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Final Project

Final Project. Mei-Chen Yeh May 15, 2012. General. In-class presentation June 12 and June 19, 2012 15 minutes, in English 30% of the overall grade In-class individual discussion on May 22. Original plan: Participation 10% Midterm report 20% Projects and presentations 50%

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Final Project

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  1. Final Project Mei-Chen Yeh May 15, 2012

  2. General • In-class presentation • June 12 and June 19, 2012 • 15 minutes, in English • 30% of the overall grade • In-class individual discussion on May 22 • Original plan: • Participation 10% • Midterm report 20% • Projects and presentations 50% • project 1: 20% • final project: 30% • Assignments 20% • New plan: • Participation 10% • Midterm report 25% • Projects and presentations 55% • project 1: 25% • final project 30% • Assignments 10%

  3. Tasks • Your own proposal: implement parts of your ideas in the midterm report • Duplicate the image retrieval task on the public benchmarks • INRIA Holidays • Kentucky Benchmark (UKB) • Landmark classification

  4. Image Search: INRIA Holiday • 1,491 images of 500 scenes • One image per scene is used as query to search within the remaining 1,490 images; 500 queries in total, and 991 corresponding relevant images • Evaluation: • the mean Average Precision (mAP) over the 500 queries

  5. Evaluation Measurement |Ra|/|R| • Recall • The fraction of the relevant images which have been retrieved • Precision • The fraction of the retrieved images which are relevant |Ra|/|A| All images |Ra| Relevant |R| Retrieved |A|

  6. Example • 10 relevant images. 15 retrieved images • Ranking of the images for a given query q • {d123, d84,d56, d6, d8,d9, d511, d129, d187,d25, d38, d48, d250, d113,d3} precision = 50% recall = 30% precision = 40% recall = 40% precision = 67% recall = 20% precision = 100% recall = 10% Slide credit: Prof. Berlin Chen

  7. Summarize the plot into a single number!

  8. Average Precision (AP) • Average the precisions obtained when a relevant image is retrieved

  9. Mean Average Precision (MAP) • Find the average precision for each query • Compute the mean AP over all queries • State-of-the-art* on INRIA: 0.79 *Gorda et al., Leveraging Category-Level Labels For Instance-Level Image Retrieval, CVPR 2012.

  10. INRIA Holiday • Dataset description • the images themselves • a set of descriptors extracted from these images • a set of descriptors produced, with the same extractor and descriptor, for a distinct dataset (Flickr60K) • two sets of clusters used to quantize the descriptors. These have been obtained from Flickr60K.

  11. Kentucky Benchmark • 10,200 images of 2,550 objects, all the images are 640x480. • Each image is used in turn as query to search within the 10,200 images • Evaluation • 4xreall@4 averaged over the 10,200 queries • how many of the top-4 returned images are correct • the maximum achievable score is 4 • State-of-the-art*: 3.36 *Gorda et al., Leveraging Category-Level Labels For Instance-Level Image Retrieval, CVPR 2012.

  12. Landmark Classification • Label instances, usually represented by feature vectors, into one of the predefined categories (67 scenes/objects in our case). • Evaluation: 4-fold cross validation Yeileu

  13. K-fold cross validation • Partition the original sample into K subsamples. • Of the K subsamples, a single subsample is used for testing, and the remaining K − 1 subsamples are used for training. • Repeated K times (the folds), with each of the K subsamples used exactly once as the testing data. • The K results from the folds then can be averaged to produce the classification rate.

  14. K-fold cross validation …… • Validation • Validation • Validation K

  15. Our case: 4-fold 001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg 004.jpg 005.jpg 006.jpg 007.jpg 008.jpg Yeileu

  16. Landmark classification: Approach • Nearest neighbor • Support vector machines • Linear • Non-linear (kernel) • … Analyze and compare the performances of various design choices

  17. Tasks • Your own proposal: implement parts of your ideas in the midterm report • Duplicate the image retrieval task on the public benchmarks • INRIA Holidays • Kentucky Benchmark (UKB) • Landmark classification

  18. Make a work plan now! • Start early • No cheating • Deliver a working system In-class individual discussion on May 22

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