPIRAL upgrade Metallic beams from a FEBIAD ion source • Already more beams than presently delivered at SPIRAL! • Most beams have projected intensities > 106 pps for 1.5kW primary beam power New beams from FEBIAD (LIRAT, IBE): 2013 New beams from Booster (CIME energies): end of 2014 • Tests in SIRa • in May with 58Ni@ 75 AMeV • in July with 36Ar @95AMeV + SPIRAL Target Ionized as stable beams Ionised as radioactive beams Existing beams at SPIRAL FEBIAD ISOLDE GANISOL ISOL beams for GANIL

  8. AGATA physics campaigns 2010-15 1997-2002: R&D on highly segmented Ge detector 2003-2009: AGATA demonstrator (6.5 M€ ; 250 m.y.) 2010-2014: AGATA 1/3 (12 M€ ; 200 m.y.) 2015-20xx: AGATA 4p (25 M€ ; 200 m.y.) 2014/15  GANIL/SPIRAL2 ~10 ATC + 5 ADC 2010/11  LNL≥5 ATC 2012/13  GSI/FRS≥5 ATC + 5 ADC AGATA-15 + VAMOS AGATA-5 + PRISMA AGATA-10 @ FRS total eff. e ~ 6% total eff. e > 10% total eff. e > 15 %

  9. First production of a stable ion beam@GANIL using a resonant ionization laser ion source A Ga+ beam produced using GISELE (GANIL Ion Source using Electron Laser Excitation) and the source SOMEIL (Source Optimisée pour les Mesures d’Efficacité par Ionisation Laser). A First step towards a laser ion source dedicated to SPIRAL2 GISELE laser system Analysing magnet SOMEIL ion source Ga+ ion beam From N. Lecesne and the LARISSA group (Mainz)

  10. Belgodere Oct 2011 • First GANIL-PhD Award • To • Dr D.SUZUKI (IPN Orsay) • Missing mass spectroscopy on oxygen isotopes beyond the drip-line

  11. Signature of FAZIA MoU

  12. GANIL/SPIRAL1/SPIRAL2 Construction 2006-2014 High potential of the accelerator complex GANIL+SPIRAL 2 5 expts in Parallèl / 2 expts with exotic beams in parallel User >1000 SPIRAL2 High intensity frontier for both stable and « exotic » beams GANIL/SPIRAL 1 today SPIRAL2 CIME cyclotron RIB at 1-20 AMeV (up to 9 AMeV for ff) DESIR Facility low energy RIB HRS+RFQ Cooler Mi-2015 RIB Production Cave Up to 1014fiss./sec. S3 separator-spectrometer 2013 LINAC: 33MeV p, 40 MeV d, 14.5 A MeV HI A/q=2 source p, d, 3,4He 5mA A/q=3 HI source Up to 1mA Neutrons For Science

  13. Civil construction SPIRAL2 Phase 1 September 14th, 2011 Beginning of ground breaking: December 2010 End of excavation phase: May 2011 First concrete walls: September 2011 NFS S3 S3 Thanks to Ganil staff and SPIRAL2 project group Thanks for your patience and come to visit us At GANIL-SPIRAL2 new facility RFQ LINAC Ion sources Official Inauguration October 17th ,2011

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