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Assessment and Feedback in the IAIS

Assessment and Feedback in the IAIS. Tom Filer and David Awit. Background. IAIS NSS Score at 84% However, Feedback & Assessment scores generally low across university F & A also recurring issues at SSLC HuSS Task & Finish Group on Assessment and Feedback. Method.

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Assessment and Feedback in the IAIS

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  1. Assessment and Feedback in the IAIS Tom Filer and David Awit

  2. Background IAIS NSS Score at 84% However, Feedback & Assessment scores generally low across university F & A also recurring issues at SSLC HuSS Task & Finish Group on Assessment and Feedback

  3. Method IAIS all student survey Student Focus Groups Staff Interviews (EEU/E-Learning/HuSS) Video-based presentation Written Report with recommendations Results

  4. Video Presentation - Facts and Figures 55% students think their essay comments are reflective of their mark 28% Thought they would receive the same mark, no matter who marked it 20% Said there is nothing they would change about Assessment & Feedback in the IAIS

  5. Video Presentation - Facts and Figures 64% had taken part in formative assessment 81% think marking a previous student’s work would help them to improve their own 62% would not feel comfortable marking a piece of work from someone they knew 47% of students think Self-Assessment is useful

  6. Video Presentation - Facts and Figures Under 10% had used WebCT as part of their course 51% were familiar with the Assessment Criteria 62% were familiar with the Learning Outcomes 34% said their feedback was legible

  7. Positives 75% said their work was given back within 4 weeks 79% think deadlines are given in good time 75% are satisfied with the level of assessment and 64% were happy with the amount

  8. Recommendations First Year WebCT Module Handbooks Personal Tutors BART Sheets January Exams

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