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ACADEMIC COUNCIL REPORT WARREN K. WRAY PROVOST AND EXECUTIVE VICE CHANCELLOR FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS June 7, 2007. ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT. Enrollment Update. Summer Semester Pre-Enrollment SS2006 SS2007 Change Total 1430 1531 + 7.1% Fall Semester Pre-Enrollment FS2006 FS2007 Change
Enrollment Update Summer Semester Pre-Enrollment SS2006 SS2007 Change Total 1430 1531 + 7.1% Fall Semester Pre-Enrollment FS2006 FS2007 Change Total 4212 4500 + 6.8%
Research • UMR received three of the 62 FY07 Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) awards from the U.S. Department of Education. Congratulations to Drs. Belarbi, Madria, Venayagamoorthy and their team members! • Proposal activities through April 2007 • Proposals awarded: $30.96M (up 4.4%) • Proposals submitted: $97.62M (down 3.3%) • F&A recovery through April: $3.69M (down 15.8%) • Externally sponsored grant and contract expenditures through April 2007: $25.06M (down 16%)
FY 07: Proposals Awarded through April +4.4% compared to FY 06 Total: $30.96M
FY 07: Proposals Submitted through April Total: $97.62M -3.3% compared to FY 06
Academic Advising Webinar Expanding Your Comfort Zone: Strategies for Developing and Demonstrating Cultural Competence in Academic Advising, a live Internet-broadcast Webinar event on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 1:00-2:30 PM UMR Havener Center Please RSVP to Amy Gillman (gillman@umr.edu) or Sunnie Hughes (hughessu@umr.edu) by Thursday, June 7, 2007.
Hit the Ground Running- 2007 Hit the Ground Running (HGR), UMR’s high school-to-freshman year summer transition program, is expected to have a record high number of attendees for the July 8th-28th program. HGR has proven to benefit UMR students significantly in assisting them to quickly establish realistic academic expectations and strategies to meet the requirements of coursework expectations, campus life, and community involvement at UMR.
Honors Academy Recruiting The Office of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies recently sent letters of invitation and Honors Academy brochures to over 300 prospective students who are eligible for membership in the Honors Academy for Fall 2007.
Re-Accreditation Self Study Current Happenings/Project Timeline: • Sub-committee Outlines Done/Chancellor & Provost Review: June 8, 2007 • HLC liaison, Mary Breslin, to visit UMR on June 13-14, 2007 • Self-Study Report Compilation Begins: May-September 2007 • NCA HLC Comprehensive Review Team Visit Dates: February 23-25, 2009
School of Extended LearningAcademic Council ReportMay 2007 The Video Communications Center is projecting significant growth for FS 2007 as indicated in the accompanying graph below.
School of Extended LearningAcademic Council ReportMay 2007 • Outstanding Teaching Awards were announced for the following faculty at a luncheon held on April 23, 2007. • Awards of Excellence for those receiving a perfect 4.0 rating. • Richard Bullock • David Enke • Scott Grasman • Roger LaBoube • Robert Laney • Harold Wagner, Jr. • Award of Commendation for outstanding performance slightly below 4.0 • Victor Birman • Ronald Carson • K. Chandrashekhara • Leroy Cox • Lokesh Dharani • Benjamin Dow • Xiaoqing Liu • Ronaldo Luna • Norbert Maerz • Ann Miller • Donald Myers • E. William Showalter • Douglas Swift • Maciej Zawodniok
School of Extended LearningAcademic Council ReportMay 2007 • Dr. Juma Al Ghailani, Dean and Managing Director of Mazoon College, Muscat, Oman, made his annual visit to UMR May 9-13, 2007. The purpose of this visit was to discuss our international affiliation agreement and to attend UMR’s undergraduate commencement ceremony on May 12. • Last month, Chancellor Carney, Dr. Henry Wiebe and Jay Goff visited several institutions in Malaysia to discuss Model Transfer Programs. Two agreements were finalized and signed during this trip: Taylor’s University College and INTI International University. In addition, PETRONAS has agreed to send several fully funded students to UMR for completion of their degrees and three additional applications have been received from INTI.
School of Extended LearningAcademic Council ReportMay 2007 • In conjunction with the above trip, Dr. Tan Yew Sing, President, and Dr. Tee Meng Yew, Academic Director of INTI visited the UMR campus on Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26 with the purpose of further strengthening the relationship between the two institutions. • The Intensive English Program sponsored an end of the semester picnic for all IEP students, teachers, participants in the Conversation Partner program, and International Affairs staff members. Our special guests were members of the Missouri Department of Conservation – Agent Steve Zap, Agent Jason Braunecker, Rob Chapman, Brian Hall, Lee Hughes, and Nick Girondo. They helped introduce the international students to another Ozark tradition --- fishing. They brought fishing poles so that the students could practice fishing skills while learning about Missouri fishing regulations.
Sanjay Madria and his team (Maggie Cheng, Fikret Ercal, Jagannathan, and Genda Chen) received funding from DOE for 3 years in the amount of $383,640. This grant will provide fellowships for PhD students who will study “Secure and Adaptable Energy-efficient Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring.''
- Jennifer Leopold and Anne Maglia have received funding from NSF for 3 years at $350k/year. The project is entitled "Semi-Automated Construction of an Ontology for Amphibian Morphology.“ • Jim Bogan will be presenting his BRAZILOGY—three poetic documentaries made in Brazil—at the Brazilian-American Cultural Institute in Washington DC on June 6.
Positive HappeningsBusiness Administration Graduate certificate in Business Essentials in final stage of approval. Center for Enterprise Resource Planning in final stage of approval. Negotiating with several universities in China to establish agreements. First MBA students participating in great summer internships.