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EVALUASI PRODUKTIVITAS TANAH – TANAMAN Mk. Stela-smno.fpub.jun2013. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING. Nilai CPI menyediakan informasi ranking relatif tanah-tanah berdasarkan potensinya untuk produksi tanaman .

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  1. EVALUASI PRODUKTIVITAS TANAH – TANAMAN Mk. Stela-smno.fpub.jun2013

  2. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING Nilai CPI menyediakaninformasi ranking relatiftanah-tanahberdasarkanpotensinyauntukproduksitanaman. Indeksinidapatdigunakanuntukmenilaipotensial-hasiltanamanpadasuatutanahdibandingkantanahlainnyaselamaperiodewaktutertentu. Sumber:.

  3. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING Productivity Index (PI) Model Productivity index (PI) merupakansuatuukuran yang diturunkandariproduktivitastanah.  Asumsimendasardari model PI iniadalahbahwahasiltanamanmerupakanfungsidaripertumbuhanakar, yang selanjutnyapertumbuhanakarinidikendalikanolehkondisilingkungantanah. Sumber:.

  4. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING CPI menunjukkanproduksipertaniansetiaptahun, relatifterhadaptahaundasartertentu (misalnya 2004-2006). Indeksinimelingkupisemuatanaman, kecualitanamanpakanternak. Regional and income group aggregates for the FAO's production indexes are calculated from the underlying values in international dollars, normalized to the base period 2004-2006. Sumber:.

  5. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING Indeksproduksitanamanmerupakanindikatortingkatproduksitanaman. Indeksinimencerminkanperubahan volume produksidansiklusproduksi. The index covers 21 major crops and 20 vegetables and fruits, accounting for 67.7% of total value of agricultural products. Monthly index is calculated, then quarterly and yearly indices are derived as the average of monthly series. Data can be dated back to 1988. Sumber:. http://www2.bot.or.th/statistics/Download/EC_EI_010_ENG.PDF

  6. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING Data sekunderdariinstansiresmipemerintahdapatdigunakanuntukperhitungan. Indeksdihitungdnegan formula Laspeyres, tahundasarnyamisalnya 1988. Produksibulanantahundasar (1988) merupakan rata-rata total-produksisetiaptanamanselamaseluruhtahun. Weight applied to each product is the relative value-added of each product to that of the entire agricultural sector as appeared in the national account disseminated by the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB). Formula yang digunakanadalahsbb: Sumber:.

  7. CPI = CROP PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING dimana = CPI untukbulan t, = Kuantitasproduktanamanibulan t padatahunsedangberjalan = Kuantitasproduktanamanipadatahundasar 1988 = Bobotprodukipadatahundasar 1988 n = Banyaknyaproduktanaman yang dipakaidalamperhitungan. Sumber:.

  8. ASPEK –ASPEK FISIKA PRODUKTIVITAS TANAH Sumber:. http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e05.htm#TopOfPage

  9. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN HubunganSumberdaya Tanah denganSistemPertanaman Pandangantradisionaltentangpengaruhtanahialahbahwa “tanah” menyediakan “peluang” atau “kendala” bagitipe-tipesistem-pertanaman yang dapatdiimplementasikandanproduktivitasnya. A more responsible view is that 'the soil' combines various properties which interrelate and are directly influenced by the procedures of cropping. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  10. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Pengelolaan Efek pd Tanah Agregattanahhancur, membentukkerakpermukaan Penyingkapanmukatanah Ketersediaan air tanahberkurang. Kemungkinangenanganmeningkatdananaerobiosis Bebankendaraan Pemadatantanah, poritanahberkurang Penghancuranporitanah Pemadatan: kekuatantanahmeningkat Dampakthdproduktivitastanaman Olah Tanah Kehilanganbahanorganik Kehilanganhara Hara tidakseimbang Kehilanganharaanorganik Siklus Hara lambat: Waktulebih lama untukmelepaskankembaliharaygdiikattanamansebelumnyamenjaditersediabagitanamansekarang KelimpahandanjumlahOrganismetnhdekomposerberkurang Agrokimia Organismetnhygberasosiasidneganakartanamanberkurang: Fiksasi N, Fasilitator P Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  11. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN PORI TANAH & KARAKTERISTIK AIR Tanah tersusunatastigabagian: bahan mineral, bahanorganikdanrongga (disebutporitanah). Perananrelatifdaribagian-bagianiniberagamdengantipe-tipetanah , tetapibiasanyaporimenempatiseparuhdari volume tanah yang teksturnya medium. At optimum water content for plant growth, approximately half the pore space is filled with water and half with air. The proportions of water and air can change rapidly depending on weather, evapotranspiration and other factors. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  12. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Dimensi (ukuran, bentukdantatanan) danbanyaknyaruangporisangatpentingdalammenentukanlengas-tanahdanstruktur-tanah. Porositasmerupakan volume ronggatanah (ruangpori). Pori inidinyatakandalamhubungannyadengankeseluryuhan volume tanah. Kapasitasmenyimpan air suatutanahtergantungpadaporositasnya, dandistribusiukuranporinya. Pori-halusmenahan air dneganteganganlebihbesardaripadaporibesar. The moisture (or water) potential is the amount of energy required to remove water from a soil; field capacity is the water-holding capacity after a free-draining soil has been allowed to drain. The suction corresponding to this state has variously been defined as 0.33, 0.1 and 0.05 bar and so the convention used should always be checked. Wilting point, beyond which plants cannot exert sufficient suction to remove water from a soil, is generally considered to correspond to a suction of 15 bar. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  13. Kelompokukuran-poritanahdanfungsinya 1 Equivalent particle size = 3.2 x pore size (assuming spherical, uniform size particles).2 Based on equation: Pore diameter (mm) = 0.30/soil water tension (kPa). Sumber:.

  14. Nilai-nilai WHC dariberbagaikelasteksturtanah (diadopsidari Salter & Williams 1967) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  15. Nilai-nilaiKonduktivitasHidraulikjenusberdasarkanTeksturdanderajatStruktur Tanah. 1 Strongly structured polyhedral subsoils, e.g. Krasnozem. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  16. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Air tanahtersedia (ASW) adalahjumlah air yang tersediauntukdiserapolehakartanaman, yaitu air yang ditahandneganteganganantaratitiklayudnakapasitaslapang. ASW iniberagamdnegantipetanahdanbiasanyaberkorelasidnegankandunganliatdanstrukturtanah. ASW jugaberagamdneganperlakuantanah, karenaukurandandistribusiporidalam topsoil mencerminkan “terbukanyapermukaan”, pembasahan-pengeringanmusiman, danpengelolaantanah. Williams et al. (1983), studying the water content of 244 soil samples, found that the ASW of well-structured soils was one-third to twice as large as that in comparable (similarly-textured) poorly structured or degraded soils. Bearing in mind that ASW varies with natural weathering and management, Table 8 gives typical values of ASW for various soil texture classes. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  17. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Konduktivitashidraulik (K) tanahmerupakankemampuantanahmerembeskangerakan air menurunigradientegangan. Nilai-nilai K yang tinggiberhubungandnegantanah-tanahygstrukturnyabaikdanprositasnyakontinyu; kondisiinimemungkinkanlajuinfiltrasi air yang cepatdan drainage yngcepat. Earthworm channels, which can have populations of 500 m-2 in Mediterranean climates (Barley 1959), and continuous deep voids left by dead roots (5-10 000 m-2) contribute greatly to hydraulic conductivity. Nilai K beragamdengantipetanahdanpengelolaannya (Table 9). Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  18. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Nilai-nilai K kurangdari 10 mm/h termasuk RENDAH dansenderungmenyebabkan runoff setelahterjadihujanatau problem irigasi, kalauintensitashujansekitar 10 mm/h. K values of 10 to 20 mm/h can give intermittent runoff (a downpour falls at about 50 mm/h) while values up to 120 mm/h are associated with occasional, increasingly rare runoff. Nilai-nilai K lebihdari 120 mm/h dapatmembantu drainage regulerhingga groundwater, menyebabkanmasalahpotensialuntuktanah yang dipupukdosistinggi, pupukkandang, limbah , herbicide danpesticida. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  19. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Both soil water content and saturated hydraulic conductivity generally relate to the number and continuity of pores, particularly the larger macro-pores. It is, however, difficult to measure these soil attributes and they are highly location-specific, so that variability is great and they sometimes have little interpretive value. Moran et al. (1988), however, in a study of a soil in a wet-and-dry environment, show that a soil treated with minimum tillage had more pores, identified directly by image analysis, and higher hydraulic conductivity, measured in the field, than did a similar soil traditionally cultivated. Gambarberikutmenunjukkandampakpengelolaanterhadapkarakteristikporitanahdan air tanah. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  20. Penampangvertikaltanah : Penampangvertikaltanahdiambildariperlakuan “direct drill (DD)” (a) dantanahygdiolahkonvensional (b) dilokasi yang sama. Nilaikonduktivitashidrauliknyaberturut-turutadalah 42.5 dan 5.0 mm/h (Moran et al. 1988) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  21. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN PASIR: Butirlepas, terasakasardancukupbesarukurannyauntukdapatdiloihatsecara individual butirannya; pasirkasarmempunyaiukuranpartikel 2 - 0.2 mm danpasirhalus 0.2 - 0.05 mm. Silt: imparts a smooth, soapy or silky and only slightly sticky feeling, silt grains cannot be individually detected; their particle sizes range from 0.05 to 0.002 mm. Clay: gives a sticky feel to the soil. Clay particles are less than 0.002 mm diameter. These solid fractions contribute to the consistence and strength of the soil, and their packing determines bulk density. Bobotisimerupakanukuranpemadatanataupemampatantigakomponentanah. BI tanahdipengaruhiolehkomponen-komponentanah, nilai-nilai BI yang menghambatpenetrasiakarberkisarmulaidari BI = 1.4 g cm3padatanah-tanahliathingga BI = 1.8 g cm3padaatanah-tanahberpasir. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  22. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Soil strength is the resistance of soil to shearing or structural failure. This reflects the friction which is built up between the soil and an implement, and depends on the density, and the roughness and shape of the soil particles. The shear strength of an individual clod decreases with wetting but, more importantly, the strength of the bulk soil increases with increasing moisture to about the lower plastic limit (known to field operators as the 'sticky point'), at which each particle is surrounded by a film of water which acts as a lubricant. Kekuatantanahmenurundrastismulaidarisuatutitiktertentuhinggabatasatas-plastisitas, dimanatanahmenjadi viscous. Perbedaankandunganlengas-tanahantarabatasatasplastisdanbatasbawahnyadisebut INDEKS PLASTISITAS, ygmencerminkan “daya-olah” suatutanah. Besarnyanilaiindeksplastisitastanahmengisyaratkanperlunyabanyakenergiuntukmengolahtanah. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  23. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN STRUKTUR Tanah danPertumbuhanTanaman Sifatfisiktanahmempengaruhipertumbuhanakardanbatangsecaralangsungdantidaklangsung, misalnyamelalui drainage ygburukmenyebabkanporitanahdipenuhi air dantanamanmenderitaakibatanaerobiosis. Root growth has been described under various soil physical conditions, but relationships have only rarely been established between features such as crop yield, root growth and soil pore size distribution or conductivity, a more aggregate measure. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  24. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Akardapattumbuhmemanjangkearahbawahdengankecepatan 8 cm/d, misalnya, kedelai yang tumbuhpadatanahlempung-debudalamsuaturhizotron (Kasparet al. 1978). Deep-rootedness and maximum rooting depth reflect soil properties (for example, roots will not grow through pores that they cannot deform to a larger diameter than the root). Kedalamanmaksimumperakarantanamanberagamdenganspesiestanamandantipetanah. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  25. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Akartanamangandummampumenembuslapisantanahsedalam 0.8 m padatanah-tanahygteksturnyaberat (halus) danmampumenembushinggakedalaman 1.2 m padatanahpasirberlempung (Rickertet al. 1987); tetapibiasanyaditemukansuatuvarietastanamanmempunyaikedalamanakarygkonsistenpadatipe-tipetanah yang serupadalamtahuntanamtertentu (Hamblin and Hamblin 1985) ataudalamsuatutipetanahtertentuselamabeberapatahun. (Pearson et al. 1991). Angus et al. (1983) found that rice and six dryland crops (mung bean, cowpea, soybean, groundnut, maize and sorghum) extracted different amounts of stored soil water (ranging from 100 mm for rice to 250 mm for groundnut) and that extraction was, in part, related to rooting depth. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  26. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN The spread of roots with age can be related to the growth (increase in weight) of the whole plant, and to accumulated temperature or growing day-degrees (GDD); indeed, there is some evidence that temperature influences the direction of newly-appeared roots as well as the rate of appearance and extent of growth (Tardieu and Pellerin 1991). Clearly, however, there are factors other than plant size, temperature and soil which influence root proliferation. Otherwise the plants sown at three different times of year in the same soil would align their root growth along a single growth-GDD relationship. Faktor-faktor lain, sepertipanjanghari, mungkinsangatpenting, biasanyadigunakanuntukmenjelaskanhubunganantarapertumbuhantanamandanstrukturtanah. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  27. Persebaranakargandumdenganumur, danefekpengolahantanahterhadappertumbuhanakar (Pearson et al. 1991) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  28. Persebaranakargandumdenganumur, danefekpengolahantanahterhadappertumbuhanakar (Pearson et al. 1991) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  29. Persebaranakargandumdenganumur, danefekpengolahantanahterhadappertumbuhanakar (Pearson et al. 1991) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  30. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Pengolahantanahdapatmempengaruhipanjangakar, meskipungefeknyabarumunculdalamtigatahun. Perbedaanporositastanahdapatdiukurpadaduaperlakuanpengolahantanah : Padatahunpertamaternyatapertumbuhanakardaninfiltrasi air (K sekitar 5 mm/h) samabesarnyapadakondisiolahtanah minimum danpengolahankonvensional. By the third year, when differences were measured between roots, infiltration rates were 84 mm/h in minimum tillage and 0.2 mm/h under conventional tillage. Despite the differences in root growth there were no substantial differences in grain yield, reflecting the overall constraint of climate in the semi-arid environment. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  31. Values of air-filled porosity (%) and bulk density (g cm3) which are critical and which limit root growth for various soils (Source: Pierce et al. 1983) 1 "Critical" is defined as causing <20% reduction in root growth; "limiting" is about the value at which root growth ceases. Sumber:.

  32. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Peningkatankerapatantanahataukekuatantanahdapatmenghambatpenetrasiakar, sehinggamembatasi volume tanah yang dapatdieksploitasiolehtanamandan air tersedia. Biasanyasulitmengkuantifikasikanhubunganantarasifattanahinidneganpertumbuhantanaman. In the cases of bulk density and strength, particularly, a gross measure of either for an undisturbed mass of soil can give only a remote indication of what a root encounters. A determination of gross bulk density does not assess whether a root is growing within a pore (in which case it may deform surrounding soil before its radial environment reaches the density or strength of the gross soil) or if it is growing within the soil material, in which case it has already exerted a radial force equivalent to that measured for the gross soil. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  33. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Efekbobotisitanahdankekuatantanahterhadapprosesperkecambahandanpertumbuhanpanjangbatangjugadipelajari. Batang (Shoot) mampumemanfaatkanporimakrotanahdengantidakdibatasiolehkondisitanahsecarakeseluruhan. Nilai-nilaiaktuallokalygmenghambatpemanjanganbatangkecambah (shoot) tampaknyasangatkecil, misalnya, 0.76 kPa (Addae and Pearson 1992). Nilai-nilaiiniberasaldarikajianpadakondisiygterkendali, bebedadnegankondisiaktualdilapangan. The relative ranking of genotypes is, however, the same when under near-critical stress as when growing with virtually no mechanical stress. Genotypes suited to stressful situations may be selected, therefore, by screening at a single soil strength (Addae and Pearson 1992). Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  34. Hubunganantarakekuatantanahdenganpanjangakarrelatiftanamanjagung (Kang and Ghuman 1991) Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  35. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN TABLE 11. Grain and stover yield (t/ha) of maize and seasonal water runoff and soil loss under maize grown with and without alley cropping, with two tree legumes, and tillage in Nigeria (Source: Kang and Ghuman 1991) . 1 Seasonal rainfall (March-July 1988) = 704.2 mm. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  36. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Tanamandapatmempengaruhikualitastanahmelalui ground-cover, kedalamanperakaran, dansifat-sifattanamanlainnya. The crop attributes that most influence soil physical properties are speed of establishment and development of foliage cover. Rapid establishment and growth minimizes topsoil structural decline and soil erosion by wind and water. Thereafter, deep-rooting directly affects soil structure, particularly if deep-rooted crops, such as safflower, are grown in rotation as a 'biological plough' to create macropores and these are minimally disturbed before the next crop is sown. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  37. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN TABLE 12. Desirable crop attributes that sustain soil productivity Sumber:.

  38. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN IndikatorLapanganproblematikFisika-tanah Indikatorlapangan yang lazimbagikondisifisikatanah yang burukadalah: Patchiness or absence of vegetation. This can be an obvious sign of degraded structure or other factors. When structural, it may reflect surface structure degradation (see previous sections) or non-wetting characteristics which give rise to poor infiltration, or subsoil impermeability. Vegetasibergulma. CyperaceaeatauJuncaceaedapatmencerminkanjeleknyastrukturtanah, karenamerekatumbuhsuburkalau air tergenangdipermukaantanah, menunjukkanjeleknyalajuinfiltrasiatauadanyalapisanbawah yang kedap air. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  39. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN IndikatorLapanganproblematikFisika-tanah Indikatorlapangan yang lazimbagikondisifisikatanah yang burukadalah: 3. Erosipermukaandanerosialur. Erosive runoff may be symptomatic of poor surface structure. The turbidity of water in ponds and lakes after rain may be a good indicator of erosion. 4. Keraktanahdipermukaan. 5. Permukaantanah yang mengeras. Infiltrasi yang jelekdangenangan air. This may be indicated by puddles following rain in an area where one would expect rapid infiltration, or by wetting to only a shallow depth (as seen when dug with a spade). Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  40. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Indikatorlapangan yang lazimbagikondisifisikatanah yang burukadalah: 7. Warnatanahpermukaanpucatdantidakadabahanorganik. The surface of degraded soils may be brittle and pale, lacking organic matter and having lost clay either through eluviation (differential movement downwards) or by water or wind erosion. Berbongkah-bongkah (Cloddiness). This may be apparent if after a single cultivation, large, tough clods are formed requiring further cultivation to form a reasonable seedbed. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  41. ASPEK FISIK PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN Indikatorlapangan yang lazimbagikondisifisikatanah yang burukadalah: 9. Peetumbhuhanakarterhambat. This can be seen by digging with a narrow-faced spade and washing the roots free of soil. The root mass can be restricted to the upper soil or be constricted in particular places such as a less pervious layer, above and below which the roots may proliferate. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  42. TABLE 16. Examples of farmer concepts/statements concerning aspects of sustainable crop production (Source: Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Tanamandan Hara dalamtanah Ubikayudapatmengasamkantanah. Ubikayu “menguras” haradaritanah. Padilebihtolerantanah-tanahmasamdibandingkanJagung. Rice is more vigourous on an area previously planted in tomato. Intercropping baguskalauketersediaanharanyacukup Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  43. ContohKonsep/PendapatPetanitentangaspek-aspekProduksiTanamanBerkelanjutan (Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Pengurasan Hara Tanah: Kesuburantanahtelahdigunakanolehtanaman. Tanah menjadilemah. Fertility is spotty. Soils are overtrained. Tanah-tanahmenjadisemakinlebihtua. Poor, but not used up, in the sense of the hardest part within a log. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  44. ContohKonsep/PendapatPetanitentangaspek-aspekProduksiTanamanBerkelanjutan (Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Lahanbero (kosong) - Fallows: Biomasagulmaygterdekomposisimembantumemperkayatanah. Lahanistirahatsehinggatanahdapatmenyimpansejumlahhara. Kayakarenaberistirahat. Fertility is added and the soil is made cool. The soil is slightly enriched if left a short time. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  45. TABLE 16. Examples of farmer concepts/statements concerning aspects of sustainable crop production (Source: Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Gulma - Weeds Padidirugikanolehakar-akarcogon (I. cylindrical). Tanah menjadijelekkalaucogondominan. D. longiflora and cogon consume soil nutrients and destroy soil quality. Kemasmaantanahmeningkatkalaucogondominan. Gulakuruspadatanah-tanahtidaksubur. R.cochinchinensis rapidly produces seed; thus, easily soars in population; if not weeded, it exceeds the height of rice or corn. Fertility is added and the soil is made cool" (re. Calapogonium spp.). Tanah menjadibaikkalauadagulmua/rumputmempunyaibintilakar. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  46. TABLE 16. Examples of farmer concepts/statements concerning aspects of sustainable crop production (Source: Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Erosi Tanah: Tanah terkikisdanterangkutketempat lain. Hara terangkut. Tumbuhantererosibersamadnegantanahnya. Soil was drawn down and fertility was washed out. The land was shaven and eroded after trees were removed. Pupukterkumpul (dibagianbawahpetakan) karenaterbawa air hujan. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  47. Tabel 16. Examples of farmer concepts/statements concerning aspects of sustainable crop production (Source: Fujisaka and Garrity 1991) Kontrol Erosion : PisangdanKelapalebihbaikkarenamerekamampumenahantanah. Pengolahanmenurutkonturmengurangikehilanganerosi. Jalur-jalurrumputdapatmengurangiefekerosi Trees planted above and below fields can decrease erosion effects. Banana planted above and below fields can decrease erosion effects. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  48. Aspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanahAspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanah Pengelolaan: Pencegahandegradasisifatfisikatanah PilihanPolaPertanaman: Rotations + sequential cropping Mixed cropping Relay cropping Alley cropping, parkland + agroforestry Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  49. Aspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanahAspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanah Pengelolaan: Pencegahandegradasisifatfisikatanah BudidayaTanaman : Olah Tanah + pengelolaanresidu WaktuTanam Seed quality and soil organism symbioses Pupukanorganik PengelolaanBahanOrganik Cultivar: ground cover, complementarity with other crops Manajemengulma+hamasecarahayati. Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

  50. Aspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanahAspek-aspekpentingdalammemeliharaatauameliorasisifatfisikatanah Pengelolaan: Pencegahandegradasisifatfisikatanah Inter-crop ley and fallow : Cover crop Pasture ley Maintenance of surface litter in absence of living vegetation Sumber:http://www.fao.org/docrep/V9926E/v9926e04.htm.

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