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Collection 10 Heroes and Monsters Informational Text p. 818

Collection 10 Heroes and Monsters Informational Text p. 818. CCRS – RI.9-10.1; RI.9-10.2; RI.9-10.3; RI.9-10.4; RI.9-10.5; RI.9-10.6; RI.9-10.8; RI.9-10.10; SL.9-10.1; SL.9-10.3; Reading Skills – Evaluate an author’s argument, including intent and tone. Evaluating Argument Review.

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Collection 10 Heroes and Monsters Informational Text p. 818

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  1. Collection 10Heroes and MonstersInformational Text p. 818 CCRS – RI.9-10.1; RI.9-10.2; RI.9-10.3; RI.9-10.4; RI.9-10.5; RI.9-10.6; RI.9-10.8; RI.9-10.10; SL.9-10.1; SL.9-10.3; Reading Skills – Evaluate an author’s argument, including intent and tone

  2. Evaluating Argument Review • Writers may appeal to reason or logic, or writers may use emotional appeals. • Determine the author’s intent (purpose) • Identify logical and emotional appeals • Identify anecdotes • Identify loaded words • Determine the author’s tone • Look at author’s word choice, loaded language, sensory images, and figurative language

  3. Quickwrite • Do you think ordinary people can be heroes? Explain your answer.

  4. Vocabulary Previewing the Vocabulary advocate n.: supporter defersv.: delays; puts off. emaciatedadj.: extremely thin; wasted away annihilatev.: destroy completely emulate v.: follow the example of; imitate

  5. Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with words from the Word Bank. defers advocate emulate emaciated annihilate emaciated 1.The backpackers looked ____________ after being in the woods for two weeks without food. 2.The tornado threatened to __________ all the buildings in its path. 3.A smart athlete ____________ strenuous exercise until after stretching his or her muscles. 4. Our environmental group is our town’s strongest ____________ of the recycling program. 5. Most children want to ____________ their role models. annihilate defers advocate emulate

  6. “Where I Find My Heroes” p. 819 • What is Stone’s argument, as he states it in the first paragraph? • Do you think that the experiences that Stone cites gives his argument credibility? Explain. • Which words in Stone’s description of Ron Kovic have emotional associations? • How does Stone’s argument appeal to both the heart and mind?

  7. “Heroes with Solid Feet” p. 821 • Notice how Douglas begins his essay. What do you think his intention is – to persuade readers with objective evidence or to persuade with emotional appeals? • How does the anecdote by Inge Borck make you feel about her credibility? • Douglas’s argument is revealed at the end of his essay. What is his argument? • Do you think it is more effective to have the argument at the end of this essay or would it have been better at the beginning? Explain your answer.

  8. Activity • Page 824 • Reading Check 1-4 • Test Practice 1-5

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