1. Class Reptilia Dry, Scaly Skin
Terrestrial Eggs
Ectothermic - rely on environment for body temperature
2. Feeding
Carnivores & Herbivores (Iguana)
Lungs - muscles in chest cavity expand to inhale & collapse to exhale
Advanced muscle system and larger limbs than amphibians (aquatic turtles = flippers)
Walk, run, burrow, swim, climb
3. Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction w/ internal fert.
Penis-like organ deposits sperm in female cloaca
2 atria & 1 or 2 ventricles (crocs & gators = 2)
2 loop system
oxygenated blood to and from lungs (pulmonary)
oxygenated blood to and from rest of body (systemic)
4. Excretion
Urine produced in kidneys (directly to cloaca or stored in bladder before released to cloaca)
Waste as ammonia (crocs & gators)
Waste as uric acid
Brain similar to Amphibians
Complex eyes (see color)
Sense of smell (snakes)
5. Class Reptilia
Order Chelonia
Turtles & Tortoises
7. Order CrocodiliaCrocodiles, Alligators,
9. Order SquamataLizards & Snakes
11. Order Rhynocephalia