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Super Quiz ™ PowerPoint Test 4 2011-2012

Super Quiz ™ PowerPoint Test 4 2011-2012. Question 1. Which of the following vessels pioneered the Red Sea Route and “made plain the need for a canal”?. a. North Star b. Sphinx c. Nellie d. Aigle e. Hugh Lindsay. Question 1. Which of the following vessels pioneered the Red Sea

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Super Quiz ™ PowerPoint Test 4 2011-2012

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  1. Super Quiz™PowerPoint Test 42011-2012

  2. Question 1 Which of the following vessels pioneered the Red Sea Route and “made plain the need for a canal”? a. North Star b. Sphinx c. Nellie d. Aigle e. Hugh Lindsay

  3. Question 1 Which of the following vessels pioneered the Red Sea Route and “made plain the need for a canal”? e. Hugh Lindsay (72, 2 ,1)

  4. Question 2 Who posited the theory of “natural selection”? a. Charles Darwin b. Count Gobineau c. Robert Knox d. Rudyard Kipling e. Benjamin Kidd

  5. Question 2 Who posited the theory of “natural selection”? a. Charles Darwin (88, 2, 1)

  6. Question 3 Which country settled the presidios of Ceuta and Melilla in Africa? a. Spain b. Netherlands c. Greece d. Great Britain e. France

  7. Question 3 Which country settled the presidios of Ceuta and Melilla in Africa? a. Spain (6, 2, 1)

  8. Question 4 Marshal Hubert Lyautey was the architect of the French colonization of a. Senegal b. Algeria c. Tunisia d. Morocco e. Cambodia

  9. Question 4 Marshal Hubert Lyautey was the architect of the French colonization of d. Morocco (50, 2, 4)

  10. Question 5 What was the “liberal conceit” of colonialism? a. Europeanizing the non-Western world b. stripping resources from the non-western world c. decolonizing the non-western world d. unabashed consolidation of imperial rule by force e. forming partnerships with colonial entities

  11. Question 5 What was the “liberal conceit” of colonialism? a. Europeanizing the non-Western world (87, 2, 2)

  12. Question 6 The novelist Buchi Emecheta was born in a. Germany b. Communist Hungary c. Nigeria d. South Africa e. Yugoslavia

  13. Question 6 The novelist Buchi Emecheta was born in c. Nigeria (108, 1, 1)

  14. Question 7 What was the name of the French steamer that bombarded the city of Algiers in 1830? a. Ballay b. Léon Blot c. North Star d. Sphinx e. Nellie

  15. Question 7 What was the name of the French steamer that bombarded the city of Algiers in 1830? d. Sphinx (67, 1, 1)

  16. Question 8 After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese took control of Russian railroads in a. Hanoi b. Manchuria c. Sakhalin d. Egypt e. India

  17. Question 8 After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese took control of Russian railroads in b. Manchuria (86, 2, 3)

  18. Question 9 Who founded the Ming Dynasty in China? a. Zhu Yuanzhang b. Mao Zedong c. Ho Chi Minh d. Jiang Jieshi e. Cheng-ho

  19. Question 9 Who founded the Ming Dynasty in China? a. Zhu Yuanzhang (7, 2, 2)

  20. Question 10 Giovanni de Verrazzano was killed by members of which tribe in 1528? a. Huron b. Carib c. Powhatan d. Micmac e. Algonquin

  21. Question 10 Giovanni de Verrazzano was killed by members of which tribe in 1528? b. Carib (15, 1, 1)

  22. Question 11 The British first tried out the minié ball in the a. Napoleonic Wars b. Bengal Wars c. Anglo-Indian Wars d. Mysore Wars e. Kaffir War

  23. Question 11 The British first tried out the minié ball in the e. Kaffir War (66, 1, 2)

  24. Question 12 During the nineteenth century competition for the South Pacific, which two countries divided up the Solomon Islands? a. Britain and Germany b. France and Denmark c. United States and Germany d. Italy and the Netherlands e. France and Britain

  25. Question 12 During the nineteenth century competition for the South Pacific, which two countries divided up the Solomon Islands? a. Britain and Germany (86, 1, 2)

  26. Question 13 In the fifteenth century, the House of Habsburg first reigned in a. France b. Italy c. Austria d. Netherlands e. Spain

  27. Question 13 In the fifteenth century, the House of Habsburg first reigned in c. Austria (8, 2, 2)

  28. Question 14 What gun was approved in 1836 for use by British troops? a. Pennsylvania-Kentucky rifle b. Prussian needle gun c. Brunswick rifle d. Minié rifle e. Brown Bess

  29. Question 14 What gun was approved in 1836 for use by British troops? c. Brunswick rifle (65, 2, 4)

  30. Question 15 Which Vietnamese resistance movement fought French infiltration? a. Destours b. Black Flags c. Taipings d. Freedom Fighters e. Taliban

  31. Question 15 Which Vietnamese resistance movement fought French infiltration? b. Black Flags (86, 1, 1)

  32. Question 16 Which composer used the sitar in his composition of “Norwegian Wood”? a. György Ligeti b. Karlheinz Stockhausen c. George Harrison d. Buchi Emecheta e. Niki de Saint Phalle

  33. Question 16 Which composer used the sitar in his composition of “Norwegian Wood”? c. George Harrison (121, 2, 1)

  34. Question 17 In 1807, which clergyman and amateur physicist proposed using a detonating gunpowder and a percussion lock instead of a flintlock? a. Alexander Forsyth b. Joshua Shaw c. Joseph Needham d. Hauptmann Kling e. Gustav Rohlfs

  35. Question 17 In 1807, which clergyman and amateur physicist proposed using a detonating gunpowder and a percussion lock instead of a flintlock? a. Alexander Forsyth (64, 1, 2)

  36. Question 18 Which nation was NOT a participant in the Crimean War? a. Russia b. Germany c. Ottoman Empire d. France e. Britain

  37. Question 18 Which nation was NOT a participant in the Crimean War? b. Germany (86, 2, 2)

  38. Question 19 The proper name of the board governing the VOC was the a. North African Star b. Neo-Destours c. Amsterdam Stock Exchange d. Heren XVII e. Dutch States General

  39. Question 19 The proper name of the board governing the VOC was the d. Heren XVII (9, 1, 1)

  40. Question 20 Which French politician asked, “What is this civilization which you impose with cannonballs?” a. Jules Maigne b. Georges Perin c. Jules Ferry d. Frédéric Passy e. Camille Pellatan

  41. Question 20 Which French politician asked, “What is this civilization which you impose with cannonballs?” • Camille Pellatan • (48, 1, 2)

  42. Question 21 As a part of the European exploration of inland African waterways, who transported the small steamer Khedive to the upper Nile River? a. George Goldie b. Samuel White Baker c. Lieutenant Gentile d. David Livingstone e. Henry Stanley

  43. Question 21 As a part of the European exploration of inland African waterways, who transported the small steamer Khedive to the upper Nile River? b. Samuel White Baker (63, 1, 2)

  44. Question 22 What word does the narrator of “Shooting an Elephant” use in describing the “futility of the white man’s dominion in the East”? a. “watchful” b. “hollowness” c. “ironic” d. “juggernaut” e. “corpselike”

  45. Question 22 What word does the narrator of “Shooting an Elephant” use in describing the “futility of the white man’s dominion in the East”? b. “hollowness” (105, 2, 1)

  46. Question 23 The formal declaration of war between England and France over their North American holdings came in a. 1745 b. 1756 c. 1767 d. 1778 e. 1789

  47. Question 23 The formal declaration of war between England and France over their North American holdings came in b. 1756 (28, 2, 1)

  48. Question 24 The ambitions of which Belgian ruler is often cited as an explanation of the intense “scramble for Africa”? a. Leopold II b. King George III c. Henry VIII d. Edward VI e. Francis I

  49. Question 24 The ambitions of which Belgian ruler is often cited as an explanation of the intense “scramble for Africa”? a. Leopold II (62, 1, 2)

  50. Question 25 The formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910 was a partial fulfillment of the ambitions of a. Charles Gordon b. Cecil Rhodes c. Mungo Park d. George Goldie e. Horatio Herbert Kitchener

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