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Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)

The NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) assesses the educational quality of higher education institutions and ensures that schools provide top-notch education to students in all areas, including research, projects, internships, classes, and career prospects. <br><br>The NAAC demands colleges to sign an Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA), which requires the institution to analyze and monitor its processes through a well-planned system of internal and external evaluations.<br><br>Academic and administrative audits of colleges have become a key component in bringing new academic reforms

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Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)

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  1. KeyThingstoKnowAbout Academicand AdministrativeAudit (AAA) www.iitms.co.in janki.somani@iitms.co.in 08448010216

  2. WhatisAAA? AcademicandAdministrativeAudit (AAA) is an undertaking signed by institutes for self study and peer review from the external and internalauthoritiesinacollege It aims towards evaluating and improvingthequalityofeducationin theinstitutes Itrecommendsactivitiestoenhance thequalityofthesystem

  3. Itensuresqualityeducation intheinstitutes 1 WHYISAAA IMPORTANT ? It gives rise to better opportunitiesforstudents 2 Bringspositivechangesin thewayofteaching 3 Offers highest level of educationalandresearch facilities 4 Givesabettersystemfor studentsandfaculty 5

  4. FORSTUDENTS Ithelpsthemtofocusonoutcomesbyeliminatingunnecessary workloads ADVANTAGESOF AAA FORTEACHERS Itgivesaclearideaabouttheirresponsibilities ADMIN Itgivesanoverviewofthegrowthoftheinstituteandhelpsthem improveit MANAGEMENT Itgivestheefficientimplementationoftheresources,processes, andstrategies

  5. PRINCIPLESOFAAA Continuous betterment Good Governance Placement and Alumni Applicationofnewreforms Consistencyandteamwork Documentation and Proof Researchfacilities Quality based on learning outcomes Mainfocusonteaching,learning,and evaluation

  6. TYPESOFAAA InternalAudit-PerformedbyIQACofinstitutes ExternalAudit-Performedbyexternalpeersintheinstitution

  7. StagesofAAA 01 Makingadepartment-wise “Self-studyReport”with evidence 02 InternalAuditoftheself- studyreport 03 Changesinthereportbased ontheinternalpeer’s suggestions

  8. 06 Implementationof suggestionsand recommendationsofthe externalpeeraudit 04 05 ExternalAuditofthereport Implementationofthe suggestions

  9. WHATIMPORTANTACTIVITIESARETOBE MENTIONEDINSELFSTUDYREPORTS? Implementationofinnovations,newstrategies, andplans Annualteachingplan Placement activities and Alumni programs Monthlyperformanceandappraisalsofteachers SocialpracticeslikeGreeninitiativesandwaste management‘ Workshops, seminars, and research facilities Studentwelfareactivitiesandcampuscommunity initiatives

  10. HowcanMasterSoftERPhelpyouin theAAAprocess? ByintroducinganAccreditationmanagement system that helps in smoothening processes and tasks such as compilation of data, management,andassemblyofreportsinthe requiredformats Bymaintainingtransparencyamongthe authoritiesofseveraldepartments Byensuringefficientworkingofthepeoplein charge

  11. Conclusion ByundertakingAAA,theinstitutes are constantly moving towards excellence Ifimplementedregularlyitcanhelp theinstitutesinofferingthehighest qualityofeducation Implementationofanonlinesystem forAAAcanincreaseitsefficiency

  12. Thankyou! Doyouhaveanyquestions? FORMOREINFOCHECKOUTOURBLOG: https://www.iitms.co.in/blog/how-to- conduct-academic-and-administrative- audit.html janki.somani@iitms.co.in 08448010216 www.iitms.co.in

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