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MC Misalignment. George Vesztergombi. Tracker DPG meeting, 25.11.2011. Credits. Budapest: Adam Agocs, Krisztian Krajczar, Ferenc Sikler, George Vesztergombi DESY: Joerg Behr, Gero Flucke, Justyna Tomaszewska CERN: Alessio Bonato, Roberto Castello
MC Misalignment George Vesztergombi Tracker DPG meeting, 25.11.2011
Credits Budapest: Adam Agocs, Krisztian Krajczar, Ferenc Sikler, George Vesztergombi DESY: Joerg Behr, Gero Flucke, Justyna Tomaszewska CERN: Alessio Bonato, Roberto Castello Aachen: Natalie Heracleous Budapest Group
Intro Latest startup Dec 2010, only cosmics + minbias Plots from Adam or Natalie? Z with only IDEAL and Startup geoms Budapest Group
Strategy Aim: find an alignment (including sensor bow parameters) on MC, which performs close to the current data alignment Momentum biases as seen with Z-mass validation Local precision as seen with track based validation Geometry production: starting from an MC geometry + bow parameters from data ~ similar to data approach Budapest Group
Datasets Input: same datasets as in real data: Isolated muons from W (16.3 M tracks) Isolated muons from QCD-mu enriched events (2.3 M tracks) Minbias tracks (450k events ~ 4.5 M tracks) Zmumu events using mass constraint (390k events) Peak mode cosmics (1.8 M used tracks) Deco mode cosmics (1.7 M used tracks) Different weights for cosmics (x2, x0.5) → negligible change in the produced geometry Budapest Group
pT and eta distribution in data and MC Adam plots
List of valid geometries Alignments starting from ideal and startup MC geometries + bows from data: The presence of the Z-mass φ-mode seems completely determined by the starting geometry Roberto produced hybrid geometries which lay between ideal and startup: Starting from ideal and adding a fraction of the difference from startup IDEALplus_02Delta IDEALplus_033Delta IDEALplus_05Delta Budapest Group
Realigned bows IDEALplus_05Delta Kinks and δ-bows Budapest Group
Track based validation 2 DMR 2 BPIX, 2 FPIX, TOB, TEC Plots from Adam Budapest Group
Track based validation DRR Plots from Adam Budapest Group
Cosmic split ΔK, Δθ Plots from Adam Budapest Group
Z validation Mass peak Plots from Natalie Budapest Group
Z validation MZ vs η, MZ vs Φ for all tracker Budapest Group http://natalie.web.cern.ch/natalie/directory/Tracker_Alignement_Task/111111/All/
Z validation MZ vs Φ in Barrel, MZ vs Φ in TEC+ TEC+ Barrel TEC+ Barrel Budapest Group http://natalie.web.cern.ch/natalie/directory/Tracker_Alignement_Task/111111/TEC+/
Z validation MZ vs Δη Plots from Natalie/Roberto? Budapest Group
Chosen geometry The BPIX centred IDEALplus_05Delta is chosen Budapest Group
Geometry comparisons Geometry comparison vs ideal BPIX (3x5 plot) Plots from Adam Budapest Group
Geometry comparisons Geometry comparison vs ideal TOB (3x5 plot) Plots from Adam Budapest Group
Summary Conclusions Outlook Budapest Group
Backup slides Budapest Group