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CIM exchanges for maintenance at ERDF

CIM exchanges for maintenance at ERDF. CIM User Group – Milan June 2010. ERDF. EDF subsidiary for electricity distribution (french DNO). Created on january 2008. Operating MV & LV networks. 100% owned by EDF Group. http://www.erdfdistribution.fr

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CIM exchanges for maintenance at ERDF

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  1. CIM exchanges for maintenance at ERDF CIM User Group – Milan June 2010

  2. ERDF • EDF subsidiary for electricity distribution (french DNO). • Created on january 2008. • Operating MV & LV networks. • 100% owned by EDF Group. • http://www.erdfdistribution.fr • 1,2 million kilometers of MV/LV distribution lines. • 37.000 employees. • More than 32 millions of residential clients & 400.000 commercial and industrial • 332,1 TWh delivered in 2007. • 10.808 M€ turnover, 1.733 M€ investments, 302 M€ net result. • Guarantees non-discriminatory access to the network suppliers. 2 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  3. CIM history in ERDF • 2004-2006 : • 1st CIM exchanges in ERDF between GIS & Calculation Codes (MV & LV load flow,…). • Based on CIM version 10 and XML-XSD syntax. • Network description transmitted from the GIS to the Calculation Codes (PowerSystemResources, ConnectivityNodes, Measurements,…). • Calculation results sent back from Calculation Codes to GIS : the GIS display the network state (current flow, voltage drop,…). • 2009 : • Exchange from GIS to DANY4 (parisian distribution control system). • Based on CIM version 11 and XML-RDF syntax (CDPSM profile / IEC 61968-13). • Network description transmitted from the GIS to DANY4. • See presentation at CIM User Group – Genval – 2009. 3 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  4. MSITE model • MSITE is the data model exchange for ERDF. • Contains only CIM classes useful for ERDF. • Contains also ERDF extension classes/attributes.associations not defined in CIM. Specific extensions for ERDF MSITE exchange model CIM 4 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  5. MSITE model versions • Current version of MSITE based on CIM version 11. 5 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  6. 2010 : Maintenance project at ERDF • New maintenance application features in ERDF. • Maintenance program management. • Preventive maintenance & conditional maintenance. • Asset maintenance & failure history. • Work requests for inspection, repair, diagnosis,… on assets. • Future maintenance application needs  Description of installed asset from GIS, for maintenance & failure history. • Future maintenance application needs  Work requests & closure exchange with Work Management application of ERDF. 6 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  7. 2010 : Maintenance project at ERDF • GIS (MERCATOR)  Maintenance application (GMAO). • Re-use GIS export for DANY4 (2009) + extensions for maintenance. • Based on XML-RDF syntax (CDPSM). • Maintenance (GMAO)  Work Force Management (TAMARIS) • Based on XML-XSD syntax (messages) of IEC 61968 part 6. 7 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  8. 2010 : Maintenance project at ERDF • Maintenance (GMAO)  Work Force Management (TAMARIS). • Part 6 of the IEC 61968. • Part 6 messages not standardized yet. • EDF R&D is part of IEC 61968 part 6 team (Maintenance & Construction) leaded by IBM in WG14, to standardize part 6 messages. 8 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  9. Maintenance (GMAO)  Work Force Management (TAMARIS) message construction • Use-cases & messages identification. • Choose an IEC 61968 standardize use-case, • Describe a specific use-case otherwise. 9 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  10. Maintenance (GMAO)  Work Force Management (TAMARIS) message construction • CIM extensions. • According to the last version of CIM. Made with EA : exports XMI file. 10 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  11. Maintenance (GMAO)  Work Force Management (TAMARIS) message construction • Messages schema definition. • Import XMI file in CIMTool. CIMTool build the XSD message profile. 11 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  12. Next steps for CIM at ERDF • ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) project based on IEC 61968 standards, to manage CIM exchanges on ERDF IS. • Automated Meter Management (LINKY) messages. • Based on standardize messages of part 9. • LV network display, with distribution control outages & switchings (transmitted from DMS) and metered events in  real-time. • Based on standardize messages of part 3 and part 9. • Electric quality management, based on HV & LV metered measurements. • Based on standardize messages of part 9. • Network extension project. • Based on standardize messages of part 7. 12 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  13. CIM roadmap for ERDF 13 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

  14. Contact • Jérôme FREMONT • EDF Research & Development division • Phone : +33 1 47 65 47 24 • Email : jerome.fremont@edf.fr 14 - CIM User Group – Milan - 17/09/2014

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