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Join us at the Ilikai Hotel, Pacific Ballroom on December 1, 2005, for a workshop series on Standards-Based Education in Visual Arts, Music, Drama, and Dance. Explore the journey and impact of implementing standards-based education, from student achievement standards to curriculum mapping and assessment practices. Learn how to translate beliefs into classroom practices for quality education, with a focus on Hawaii State's Standards-Based Education and Comprehensive Student Support Systems. Delve into the development specifications and timeline for Standards-Based Education in Hawaii's public schools. Discover the major differences between HCPS II and III, taxonomic rubric levels, and the evolution of standards over the years. Uncover the timeline for implementing HCPS III and developing a K-12 promotion policy. Explore decision-making processes for curriculum mapping programs and the creation of K-12 benchmark maps. This workshop series will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the standards-based education landscape effectively.
STANDARDS-BASED EDUCATION ICEBERG Student Achievement Standards Rubrics for Grade Level/Course Benchmarks (Quality Indicators) Standards-based Curriculum Mapping Standards-Based Instruction Standards-Based Assessment Standards-Based Courses Recommended Standards-Based Textbooks/Programs Standards-Based Grading Standards-Based Report Cards Standards-Based Hawaii State Assessment Standards-Based Promotion Policy TBA
When we started the Standards-Based Education journey in 1994, we did not realize that this initiative would catalyze a revolutionary change in how we teach, assess and grade - in short, causing a systemic change in education.
Most important, the implementation of standards-based education requires that the following beliefs be translated into practice in every classroom: • Quality education for ALL children. • ALL children can and want to learn.
HCPS System& csss Vision of a Public School Graduate NCLB Act 51 AYP Strategic Plan Benchmarks HSA Standards-Based Grading Standards-Based Report Card
Hawaii’s Standards-Based Education and Comprehensive Student Support Systems
HCPS - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE • HCPS I 1994 1,544 standards • HCPS II 1999 139 standards (10 content areas) • HCPS III 2005 75 standards (9 content areas)
HCPS II vs. HCPS III: MAJOR DIFFERENCES HCPS III: • contains content and performance standards-those which can be measured. • does not contain items which are related to instruction/instructional pedagogy. • clearly delineates what concepts and/or skills which need to be taught and mastered at the specified taxonomic level for a specific grade level - that is why the same concept and/or skills are/is NOT repeated until mastery at a new taxonomic level is required. • establishes the taxonomic level at which students need to demonstrate proficiency. • provides a rubric for each benchmark. • provides benchmarks by courses for secondary schools.
TAXONOMIC RUBRIC LEVELS LEVEL IV LEVEL III LEVEL IILEVEL I Knowledge Analysis Comprehension Knowledge Retrieval Utilization ~Analyze using ~ Analyze ~ Describe how _ ~ Collect Data evidence ~ Categorize depends on _ ~ Define and find ~Classify with ~ Classify ~ Describe how/why examples of justification ~ Compare ~ Diagram ~ Describe different ~ Generate/ ~ Create a ~ Explain the concept types of Test rule ~ Identify the ~ Give/Provide Hypotheses ~ Differentiate essential as examples ~ Investigate ~ Find what is opposed to non- ~ List ~ Use _ to common essential ~ Name determine _ among_ ~ Illustrate/Describe ~ Recall ~ Use _ to ~ Predict how _ is related to ~ Recognize Solve ~ Represent ~ Select from a list ~ Demonstrate and explain
HCPS III DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR McREL • HCPS II ~ Eliminate overlaps, redundancies ~ Ensure consistent grain size • Compare HCPS II essential standards and benchmarks with: ~ highly regarded standards documents from other states and make recommendations to align, add/delete ~ national foundational documents (NCTM, TIMSS Results and Analyses) • Provide recommendations for strands and topics that organize the standards and benchmarks
STANDARDS-BASED EDUCATION TIMELINE ‘04-’05 ‘05-’06 ‘06-’07 ‘07-’08 Complete HCPS III ~ Complete HCPS III Implement HCPS III for Science(4/21), Math for Social Studies, (5/19) & La ( (6/9), Fine Arts, World PE (6/23), Health (6/23) Lang., CTE (8/18) ~ Implement HCPS III Training Hawaii State Assessment based SS-HSA Field Test on HCPS III in Fall 2007 Elementary SB- Elementary SB- Elementary SB- Elementary SB- Report Card-Pilot Report CardI Report Card II Report Card III Secondary SB- Report Card I (Postponed to 2008-09) GLO Rating-All SB-Grading: All SB-Grading/GLOs: Elementary Schools Elementary Schools All Secondary Schools Implement Middle Implement K-12 Level Promotion Promotion/Retention Policy Policy
TIMELINE FOR DEVELOPMENT OFK-12 PROMOTION POLICY • Convene K-12 Promotion Policy April 2005 Task Force • Complete K-12 Promotion Policy November 2005 (Draft) - Present to the Regular (Postponed until Education Committee decisions on SB-report card finalized.) (Review Summer School Policy and explore the need for Intersession School Policy. This would be followed with development of a comprehensive intervention program.)
DECISION ON CURRICULUM MAPPING PROGRAMS • Meeting held on Friday, March 4, 2005 • Decisions: ~ Since data is web-based, it appears that the data can be migrated to the DOE system once the system has been built. ~ Therefore, complex areas may purchase the services from the vendor if desired. ~ Research on establishing a vendor list is being conducted. • Lotus Notes based program will be developed
’04 – ’05 ’05 –’ 06 ’06 – ’07 ’07 – 08 K-12 Benchmark Maps Newly created Instruc. ~11/05: LA, Math, Guides and assessment Science tasks linked to HCPS III ~ 2/06: SS, PE, on the website Health, Fine Arts, World Lang., CTE Develop & implement online and televised training programs on HCPS III Develop Lotus Implement Lotus Notes Notes curriuculum curriculum mapping tool mapping tool 2006-10 ACCN posted Schools begin offering on website 2006-10 ACCN courses Implement new Graduation Requirements
Benchmark Map Available in Notes and on DOE Website… By the end of December = Math, Language Arts, Science By the end of February = Rest of the content areas
Curriculum Map • Developed by teachers/schools • Includes elements of Benchmark Map, PLUS content, skills, essential questions, assessments, instruction
Summary of State Support Benchmark Map + Instructional Guide Starting point for teachers without Curriculum Maps AND Provides validation for teachers with Curriculum Maps
Kinds of Curriculum Maps State Benchmark Map – created by content specialists School/Teacher Maps Diary – actually taught Projected – plan to teach Consensus – common agreements
’04 – ’05 ’05 –’ 06 ’06 – ’07 ’07 – ’08 Develop Credit by Exam Tests (Implement Algebra Test in Spring ’08) Develop standardized course assessment tests Recommended Textbook/Program Review