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This document provides an overview of the EU Confidential Data Access Infrastructure Project presented at the October 2011 meeting, including its goals, coordination, related projects, and working packages.
ITDG meeting of 18-19 of October 2011 Item 4.3 Exchange of confidential information and VIP SICON Presented by Dario Buono Eurostat Unit B2 – Methodology and research
VIP SICON (1) • The overall aim of the project is to develop and establish a pilot of infrastructure, services and documentation for accessing EU confidential datasets held in Eurostat by external partners, mainly NSIs in view of integrating MS and Eurostat processes.
VIP SICON (2) • Works are coordinated by a ESTAT/DIGIT Steering Group aiming at developing synergies with existing solutions • Ex-ante evaluation of the project underwent an Eurostat/Commission screening. • Outsourcing via DIGIT framework. Work started in June 2011.
VIP SICON (3) Main related projects for pilot phase EGR Euro Group Register DASP Decentralised Access for Scientific Purposes Other related projects Transport Statistics Information System Webservice for SAS based production system (GSAT) Service for EU data validation (Eurostat Editing Building Block, National Account production system) Teleworking in Eurostat Analysis starts with detailed review of user needs and functional specifications 4
VIP SICON (4) Kick-off meeting in July 2011 Deliverable for task 1 provided in September 2011 consisting of Users Need analysis and a proposed model and schema for the secure infrastructure 5
Proposed Model & Schema for SICON PRO & CONS PROS Mains security needs are satisfied Use only existing commission software CONS Triple Identification No Web services Opening outgoing channels is not recommended If the second solution is selected, many machine/virtual machine to be maintained
DASP (1) • The project aims at: • Design, test and implement a pilot integrated ESS infrastructure for access to Community confidential data for research purposes based on a network of interoperable safe centres operated under common protocols and standards. • Analyse and prepare for the deployment phase of the ESS infrastructure exploring the possibility (cost benefit analysis) to promote a more distributed architecture where data remains in their original location under the direct control of the responsibility of the national authority;
DASP (2) The expected results are: A network of 5 NSI safe centres enabling researchers to get access to EU microdata securely stored on Eurostat servers and to serve as a model for further deployment at ESS level. Complete standards, protocol and guidelines, for security, access management output checking, metadata allowing for an integrated operation of a common infrastructure are proposed. The standards and protocol will be the basis for the implementation of new regulation 831/2002 for access to confidential data for scientific purposes. Cost benefit analysis and guidelines (technology, resources,) for the extension of the tested solution in the following 4 directions: 1) extension towards new NSIs, 2) integration of remote access solutions 3) integration with other structures and partners, 4) distributed architecture. 9
DASP (3) • I order to carry out the foreseen tasks a call for proposal was launched in 2010 y using the ESSnet Multi-Beneficiaries Grant procedure. • In June 2011 Eurostat reviewed the proposal received by the consortium leaded by DESTATIS. Other NSIs are member of the consortium, namely ONS, HCSO, INSEE, INE and the AfS. • The contract was signed in September 2011 and the project kick-off meeting is expected to take place on the 25th of October in Tarragona, back-to back with the UNECE he Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality
DASP (4) 6 Working packages are to be carried out: WP1 Documentation and Workflow (coordinated by AfS) WP2 Concept of technical implementation and safety requirement for remote (coordinated by INSEE) WP3 Cost benefit analysis (coordinated by ONS) WP4 Implementation of remote access – case study (coordinated by INSEE) WP5 Communication and Dissemination to ESS (coordinated by Destatis) WP6 Management (coordinated by Destatis) 11