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Concord Middle School 2010-2011

The Concord Middle School-UNC Charlotte PDS Partnership Jeanneine P. Jones, UNC Charlotte Leighann Towell, Concord Middle School. 933 Total Enrollment 448 Males 485 Females Grades: 6, 7, 8 Ethnic Breakdown 51% White 29% Black 16% Hispanic 1% Asian 3% Multi <1% Other.

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Concord Middle School 2010-2011

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  1. The Concord Middle School-UNC Charlotte PDS PartnershipJeanneine P. Jones, UNC CharlotteLeighann Towell, Concord Middle School

  2. 933 Total Enrollment 448 Males 485 Females Grades: 6, 7, 8 Ethnic Breakdown 51% White 29% Black 16% Hispanic 1% Asian 3% Multi <1% Other Concord Middle School2010-2011

  3. 59% Free/Reduced Lunch • 479 Free • 75 Reduced • 17% Classified as EC • 15% Classified as AIG • 64 teachers, 1 media specialist, 1 technology facilitator, and 2 school counselors • Reading Levels: 70.6% reached proficiency on the Reading EOG • Met AYP in all 31 subgroups

  4. A long-standing and successful relationship Literacy an on-going focus at Concord Clinicals, YLIs, student teachers all enjoy a deep implementation of middle grades philosophy and characteristics; participate in professional development and PLC work (including the establishment of a writing PLC this year) Undergraduate courses often taught on-site Graduated third M.Ed. cohort in December Our Partnership

  5. Literacy as Our Focus Literacy • Much work and many topics under this focus over the years; for example: Book studies, professional development, conference attendance and presentations, guest speakers • Three years ago: Grant from National Writing Project (part of larger grant through UNC Charlotte Writing Project) • 2010-2011: Final year of that work (PDS funding has been absorbed here for student benefit.)

  6. The Grant • Money from grant targeted teacher development only (not student growth) • Volunteer cohorts of teachers for first two years across all content areas; writing across curriculum • NWP model of teachers as writers and teachers of writing; training with follow-up and accountability • Third and final year: Teachers as Writing Connectors who will work with remainder of faculty in future • Writing Connectors instrumental in ensuring a student focus; for example, Camp Write and Concord Writing Center

  7. Our PDS Work Our PDS Work • Grant money dedicated to teacher development • PDS money dedicated to student development and support, so this provided a necessary and very successful bridge • Two primary examples through the Writing Connectors: Camp Write and Concord Writing Center

  8. Camp Write Camp Write • 2nd year of summer program (four half-days filled with daybooks, multi-genre writing, food, and fun) • Intense teacher training (grant), followed by camp (PDS) • Interesting note: More boys than girls • 40 participants ( roadblock: no funding for transportation) • Focus on multi-genre projects: Especially graphic novels and digital storytelling

  9. Taught and run by teachers who are writing institute participants (teachers and on-site coordinator) • Students presented writing to their peers • Positive comments from parents for providing an academic camp free of charge (kids anxious to do it again!) • Product based camp – students had a piece of work they were proud to take home at the end of camp • Good bragging rights for kids when the new school year began

  10. Vision for the Writing Center • Place for students to go for help in writing • Place for teachers to meet about their personal writing or writing instruction; for example: Writing PLC or mentors could meet here • This year: Purchased daybooks for all teachers and students, purchased books for teachers on writing in content areas with book studies underway, planned for development and implementation • Next year: (With additional PDS funding) Work in the Center begins (furniture, supplies, and staffing)

  11. Comments or questions?

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