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Sinc@he meeting at unimc

Sinc@he meeting at unimc. Norms in web context for PA Applications of the norms in our websites. Norms are focusing on…. Accessibility Usability Transparency Privacy Quality of web Institutional communication. ACCESSIBILITY.

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Sinc@he meeting at unimc

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  1. Sinc@he meeting at unimc • Norms in web context for PA • Applications of the norms in our websites SINC@HE

  2. Norms are focusing on… • Accessibility • Usability • Transparency • Privacy • Quality of web • Institutional communication SINC@HE

  3. ACCESSIBILITY • Definition:«Content is accessible when it may be used by someone with a disability».Ability of informatics systems to provide services and open information, within the limits of technological knowledge, without discriminating any user, including people needing assistive technologies and particular settings. SINC@HE

  4. ACCESSIBILITY • Law 4/2004 (Stanca law) • Criteria, principles and methods of assessment to allow technological access to the people with disabilities • 75/2005 Presidential Decree to establish criteria and guidelines • 183/2005 Minister Decree to establish technical requirements SINC@HE

  5. ACCESSIBILITY • Users should be involved to check the accessibility http://www.accessibile.gov.it SINC@HE

  6. ACCESSIBILITY Public Administration Ministry, DigitPA and Formez examine the reported practices and point out the best ones SINC@HE

  7. USABILITY • Definition: «the chance for users to use web contents easily» • 5 requirements of usability:  • Easy navigation • Content completeness • Information should be clear and understandable • Communication should be effective • Graphics should be eye-catching SINC@HE

  8. USABILITY • Digital Administration Code (DAC, DLgs 82/2005) establishes the main principles: • Information and access keys should • be always available and visible; • be easy to understand and use; • have up-to-date reliableinformation • inform the user about the changes that have been carried out • raise and keep the user interest and attention SINC@HE

  9. TRANSPARENCY • Art. 11 150/2009 Decree : "[...] full accessibility of informations [...]” • European Charter of rights of citizens in the Knowledge Society establishes 4 essential rights: • to access • to be informed • to be trained • to participate SINC@HE

  10. PRIVACY • Privacy Authority/Guarantor (196/2003 Decree) safeguards the rights and dignity respect in personal data treatment • In 2008, privacy code is updated (L. 133/2008 and 109/2008 decree) • Main rights established by above law: • User must explicitly allow for the management of his information • User must be informed about WHO is keeping his data • User can request the update or elimination of his data SINC@HE

  11. WEB QUALITY • 7-27-2005 Directive points out • Web is the main information channel • Evaluation the customer satisfaction (users must be able to provide feedback) • 8/2009 Directive – Public Administration Ministry fixes standards for: • Updating of contents • Usability of services • HTML code accessibility • Identification/matching of site and contents with the public administration/manager SINC@HE

  12. ISTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION • Tools to improve the relationship institution/citizens • Press office • Customer Relation Office • Web sites/portals • Newsletter SINC@HE

  13. 2 – WEB SITES IN UNIMC UTILIZATION OF CMS(Content Management System) SINC@HE

  14. WHY A CMS? • Updating/Changes contents have extremely reduced times (DAC) • Publishers do not necessarily need technical skills • Definition of roles • Definition of areas of competences among different offices • Workflow of editing and content validation (8/2009 DL) • Access control (8/2009 DL) • Publisher changes can be checked (8/2009 DL) SINC@HE

  15. WHY PLONE AMONG CMS • Open source system • Programming languages are powerful and reliable (page template and python script language) • Suitable for large structured portals • Support of local and international community • Scalability (ZEO-zope enterprise object) • Third party products can be deployed SINC@HE






  21. USABILITY /ACCESSIBILITY • CONTROL INFORMATION • Must be available and perceptible • Easy to understand and use • Provide a choice of immediate actions SINC@HE

  22. USABILITY / TRASPARENCY • Completeness of the content • Comprehensibility of information • Reliable information SINC@HE

  23. USABILITY / TRASPARENCY • Definition of roles • Definition of areas of expertise • Publishing Workflow SINC@HE

  24. USABILITY / TRASPARENCY • No technical skills • Extremely short times for page changes  SINC@HE

  25. USABILITY/ TRASPARENCY • Access control • Verify the changes made by the editors SINC@HE

  26. ACCESSIBILITY • Accesskeys Ctrl + p Ctrl + m Ctrl + a Ctrl + d Ctrl + r Ctrl + c SINC@HE

  27. ACCESSIBILITY • Accessibility requirements for visually impaired • Enlarge font • High Contrast SINC@HE

  28. ACCESSIBILITY - WiseFirb • Graphic version SINC@HE

  29. ACCESSIBILITY - WiseFirb • High contrast SINC@HE

  30. ACCESSIBILITY - WiseFirb • Text only SINC@HE

  31. ACCESSIBILITY - WiseFirb • W3C – xhtml 1.0 & css SINC@HE

  32. ACCESSIBILITY - WiseFirb • http://www.wisefirb.it SINC@HE

  33. ACCESSIBILITY UniMC Official Web Portal • It is compliant with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG v1.0) • XHTML 1.0 and CSS following the W3C specifications • “AA” accessibility level (version 1.0 of WCAG) SINC@HE

  34. ACCESSIBILITY • Staff directory (office, role, contacts) SINC@HE

  35. ACCESSIBILITY • Enabling staff with disabilities • Special staff directory for switchboard receptionist SINC@HE

  36. ACCESSIBILITY • Enabling staff with disabilities • Special technology • Screen reader • Braille keyboard SINC@HE



  39. Thank you! Roberto RascioniCSIA - University of Macerata Italy r.rascioni@unimc.it

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