This file presents the proposed visual identity created by Soap for your presentation. It is worth noting that the slides with a black background - prior to the creations - explain the concept, creation and graphics proposed for the presentation. This includes text boxes and images, design elements for the composition of the slides, typography and a color palette
Based on the sent material, the following presentation has been developed in a style that puts emphasis on imagery The proposal is a visual metaphor for the training and development of football skills in young talent, with visual aids used to illustrate the evolution of both individuals and teams and the forming of partnerships with the Puma Academy of Sporting
Wallpaper and application of logo to be replicated on every slide
Shown below are examples of text boxes and graphics to support compositions
Bolhas como elemento para coca Circles for iconsor numbers Circles for textor images Area for text, dividing slides or using as a design element
1 R 255 | G 255 | B 255 5 R000 | G168 | B093 2 R 000 | G 000 | B 000 6 R000 | G052 | B102 3 R086 | G177 | B038 7 R002 | G033 | B063 4 R005 | G104 | B057 1 & 2 – Colours for text All colours can be used on design elements and highlighted text should always be easy to read.
TITLES Font: Trebuchet Text to be used at a minimum size of 18 Highlighted text or titles can be used in bold and with various font sizes Highlighted text in bold and in secondary colours from the vi should always follow the guideline and be easy to read Sub-titles Text highlight • Bullet • Bullet • Sub-bullet • Sub-bullet HIGHLIGHT DIFFERENTSIZE
Ilustrações podem ser feitas por meio de silhuetas ou traços e aplicadas junto de imagens reais Realistic illustration style created using photographs Stroke to be used with diagrams
Al Ahli Saudi Soccer Academy Jeddah 2005
Our Mission To create generations of technically, physically and mentally qualified football playersaccording to sports, educational and cultural programs and through a specialized team, try to develop the training programs and methods, qualify the human resources specialized in football and communicate with the community and parents to achieve maximum benefit Our Vision To provide a safe educational and training environment to build a promising football future
PHILOSOPHY AND STRATEGY of Player Development Player Management Player development Recruitment Player profile