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IFPRI, Washington, D.C., October 18-19, 2012. Adoption analysis and impact assessment of biofortified products: contribution to decision making and public policy formulation (Embrapa MP5 macroprogram ). Alcido Elenor Wander (Leader) Antonio Flavio Dias Avila (Co-leader)
IFPRI, Washington, D.C., October 18-19, 2012 Adoption analysis and impact assessment of biofortified products: contribution to decision making and public policy formulation(Embrapa MP5 macroprogram) Alcido Elenor Wander (Leader) Antonio Flavio Dias Avila (Co-leader) Geovania Manos (adoption analysis leader)
The undernutritionchallenge Between 5 and 15% of Brazilian population is affected by undernourishment
Source: VASCONCELOS, Francisco de Assis Guedes de. Josué de Castro e a Geografia da Fome no Brasil. Cad. Saúde Pública [online]. 2008, vol.24, n.11 [cited 2012-10-15], pp. 2710-2717 . Availablefrom: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2008001100027&lng=en&nrm=iso>. ISSN 0102-311X. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-311X2008001100027.
Background • Embrapa has more than 10 years of experience in conduction impact assessment of new technologies at farm level, considering economic, social and environmental dimensions. • New and challenging to Embrapa is to assess impacts on consumption (farming households and urban consumers).
General Information • Acronym: AIBiofort • Embrapa SEG code: • Project coordination: AlcidoElenor Wander (Co-leader: Antonio Flavio Dias Avila, sabbatical at CIAT) • Embrapa SEG Call: 11/2011 • Project launch: April 2012 • Project duration: 36 months - March 2015)
To analyze the adoption process and the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the use of biofortified products (iron, zinc and provitamin A content) at producer and consumer level. • The projects involves biofortified beans, cow peas, cassava, maize and sweet potatoes in 5 selected states in Brazil (Sergipe, Maranhão, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro). Overall objective
Adjust/adapt methodology to analyze the adoption process of biofortified crops; Adjust/adapt methodology to assess the impacts of biofortified crops at producer (including self consumption) and consumer level (urban); Develop a baseline with the socioeconomic characterization of farming households having access to biofortified varieties; Analysis of the adoption process and factors affecting it; Assess the impacts of biofortified crops at producer level and self-consumption as well as factors affecting it; Estimate the socioeconomic impacts of consumption of biofortified products on the reduction of nutritional deficiencies at state and national level; Propose recommendations to R&D and policy makers to expand the use of biofortification products in the Brazilian diet; Train Embrapa technical staff in the use of methodologies and statistical tools to analyze adoption and assess impacts of biofortified crops. 9 specific objectives
WP 1. Overall management • Responsible: AlcidoElenor Wander (Embrapa Rice and Beans) • Team Members: Flavio, Geovania and Daniela • Activities: • 1. Management of the Budget; • 2. General Communications; • 3. Management Meetings; • 4. Monitoring and Progress reports.
WP 2. Methodology development • Responsible: Daniela Vieira Marques (Embrapa SGE) • Team Members: Geovania, Alcido and Flavio • Activities: • 1. Methodology of technology transfer and adoption analysis • 2. Methodology of impact assessment at producer level; • 3. Methodology of impact assessment at consumer level ; • 4. Validation of methodologies ; • 5. Database development .
WP 8. Estimateofsocioeconomic impacts of use and consumption of biofortified food and recommendations to R&D and policy makers • Responsible: Antonio Flavio Dias Avila (Embrapa SGE) • Team Members: Alcido, Geraldo, Eliane and Marilia • Activities: • 1. Data analysis of state results and recommendations from WPs 3-7 on impacts and potential of biofortified crops; • 2. Estimate socioeconomic impacts of biofortified crops on reduction of nutrient deficiencies at macro level (state, regional and national); • 3. Macro-economic assessment of factors affecting nutrient deficiencies at state, regional and national level; • 4. Proposal of recommendations to R&D and policy makers; • 5. Delivery of results to policy makers (documents, workshops etc.).
WP 9. Training of Embrapa staff in adoption analysis and impact assessment of biofortified crops • Responsible: Daniela Vieira Marques (Embrapa SGE) • Team members: Leader and WP responsibles • Activities: • 1. Regional training of Embrapa staff in adoption analysis and impact assessment of biofortified crops.
MA (WP6): sweet potatoes, cowpeas and cassava States covered by IA studies (2012-2015) SE (WP3): sweet potatoes, common beans and cowpeas BA (WP5): cassava MG (WP4): sweet potatoes, common beans, maize and cassava RJ (WP7): sweet potatoes and common beans
BIOFORTIFIED PRODUCTS X STATES Note: In the future, rice, wheat and pumpkins will be considered.
Main Project Initiatives in 2012 • Setup of a working plan for WPs 3-7 (several skype meetings; finalized in Aracaju, June 27); • Working plan has been discussed with all of WPs 3-7 teams (Skype meetings); • Development and validation of a questionnaire for the baseline socioeconomic survey; • Integrated meeting involving IA project staff and technology transfer team (complementary project) in Brasilia (Sep 28); • Meeting in Washington to integrate Brazil and LAC IA biofortified projects • New meeting in Aracaju, is planed for end of November for final discussions on methodologies (focus – consumption analysis) and strategies for 2013.
Plan for 2013 • Validation of the adoption analysis and IA methodologies; • Training of the IA project team; • Selection of the samples for IA analysis in each state; • Beginning of the surveys (1st round): • Analysis of the adoption process; • Economic, social and environmental impact analysis at farm level; • Establishment of a baseline at the household level and beginning of the monitoring and evaluation process on consumption of biofortified products; • Beginning of the organization and management of a database on biofortification.
IFPRI, Washington, D.C., October 18-19, 2012 Thank you!