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Women in the `Abbasid Court and Beyond (part II)

Women in the `Abbasid Court and Beyond (part II). HIST 1007 10/11/13. Women and the Conquests. Captives and slaves Polygyny and concubines H arems Created complex family structures Acknowledged heirs with slave mothers. Women in Islamic Law. Marriage contract, in the

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Women in the `Abbasid Court and Beyond (part II)

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  1. Women in the `Abbasid Court and Beyond (part II) HIST 1007 10/11/13

  2. Women and the Conquests • Captives and slaves • Polygyny and concubines • Harems • Created complex family structures • Acknowledged heirs with slave mothers

  3. Women in Islamic Law • Marriage contract, in the presence of two witnesses • Limits on incest (consanguinity, foster relationships, marriage to mother and daughter or two sisters) • Dower to bride (not a bride price) • Discourage divorce • Men manage communal property and all finances

  4. Women in Islamic Law • Full rights to own property • Does not need to contribute to maintaining household • Women would typically inherit half of what a man would • Wealthy women could have more agency • Poor women could have more freedom in public

  5. The `Abbasid Harem • Royal women established their own households • Granted palaces like royal men • Patrons of art and architecture • Zubayda, wife of Harun al-Rashid • Rusafa: Baghdadi palace for royal daughters and dowagers • Buran, wife of al-Ma’mun Remains of Rusafa

  6. The `Abbasid Harem • After al-Ma’mun, no more wives • Umm al-Walid: Mother of the heir apparent • Royal mother powerful figure at court • Women and manipulation of succession • Harem becomes secluded part of palace

  7. Quiz 2 • Part 1 • Take a clean sheet of paper out and write your name on top of it. • You may use your books and notes • You may use notes on your laptop, but you should not use the internet

  8. Quiz 2 • You have 10 minutes to write a paragraph identifying and explaining the historical significance of the following term… • Khadija(h)

  9. Quiz 2 • Write “End Part One” immediately following the last word of your paragraph.

  10. Quiz 2 • Part 2 • We will now count you off into groups of five. • Your group will have 15 minutes to write a “master” identification for “Khadija(h)”. • Make sure everyone’s name is on the master response. • You will submit both your individual and group responses (there is a stapler up front). • Your grade will be 50% your individual response and 50% your group response.

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