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Plenary Session 3 BARRIERS TO THE USE OF REDUCTION SCHEME Experience of an Italian Competent Authority Giuseppe D’Agostino – Ugo Cognazzo (Unit for prevention and control of air pollution from industrial installations). Population: 2.300.000 inhabitants Area: 6.830 km².
Plenary Session 3 BARRIERS TO THE USE OF REDUCTION SCHEME Experience of an Italian Competent Authority Giuseppe D’Agostino – Ugo Cognazzo (Unit for prevention and control of air pollution from industrial installations) Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
Population: 2.300.000 inhabitants Area: 6.830 km² Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
S.E.D. HISTORY OF EVENTS 31st MAY 2010 11th MAR 1999 12th MAR 2004 31st OCT 2005 31st OCT 2007 ≈100 installations S.E.D. adopted by the Council Deadline for notification of a Reduction Scheme for installations to be registered or authorised under Annex IIB Deadline for registration /authorization of existing installations, for compliance with Annex IIA or Target Emission Installations registered or authorised by the Province of Turin Administration according to S.E.D. S.E.D. Brought into force in Italian Legislation (D.M.A. 44) Deadline for compliance with Target emission x 1.5 Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
RESULTS IN THE PROVINCE OF TURIN due to application of S.E.D. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
S.E.D. ACTIVITIES31st MAR 2005 ÷ 31st OCT 2007 • 90 installations registered or authorised; • 20 installations fallen in Directive 96/61/EC (I.P.P.C.); • 10 installations not compliant with Annex IIA limits (waste gas and/or fugitive emission) • Some activities not included in Annex IIB (Surface cleaning, Manufacture of coating, etc) Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
THREE EXAMPLES OF INSTALLATIONS NOT COMPLIANT WITH ANNEX IIA • Metal Coating (drying process, waste gas V.O.C. concentration > 50 mg/Nm3) • Paper Coating (drying process, waste gas V.O.C. concentration > 50 mg/Nm3) • Adhesive Coating (fugitive emission > 20% solvent input) TARGET EMISSION (ANNEX IIB) NOT EQUIVALENT TO TOTAL EMISSION (ANNEX IIA) Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 1 - METAL COATING Activity: coating of rims - 8.000.000 rims/y (24 h/d x 230 d/y) Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 1 - METAL COATING Total Emission Limit Value (Annex IIA) (waste gas emissions) 57 t/y + [fugitive emission: 20% organic solvents input (85+20)] 21 t/y = (total emission) 78 t/y V.O.C. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 1 - METAL COATING Calculation of Target Emission (Annex IIB) Using Year 2004 Data Total Mass of Solids: 120 + 170 = 290 t/y Annual reference emission: 1,5 x 290 =435 t/y Target Emission: 25/100 x 435 =108 t/y Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 1 - METAL COATING (Annex IIB): “The following scheme shall operate for installation for which a constant solid content of product can be assumed and used to define the reference point for emission reduction” Remarks • According to historical data provided by the operator, the total mass of solids input in spray coatings is not constant • High uncertainty in determining nominal capacity difficulty in determining the reference point for reduction Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 2 - ADHESIVE COATING Activity: Adhesive coating onto metallic items before rubber application (dampers for automotive engines) • 3.400.000 items/y (24 h/d x 330 d/y); • organic solvents input 33 t/y; • adhesive solid content 34% (10 t/y). Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 2 - ADHESIVE COATING Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 2 - ADHESIVE COATING Total Emission Limit Value (Annex IIA) (waste gas emissions) 8,50 t/y + [fugitive emission: 20% organic solvents input (33 t/y)] 6,50 t/y = (total emission) 15 t/y V.O.C. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 2 - ADHESIVE COATING Annual reference emission: 4 x (10) =40 Target Emission: 25/100 x 40 =10 t/y V.O.C. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 2 - ADHESIVE COATING (Annex IIB): “the operator shall forward an emission reduction plan which includes in particular decreases in the average solvent content of the total input and/or increased efficiency in the use of solids to achieve a reduction of the total emissions from the installation to a given percentage of the annual reference emissions, termed the target emission” Remarks • Solvent free adhesive not available at the time of authorization; • The operator opted for: enclosure of application boxes to decrease fugitive emission (2007); replacement of old abatement equipment with a new regenerative thermal oxidizer • Total Emission value comparable with Target Emission due to new V.O.C. abatement performance (waste gas N.M.V.O.C. concentration 20 g/Nm3 instead of 50 mg/Nm3). Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 3 - PAPER COATING Activity: production of paper for air filters (automotive engines) – coating with phenolic resin dispersed in methanol solvent • Coated Paper manufactured: 20000 t/y • Organic solvents input 6600 t/y; • Coating solid content 3150 t/y. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 3 - PAPER COATING Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 3 - PAPER COATING (waste gas emissions) 155 t/y + [fugitive emission: 20% organic solvents input (6600 t/y)] 1320 t/y = (total emission) 1475 t/y V.O.C. Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
EX. 3 - PAPER COATING Annual reference emission: 4 x (3150) =12600 Target Emission: 25/100 x 12600 =3150 t/y V.O.C. Remarks • Solvent free resin not available at the time of authorization • The operator opted for: replacement of old abatement equipment with a new regenerative thermal oxidizer; recovery of methanol from impregnation machines Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
CONCLUSIONS - 1 • Entry into force of S.E.D. in Italian Legislation only one year before first reduction step (31st OCT 2005 = T.E. x 1.5):very hard to lay out reduction projects with such a short time scale • Enterprises Association and Operators found it difficult to deal with such a scheme, in particular because: products solvent free where not commercially available at that time (coatings for plastic surfaces, adhesives…); very difficult to evaluate nominal capacity for certain activities: which is the starting reference point? Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
CONCLUSIONS - 2 • Italian Legislation for air pollution at that time concerned only with ELV in waste gases and their analytical monitoring, not with management plans • The ELV that Local Competent Authority used to set in permits were usually lower than those set in Annex IIA of S.E.D. many installation already complied with Annex IIA Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010
D'Agostino Giuseppe – Ugo Cognazzo PROVINCE OF TURIN ADMINISTRATION ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT 7, corso Inghilterra - 10138 TURIN, Italy. Tel. +39 011 861.6882 - Fax. +39 011 861.6799 E-mail: giuseppe.dagostino@provincia.torino.it ugo.cognazzo@provincia.torino.it WEB: www.provincia.torino.it/ambiente Thank you for your attention! Implementation of SED Directive, Stakeholder Workshop - Bruxelles, 18 june 2010