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Impurities & Defects, Continued More on Shallow Donors & Acceptors

Learn about how shallow donors and acceptors affect semiconductor conductivity and band structure in this informative guide on doping processes and impurity effects.

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Impurities & Defects, Continued More on Shallow Donors & Acceptors

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  1. Impurities & Defects, ContinuedMore on Shallow Donors & Acceptors Amusing Answers to Exam Questions Given by Public School Students!

  2. As we’ve discussed, usually, semiconductors can relatively easily be doped with shallow donors and/or acceptors. DopingThe incorporation of (substitutional) impurities into a semiconductor in order for it to have certain desired electrical (or other) properties. That is, doping is the process of purposely introducing impurities into the material in a controlled manner. This is done becauseImpurities can drastically alter the conductivity of the material so that it can be fabricated into a device. Materials which have been doped in this way are called Extrinsic Semiconductors. We’ve already discussed the fact that impurity atoms can be either Substitutional Impurities:Foreign atoms occupying host atom sites. Interstitial Impurities:Foreign atoms “squeezed” between lattice sites. Here, we focus on substitutional impurities only! More on Shallow Donors & Acceptors

  3. Donors • Lets use silicon (Si) as an illustration: • Consider the substitution of one Si (Group IV) atom with a Group V atom (e.g. As or P) • Si atoms have 4 valence electrons which participate in the sp3 covalent bonding. • Group V atoms have 5 valence electrons . • When a Group V atom replaces a Si atom, it will use 4 of its valence electrons to form sp3 covalent bonds with it’s 4Si nearest-neighbors. • What happens to the 5th valence electron?

  4. Single donor in the direct lattice picture  • The 5th valence electron will not be very tightly bound to it’s Group V atom “parent”. So, it can be fairly easily ionized at temperatures T > 0K • In the direct lattice picture, that ionized electron is “almost free”, so it can relatively easily take part in conduction. • In the band structure, this electron is in the conduction band. • Such Group V impurities are called Donors, since they “donate” electrons to the material. Because of these extra (negatively charged) electrons: Semiconductors doped by donors are called n-type semiconductors

  5. Donor Energy Levels Single donor in the band picture  • From the bandstructure viewpoint, • Such impurities “create” an energy level within the band gap, close to the conduction band edge. • As we’ve already discussed, the extra electron from a donor can be treated as an“Effective Hydrogen Atom”: • It is a positive charge with a single electron within its Coulomb potential • Such impurities are called HYDROGENICdonors • Their energy levels are called “shallow” levels because they are very close to the conduction band edge. So, the energy required to ionize the “atom” is small. Further, a sizable fraction of donor atoms will be ionized at room temperature.

  6. Single donor in the lattice and band pictures. These 2 complementary pictures are both valid.

  7. Single Donor in the Lattice and Band Pictures Again.

  8. Cartoon of a Si crystal doped with a pentavalent (Group V atom) impurity. The almost free electrons in n type silicon support the flow of current.

  9. Hydrogenic Donors • As a first approximation to calculating donor energy levels, treat the problem as an “Effective Hydrogen Atom”. • Take the energy zero of energy at the bottom of the conduction band. • Substitute the conduction band effective mass for the electron mass. • Screen the Coulomb potential by the dielectric constant κ of the solid (the dielectric constant for free space, κ = 1) It is important to note that, in this model, all donor impurities have the same energy levels!

  10. Hydrogenic Donors

  11. Ge:me* = 0.04m0; κ = 16  ED= -2.1 meV (1 meV = 10-3 eV) GaAs:me*= 0.067m0; κ = 13  ED= -5.4 meV Si:me* = 0.26m0; κ = 12  ED= -25 meV ZnSe:me* = 0.21m0; κ = 9  ED= -35 meV Examples

  12. Acceptors • Again use silicon (Si) as an example • Substitute one Group III atom (e.g. Al or In) for a Si (Group IV) atom • Si atoms have four valence electrons that participate in the covalent bonding • When a Group III atom replaces a Si atom, it cannot complete a tetravalent bond scheme. • An “electronic vacancy” – hole – is formed when an electron from the valence band is grabbed by the atom so that the core is negatively charged, the hole created is then attracted t the negative core • At T = 0 K this hole “stays” with atom – localized hole • At T > 0 K, electron from the neighboring Si atom can jump into this hole – the hole can then migrate & contribute to the conductivity.

  13. At T > 0 K, an electron from a neighboring Si atom can jump into this hole – the hole starts to migrate, contributing to the current • We can say that this impurity atom accepted an electron, so we call them Acceptors • Acceptors accept electrons, but “donate” free holes

  14. By “incorporating” the electron into the impurity atom we can represent this (T = 0 K) as a negative charge in the core with a positive charge (hole) outside the core attracted by its Coulomb potential. • At T > 0 K this hole can be ionized • Such semiconductors are called p-type semiconductors since they contribute positive charge carriers

  15. Acceptor Energy Levels • From the Band Structure Viewpoint: • Such impurities “create” energy levels within the band gap, close to the valence band • They are similar to “negative” hydrogen atoms • Such impurities are called hydrogenic acceptors • They create “shallow” levels - levels that are very close to the valence band, so the energy required to ionize the atom (accept the electron that fills the hole and creates another hole further from the substituted atom) is small

  16. Single Acceptor in the lattice and band pictures. These 2 complementary pictures are both valid.

  17. This crystal has been doped with atrivalentimpurity. The holes in p type silicon contribute to the current. Note that the hole current direction is oppositeto electron current so the electrical current is in the same direction

  18. Since holes are generally heavier than electrons, the acceptor levels are deeper than donor levels The valence band has a complex structure andthis formula is too simplistic to give accurate values for acceptor energy levels Acceptor energy levels Ge: 10 meV Si: 45 – 160 meV GaAs: 25 – 30 meV ZnSe: 80 – 114 meV GaN: 200 – 400 meV Acceptor and donor impurity levels are often called ionization energies or activation energies Examples

  19. Doped Semiconductors n-type p-type

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