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XVII scientific and Technical Forum 2013. Namibia Group IPF-MICONS -- MLGHRD
INTRODUCTION CAPRIVI REGION The terrain is flat topography, soils of sandy material corresponding to the type of soil and sand of the Kalahari, combinations of neem, loam and clay
GENERAL PROBLEM: In the Caprivi region, some buildings have cracks, fissures, and the age of the buildings in good condition not exceeding 20 years.How to solve this situation? • GENERALS OBJETIVES: • Expose this situation, give examples and solutions to these cases. • SPECIFIC OBJETIVES: • Provide constructive solution and project to help stop, remove, prevent the rise of these problematic presented. • Incorporate into the use of steel foundation for greater flexibility to the base of buildings.
INVESTIGATION’S METHOD: The observation qualitative and analysis of the situation in cases of study with the constructor in the place and practical solution. • SOLUTION:Modify the foundations of the projects to be built, following the recommendations given. • UTILITY:For the people who run their homes or running construction companies and facilities housing works. • FEASIBILITY:Presentation and delivery of the document to the Department of Planning and Regional Development Council for approval and implementation, making it comply with building regulations for projects.
DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMS PRESENTED IN THE CONSTRUCTIONS: • Emergence of cracks essentially 45 ° from the top towards a lower, wall corners upwards towards corners of window and door openings, walls collapse. • Top longitudinal walls break and move out and in, on average 3 to 4 cm. • No exact fulfilment of the requirements of projects in the foundation. No excavation shoring.
Do not use the steel strip foundations and project wide and thin. (Concrete is good in compression, but only 10% to resists fraction. • Great weight compact block walls (concrete blocks, with height above 3m and thickness of them with more than 20 cm. • Not used reinforced concrete columns at corners and transverse joints. • Beams are not used concrete enclosure as upper closure element for the longitudinal and transverse clamping and supporting walls, retaining covers. Start of the construction at a classroom.
Misalignments of doors that do not work up the floor. • Small metal joints, No18 sweet mayan wire used for clamping between walls is insufficient, given the weight of the walls of concrete blocks used. • Too many vertical joints in corners of windows and doors.
Beams are not used concrete enclosure as upper closure element for the longitudinal and transverse clamping and supporting walls, retaining covers. • No steel is used to sew the cracks, when they begin to separate.
During the work of checking, inspection of construction progress and housing installations, technical advice and guidance to works in progress as the ongoing construction of classrooms, facilities and health services. It has been observed in almost all works the presence of cracks and fissures
CASE STUDY Nsundano Primary school. Bukalosettlememnt . • School inspection and signing of contract, to repair cracked classroom and shabby construction. • It is noted foundation movement downwards by the weight of the walls of the fracture is likely to run from the foundation plate. • The longitudinal walls have outward movement, the bulging and cracking floor, roof trusses have endured some form of motion of the walls, like the transversal walls. The roof support trusses are wood, joints and incorrect use tiptoed are spaced between 1200-1500 mm. The mean runner wood trusses are rotting by 80% needed all change in all classroom.
Recommendations for solution of problems NsundanoPrimaryschool. • Use grooving of tungsten electric-drive to make the grooves perpendicular to the cracks to 100 mm deep in the walls. • Use corrugated steel 13 mm diameter and 200 mm long U-shaped (bent legs) 4º - 12º - 4º and placed at 300 mm from each other perpendicular to the cracks, starting 50 mm from the beginning and end of each crack . • Placed steel (the crack is like sewing steel) filling the space with sand-cement mortar (1: 2). • Excavate the corners, hollow 1000 x 1000 x 400 mm below the foundation and filled with concrete current of 15 MPa. Wet thoroughly with water the actual foundation before pour the new concrete. Repair concrete perimeter sidewalks.
They must repeat these excavations center transverse walls, corners of classrooms (exterior) and under each joint with longitudinal transverse wall. This job should run on the outside. • Change all external trusses on average corridors between classrooms and reinforce the rest, for it, place steel clamps attached to each 16 mm wood truss, projecting out, bending down steel 300 mm and embedding in wall or overlapping weld bolt 100 mm, putting washer plate 2 mm thick, 300 mm x300 mm area at each end, put the bolts nut and washers. • Stucco the walls, removing first the current stucco, the paint finish. • Demolish all interior floors and re-melt. (Cracked and bulging).
Mavuluma Junior, school in Katima Mulilo. • At the left end cracks in the longitudinal wall of separation of 2.3 cm at the top and descends this ± 45 ° to the foundation. • In the upper horizontal cracking is 40 cm below the cover and close to the separation 0.8 cm. • At the bottom on foundation beam and wall block, cracks of 5 mm, the longitudinal wall has moved back out 3 cm at the top and separation was observed in lateral view from the window frame, and for this end of the same construction and the front from cracks appear less pronounced downward window openings. • Demonstrably structural failure of the foundation, in the left corner of this building
Cracks appear in all transverse walls become large (2.0 cm wide) and right administrative local.Door frame wall on more than 3 cm from the wall, the separate metal frame and the door closes.The raised floor and cracked lengthwise and near the center of these classrooms.
CONCLUSIONS. We consider these simple recommendations should apply to areas and regions with sandy clay something so that the constructions are more resistant and durable. Without having to demolish the facility as has happened in some cases, mainly in the area of classroom education.
GENERALS RECOMMENDATIONS • TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF BUILDINGS. • Adding and / or modifying the foundations of the projects to be built by first time. • Add massive concrete blocks or concrete, in the transverse joints and corners of buildings, below lugs projecting concrete. • Vary the foundations of 700 mm (width) x 230 mm (thickness) by 500 mm (width) x 300 mm thick by placing at least two ᴓ 13 mm straight to 100 mm from the bottom to pass over the concrete blocks added and have not less than 650 mm from the steels splice joints in corners and transverse to take the tensile stresses in the concrete.
Whenever possible in a vertical line through the middle with the concrete blocks of section 1.1, running concrete columns. • Employing steel reinforcement beams inside enclosure as constructive element and closure walls support different roof structures. • Use ᴓ corrugated steel 10 mm or 13 mm in horseshoe shape (50 mm-200 mm-50mm) recessed to 100 mm, minimum wall and perpendicular to crack. coated with mortar 1: 2 (cement - sand). Section B-B Using concrete supports transverse joints in corners and under beams with use of steel foundation.
Bibliography • Eng. MaximilianoIzoba and Eng. Babe. Calculus manual of engineering. • Eng. F. Sower. Mechanics of soils. • Experience acquired in works of engineering, checking and express an opinion for the foundations of edifications. • Planning Commission. Namibia. Elimination of Poverty in Caprivi Regions. 2004.
COMMENT: • For Namibia and fundamental Caprivi region, we do consider to be an application and you want to carry discussion and analysis with other professionals in the IPF group MICONS and analyze this problem if it behaves the same way in all regions and help establish its solution. Thank you