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Divisions Leading to the Internal Revolution. Importance: We want a confirmation on other watchmen. We want to know what God is speaking to U.S. Speaker: Called to be a Prophet in 1975 Been prophesying since 1991 Given over 1,200 national prophecies Has visions and audible voices.
Divisions Leading to the Internal Revolution • Importance: • We want a confirmation on other watchmen. • We want to know what God is speaking to U.S. • Speaker: • Called to be a Prophet in 1975 • Been prophesying since 1991 • Given over 1,200 national prophecies • Has visions and audible voices
INTRODUCTION The following prophetic word was spoken to me on June 3, 2000. I have it towards the beginning of my talk because it speaks of a prophetic word that came to pass. This word concerned the 9-11 bombing as well as our subsequent war that was to begin in Iraq. I share this word now because it’s always good
INTRODUCTION To know and remember when a prophetic word has come to pass so that we know that the prophet or prophetic person, heard it correctly from the Lord. We know from looking back now, that we as a people made it through one of our most darkest days, and even though there are even darker days
INTRODUCTION ahead of us, we can know that God will be our shelter from the great storms that are coming.
"PREPARE FOR WAR" June 3, 00 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (The Lord showed me a strange scene....There were snipers on a hillside laying down shooting through
"PREPARE FOR WAR" the rocks. It was evening time and they were dressed in fatigues and helmets, as if in a war. Then I saw a huge hand, (the Lord's) come from off the left side of the scene, and in the palm of His hand came a wind. I saw the Lord himself blow and this wind caused a fire to engulf these snipers. A wall of protection then came up which prevented those shooting from seeing behind it, and that was the end.) The Lord then said:
"PREPARE FOR WAR" "There is a war which is coming upon this land of America. There are those who would come upon the walls and the outskirts of this land. Sound the alarm and raise the trumpets. " (Then the scene changed to seeing our planet from a great distance. Behind this scene of the earth, as scene as a ball in the distance, was the King of the Ages, and He was discussing what was to happen.)
"PREPARE FOR WAR" "Those of you who are left, flee to the mountains and the surrounding hillsides. Find a place of safety. Be found in safe habitations for what is about to come. This land and this country, which was once called the land of the free and the home of the brave, has now become a den of robbers.
"PREPARE FOR WAR" For your polluted hearts and your violence has reached my throne. I have continually warned you about the outcome of your actions. There are some of you though, who have prayed for this country. You have stood in the gap for her; and because of this I have stayed my hand."
"PREPARE FOR WAR" (Then I saw a line of military tanks coming across the landscape, with various flags. There were men dressed for battle, walking beside these, and all were moving forward. I saw a man get into the cockpit of a plane, or jet, and there were several of these in the sky. I saw an underwater vessel, a submarine, moving through the waters...
"PREPARE FOR WAR" (Lastly, and this troubled me, I saw buildings burning in a large city, and smoke coming up from these fires. There seemed to be rain coming
down at the same time. In the midst of this, there were people and children running through the streets, to get away. "PREPARE FOR WAR"
In the midst of this scene, as if transposed on top of it, were several newspapers, and the title of the front page(s), was "WAR BREAKS OUT IN OUR COUNTRY." "PREPARE FOR WAR"
"PREPARE FOR WAR" These newspapers were those in Chicago and "The New York Times." The Lord then said again:"For those of you who are involved in these strategies, plan together what you might do. Even though your sins are many and they are like scarlet, I can forgive you.
"PREPARE FOR WAR" you were once a holy nation and founded on my word, but you have drifted far from that. You have followed after the sins of this world and found your hope in your own strength and arm.
"PREPARE FOR WAR" Violence has been seen in your streets and in your land as well. Your children have not had good teachers or instructors about Me for them.
"PREPARE FOR WAR" They have been left to their own devices without hope for many of them. I say return, return to Me, says the Lord. Woe to those who proclaim peace and safety when there is none. Woe to you who say we are rich and in need of nothing. You will learn and see that your trust in your own selves will lead to nothing. The time is short, and these days will not be long in coming. Those who are wise will heed these words, and will prepare for them. "
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • Jan. 28, evening, 2013 • 42 The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof. • Jeremiah 51
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • "Where will America run to, and where will she hide when the day of trouble comes? For the oceans will roar...the wind will blow. • Beware those who live on the coasts, for your time will come swiftly. For in the space of one • hour much will happen.
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • (I was shown the figure of a large angel that stood in front of me and this angel rose larger than the scene that was before me. The angel then took a container, a vial which was filled with liquid
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • and began to pour it out upon the ground. When it was poured an entire river was formed and it cut a channel down the middle of the United States. The water rushed and split this section in two.
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • The Lord told me that this angel was pouring a vial of judgment upon our nation.)
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • The Lord then said, • "Flee to the mountains I say. Find safe havens in places of safety. For the time will come when • you will see these things come right before your eyes. For the entire landscape of your nation • will be changed. Where there once was a land mass, now there won't be one.
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • Most of the land mass of California will be swept into the ocean. • (Here the spirit of the Lord showed me from above, a map of the United State and it was focused upon California. I watched intently as the very outline of the state became fractured, and broke-off from the rest of the United States.
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • Then water from the ocean rushed in upon it and it was separated and sank into the ocean.)
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • "Woe to those of you who live in large metropolitan areas, for you will be hit the hardest. Woe to those of you who put your strength in man.
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • For your nation will be brought to its knees. You will be rocked back and forth. You will taste the fury of my anger. Woe to different cities in your nation. Woe to New York City---Woe to ye Chicago---
"WOE TO THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE COASTLINES---A WORD OF JUDGMENTUPON AMERICA" • Woe to • Phoenix. Woe to the city of sinners, Las Vegas, for your judgment will come swifter than most." • Stephen Hanson
Preparation for what lies ahead • "A COUNTRY AND LAND SPLIT" • Nov. 14, 2012 • 13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? • Cor. 1:13 • "This election has brought out many things in people...It has shown where people's hearts truly are.
What some think is right is truly wrong. For truly, you would know a tree by its fruits. When you are so quick to judge one, what is the fruit that you have within yourself? The boat is rocking; the ship of America is shifting back and forth. For in these days a great dissentis happening. For your entire nation will be reduced to a number of states. For truly, the nation will be split across the country...The entire nation will be in revolt, but how will they lead, and how will they govern a people who have been split into so many factions?
The nation will be divided in so many ways. Civil unrest will be the norm. Military factions will be spread across the land. Violence will erupt in the streets. You will see fires and explosions break-out in such cities as Chicago. Phoenix, Arizona will have chaos and dissent. Woe to those who put their faith in guns and armory. Woe to those who sit in high places .For you once thought you were the land of the free and the home of the brave.
And when all these things are happening; when the dissent has reached its highest, then your land will come under attack. But I have been preparing a people for this very hour. They have not listened to the voices of dissent. They have not given into anger and hatred. But instead, they have clothed themselves with my spirit. For the land will be changed forever. But look forward to the new kingdom. Look towards those walls that have the names of my original twelve tribes. Thus would say the spirit of the Lord."
“The New Year Forecast and Beyond” Oct. 26, 2011 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers,
The New Year Forecast and Beyond—(Continued) false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 2 Tim. 3
The New Year Forecast and Beyond—(Continued) "In the coming year, as you have been told, there will be a loss of many things in the natural. For the unemployment rate will go up even higher.
“The New Year Forecast—(Continued) As more and more people are without jobs this will affect the economy and more people will be limited with what they can buy. You have heard some dire predictions from other sources. These have proclaimed that the year 2012 would be the end.
“The New Year Forecast—(Continued) I tell you that no one knows the day or the hour, but unto my prophets, those who have heard me intimately, they know that the day and the hour is indeed upon the brink. For as they travel from the east; as they come in hoards from across the plains of Asia, you will know indeed, that that day has come upon you.
“The New Year Forecast—(Continued) More and more unrest be evident upon the nation of America. For the political disputes will have risen to such a degree that brother will be against brother.
“The New Year Forecast—(Continued) Entire churches will have become fractured because of these disputes.
“The New Year Forecast—(Continued) But I tell you this, I have a people who are not driven by the agendas of man. They don't let their political opinions and beliefs drive them down the road of mania. Are great rifts to be seen in the natural? You have been warned time after time concerning these things. For that split will surely occur that runs from north to south through the central part of the United States.
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) (Here the Lord showed me a scene of this rift. There was a huge gap that was perhaps 200-300 feet or more that divided the land mass. I saw an island of a portion that had been left intact between the rift. Here some people had somehow found their way to safety there. But on either side of the two cliffs that had now formed, were people hanging from the sides of these cliffs.)
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) So I tell you that the time clock will hasten. Time as you know it, will accelerate and the affairs that you now are doing, will take on a new dimension.
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) Woe to those who live on the coasts, for your land masses will be altered greatly.
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) You have heard and seen the devastation that has come upon the shores of other countries. But because you think that you dwell in safety, because you think that you are so great, I will topple you from your pinnacle of pride. You say in your hearts that you are a reverent nation.
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) You say in your hearts that why would God destroy the innocent along with the wicked? I tell you that I will provide a way out for those who put their trust and faith in me. You won't hear this message from the pulpits. You will hear a different one entirely there.
The New Year Forecast—(Continued) Surely, I do want to bless my people. Surely, I do care for the wayward. Surely, I do care for the fatherless. But judgment must be poured out. Now what will you do with this message? Stephen Hanson
A Rift in the earth April 16, 2011 1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake. Amos 1The spirit of the Lord said:
A Rift in the earth--continued "Everything that you see now in front of you upon the earth will change. For this earth as you know it, has been going through birth pangs. (The spirit of the Lord showed me a map of Minnesota and a line was drawn along the Mississippi River as it went southward through the continent of the United States.)
A Rift in the earth—continued • For I say that cracks in the earth will increase. For these cracks will rumble and roar. These cracks will split your nation in half. I tell you that this quake will occur sooner than you may think. As it comes, there