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Discussion. What is segregation? What is integration? What groups in society supported segregation? What did the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson rule? Was this ruling effective? How did African Americans make gains during WWII? (How did their roles improve).

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  1. Discussion • What is segregation? What is integration? • What groups in society supported segregation? • What did the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson rule? Was this ruling effective? • How did African Americans make gains during WWII? (How did their roles improve)

  2. What can you tell about this young man by simply looking at this picture?

  3. Emmet Till • Emmett Louis “Bobo” Till • From Chicago Illinois, 14 year old boy • During the summer of 1955, he was spending the summer with his uncle in Mississippi- in a region known for racial violence. • Emmett, on a dare, whistled at a white female shop owner. • Later that night, Emmett was abducted from his uncle’s house.

  4. Carolyn Bryant

  5. Emmett Till Emmett Till was beaten savagely, with one eye gouged from his face. He was then shot in the back of his head. His killers used barbed wire, wrapped around Emmett’s neck and tied to a large industrial fan, and then dumped into a river. The men charged with his murder were acquitted in 67 minutes. Months later, both men admitted to killing the youth.

  6. Racism in America • This event fueled the fire of the Civil Rights movement. • People used this point to show what kind of hatred and evil they were facing. • The event caused great outcry and motivation for the continuation of the Civil Rights movement.

  7. Segregation in Schools • The issue that caused the most fighting between segregationists and integrationists was public education. • In the early 1950’s, only 16 states required their public schools to be integrated. • School districts often violated these requirements.

  8. Brown vs. Board of Education • To read more about desegregation in public schools we are going to read about the court case Brown vs. Board of Education. • Brown Decision (670-671) • Resistance to Brown (671) • Focus on the main points! Be ready to discuss! • Fill in the information on your worksheet

  9. Civil Rights Movement: Events • During the Civil Rights Movement, there were four main events that characterized the fight for equality. • Montgomery Bus Boycotts (pg. 674) • Sit-ins (pg. 677) • Freedom Riders (pg. 682) • March on Washington (686) • You are going to read about each event and complete the worksheet. • What you do not finish will be homework!

  10. CLOSURE What was the outcome of Brown v. Board of Education? How did people react to the ruling of this court case? Have you ever experienced racism? What does racism look like? Do you think there is still segregation in today’s society? Explain.

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