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What is a Student Learning Outcome? SLOs describe the: knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that students attain by the end of a course, set of courses, program or degree.
What is a Student Learning Outcome? SLOs describe the: • knowledge, • skills, • abilities • and attitudes that students attain by the end of a course, set of courses, program or degree. http://www.projects-abroad.ca/_photos/_global/photo-galleries/en-uk/argentina/_global/large/students-in-argentina.jpg
What can students DO with what they’ve learned? http://www.clipartheaven.com/clipart/construction/construction_worker_06.gif
Assessment of SLOs informs us if students are getting the big picture Or not http://s3.images.com/huge.48.242225.JPG
Academic advisor SLOs inform our students what to expect http://www.visibleworld.net/cupajane/img/ws_cartoon.jpg
Forest?? Obvious trees Grades and SLOs are different http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gallatin_National_Forest.jpg
Faculty discussions of SLOs and assessments can be rewarding and lead to improvements http://www.blogcdn.com/www.cinematical.com/media/2009/07/cine-favorite-movie-professors-small.jpg
SLOs and assessment at Cuesta, as confirmed by the SLO Principles Statement • Faculty driven • Assessment data belongs to faculty • Results used for improvements to programs • Student data not used for Faculty evaluations • Principles statement signed by Academic Senate, CCFT and Administration
WHY NOW? • 2002 — ACCJC sets SLOs in accreditation standards • 2007— ACCJC expected colleges to be “developmental” • 2009 – ACCJC requires “proficiency” by 2012
ACCJC requires “proficiency” by 2012, leading to “sustainable.”
How to move forward: • SLO Institutional Assessment Plan (IAP) for Instructional Programs (Senate, May 2010) • Contains framework for how to assess, when to assess, and how to report
SLO and Assessment Co-Coordinators Sally Demarest Greg Baxley • Look for SLO and assessment workshops in fall: • help with the IAP • assessment cycle calendar and course/program SLO mapping • classroom and program assessments
What’s in the IAP? • Introduction to assessment methods • Course and Program Assessment Summary • Assessment Cycle timeline
Assessment methods • Performance based • Student survey
Sample question: I am able to describe the content of this presentation and find help for creating a SLO assessment plan for my program. O Not at all O Slightly O Somewhat O Fairly Well O Very Well
More info at: academic.cuesta.edu/sloa