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Laurel Kroack Chief, Bureau of Air Illinois EPA November 8, 2011

ICC Meeting. Laurel Kroack Chief, Bureau of Air Illinois EPA November 8, 2011. Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. 2. aka “CAIR Replacement” or “Transport Rule” Published as final July 2011 Addresses Ozone and PM 2.5 Transport (upwind states to downwind state problems)

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Laurel Kroack Chief, Bureau of Air Illinois EPA November 8, 2011

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  1. ICC Meeting Laurel Kroack Chief, Bureau of Air Illinois EPA November 8, 2011

  2. Cross-State Air Pollution Rule 2 • aka “CAIR Replacement” or “Transport Rule” • Published as final July 2011 • Addresses Ozone and PM2.5 Transport (upwind states to downwind state problems) • Reductions needed from all states in the U.S. contributing to nonattainment/interfering with maintenance of 1997 ozone standard and 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 standards

  3. Cross-State Air Pollution Rule 3 • Includes process for determining each upwind state’s contribution to exceedances of new standards as NAAQS are changed • Significant revisions published October 14, 2011 • Illinois impacts: Delay Assurance Penalty until 2014 (instead of 2012) • Applies to emissions of SO2 and NOx from power plants

  4. Cross-State Air Pollution Rule 4 • Phase 1 • January 1, 2012 for annual SO2 and NOx • May 1, 2012 for ozone season Nox • Phase 2 – additional SO2 reductions by January 1, 2014 • Allows for emissions allowance trading, while imposing a strict emissions ceiling in each state • Allows states to develop full SIPs to achieve the required reductions

  5. CSAPR – NOx Allocations and Emissions from Illinois Utilities

  6. CSAPR – SO2 Allocations and Emissions from Illinois Utilities

  7. EGU Data by Year

  8. EGU Data by Year

  9. EGU Data by Year

  10. SO2 Data

  11. NOx Data

  12. MPS Applies to Dynegy and Ameren

  13. CPS Applies to Midwest Generation

  14. BART MOU's Apply to Dominion and CWLP

  15. CAIR NOx Budgets

  16. CSPR NOx Budgets

  17. SO2 Budgets

  18. EGU MACT

  19. Illinois Mercury Rule • Mercury emissions limited to 0.008 lb/Gwh OR 90% control • Existing Illinois units should be able to comply with new MACT control levels • New MACT control levels for new units are very stringent

  20. GHGs • HB1297 – Ties State GHG Permitting to Federal Requirements • Permitting of GHGs is here - Final Tailoring Rule issued May 13, 2010 • Tailoring Rule “adjusts” Title V and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements

  21. Thank You • Any Questions? Laurel Kroack Bureau Chief Bureau of Air, Illinois EPA (217) 785-4140 e-mail: laurel.kroack@illinois.gov

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