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Words of the Week 2009-2010. 2 nd Semester. Previous Roots You Are Responsible For. CLUD, CLUS = close DICT, DIC = speak FER = carry PRE = before IL, IN = not LIG, LI = bind PATH, PASS = feel SEQU = follow ACR, ACU = sharp, sour CIRCUM = around ANT, ANTE = before FUS = pour
Words of the Week2009-2010 2nd Semester
Previous Roots You Are Responsible For • CLUD, CLUS = close DICT, DIC = speak • FER = carry PRE = before • IL, IN = not LIG, LI = bind • PATH, PASS = feel SEQU = follow • ACR, ACU = sharp, sour CIRCUM = around • ANT, ANTE = before FUS = pour • GRAD, GRESS = step PLIC = fold • SED, SID = sit, settle TRACT = draw, drag • CRAC, CRAT = rule
Week #19 • GREG means flock or herd
Egregious - outstandingly bad; flagrant • from Latin ēgregius outstanding (literally: standing out from the herd)
Gregarious - Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable
Previous Roots You Are Responsible For • CLUD, CLUS = close DICT, DIC = speak • FER = carry PRE = before • IL, IN = not LIG, LI = bind • PATH, PASS = feel SEQU = follow • ACR, ACU = sharp, sour CIRCUM = around • ANT, ANTE = before FUS = pour • GRAD, GRESS = step PLIC = fold • SED, SID = sit, settle TRACT = draw, drag • CRAC, CRAT = rule GREG = flock, herd
1. CLUD, CLUS 10. DICT, DIC 2. FER 11. PRE 3. IL, IN 12. LIG, LI 4. PATH, PASS 13. SEQU 5. ACR, ACU 14. CIRCUM 6. ANT, ANTE 15. FUS 7. GRAD, GRESS 16. PLIC 8. SED, SID 17. TRACT 9. CRAC, CRAT 18. GREG • Bank: before, follow, pour, draw, close, not, sharp, step, rule, speak, bind, around, fold, carry, feel, before, sit (or settle), flock (or herd)
Week #20 • HYPO means (under) • Hypochondriac • Hypocrisy • Hypodermic • Hypoglycemic • Hypothesis
Hypochondriac – a person with chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms
Hypocrisy - the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not (esp. in the area of morals or religion)
Hypodermic - the region of the skin beneath the epidermis • Hypodermic needle
Hypoglycemia - An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood
Hypothesis - a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
1. CLUD, CLUS 11. DICT, DIC 2. FER 12. PRE 3. IL, IN 13. LIG, LI 4. PATH, PASS 14. SEQU 5. ACR, ACU 15. CIRCUM 6. ANT, ANTE 16. FUS 7. GRAD, GRESS 17. PLIC 8. SED, SID 18. TRACT • CRAC, CRAT 19. GREG • HYPO • Bank: before, follow, pour, ,under, draw, close, not, sharp (or sour), step, rule, speak, bind, around, fold, carry, feel, before, sit (or settle), flock (or herd)
Week #21 JECT mean throw Adjective Conjecture Dejected Interject Trajectory
Adjective - a word that expresses an attribute of something • Remember “Unpack Your Adjectives”?
Conjecture - the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence; guess
Interject - to insert abruptly or sharply; interrupt; throw in
Trajectory - the path followed by an object moving through space
CLUD, CLUS • SPIR 3. FER 12. PRE 4. IL, IN 13. LIG, LI 5. PATH, PASS 14. SEQU 6. ACR, ACU 15. CIRCUM 7. ANT, ANTE 16. FUS 8. GRAD, GRESS 17. PLIC • SED, SID 18. DICT, DIC • CRAC, CRAT 19. TRACT • HYPO 20. GREG • Bank: before, follow, pour, breathe, under, draw, close, not, sharp (or sour), step, rule, speak, bind, around, fold, carry, feel, before, sit (or settle), flock (or herd)
SPIR (breathe) • Aspire • Inspired • Respiration • Spiritual • Transpire
Aspire - To have a great ambition; desire strongly • The contestants aspire to be famous.
Inspired - Of such excellence as to suggest divine inspiration • (an inspired musician; an inspired performance)
Spiritual - relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter; intangible
Transpire - to come to light; be known • Despite efforts to hush the matter up, it soon transpired that the colonels had met with the rebel leaders.
Obtuse - not sharp, acute, or pointed • What is the definition of an obtuse angle?
Obliterate – to remove from existence • An H-bomb could obliterate an entire city.
Sustenance - Something, especially food, that sustains life or health
Tenacious - To hold persistently to something, such as a point of view
WEEK #7 VOC, VOK means call
Advocate - One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender
Unequivocal - having only one meaning or interpretation • Is there unequivocal evidence for global warming?
Vocation – an occupation (from Middle English vocacioun, divine call to a religious life)
WEEK #8 BELLI, BELL means war
Antebellum - Belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War. • An Antebellum Mansion
Bellicose - Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament; belligerent. • What are the most bellicose nations to the U.S. right now?
Belligerent - Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive.
Rebel - To resist or defy an authority (verb); a Confederate soldier (noun)