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Results of Spanish Exploration

Results of Spanish Exploration. By Holly Batsford June 20, 2006. Mestisos. Mestisos = ½ Spanish +1/2 Indian Conquistadors married Indian women. Their children were called Mestisos (AKA Mexicans) + =. Catholicism brought to Americas.

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Results of Spanish Exploration

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  1. Results of Spanish Exploration By Holly Batsford June 20, 2006

  2. Mestisos • Mestisos = ½ Spanish +1/2 Indian • Conquistadors married Indian women. Their children were called Mestisos (AKA Mexicans) + =

  3. Catholicism brought to Americas • Spanish built missions to convert Indians to Catholicism • Most Hispanics in Americas today are Catholic

  4. Spanish culture brought to the Americas • Spanish language • Spanish architecture

  5. Dictatorships in Latin American Countries • Dictatorship=Govt in which a single ruler (dictator) rules with absolute authority. The people have no say in govt. • Today many Latin American countries have a recent history of dictatorships.

  6. Cowboys • Spanish brought horses and cattle to America • Later Mexican cowboys (vacqueros) would set up ranches

  7. Exchange of Plants between Americas & Europe • European plants brought to America: citrus, bananas, sugar, & cotton • American plants brought to Europe: potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, tobacco, & chocolate > >

  8. Fun Facts • Mestisos means “mixed” in Spanish • Indians had never seen horses before Cortes brought them to America. Horses impressed them so that this is partly why they thought he was a god. • Cowboys are associated with the U.S. when actually cowboys all started in Mexico. • The smoking of tobacco became a European craze after explorers saw Indians smoking pipes. King James I of England called smoking a filthy habit.

  9. Comprehension Check • What is a Mestiso? • What religion did the Spanish bring to America? • Give 2 examples of Spanish culture in America. • What is a dictatorship? • How did the Spanish start the cowboy profession in America? • Give examples of the plants exchanged between America and Europe.

  10. Works Cited • Simple Works Cited • Click the text descriptions (usually in gray fields) to enter your own Works Cited information. • California Department of Education • http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/hstgrade8.asp • State content standards for Social Studies Grade 8 • nvtech website • search.nvtech.com • picture: Mexican male • zulunation website • www.zulunation.com • picture of Indian woman • floridahistory website • www.floridahistory.com • picture of Conquistador • libutexas website • lib.utexas.edupicture of panama • Holt Rinehart website • go.hrw.com • map of Cuba • latinamericanstudies website • latinamericanstudies.com • picture of Noriega • abclatina website • abc.latina.com • picture of Castro • elaca.org website • elca.org • picture of Argentina • cascades-iguazu website • cascades-iguazu.com • picture of Peron • enwikipedia website • enwikipedia.org • picture of cow & horse • ilovethewest website • ilovethewest.com • picture of cowboy • go.hrw website • go.hrw.com • picture of spain • enwikibooks website • enwikibooks.com • picture of bananas, oranges, sugar, cotton, tobacco, corn, potatoes, chocolate

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