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Transfer Basics : The Real Deal Behind the Scenes. Ensuring Transfer Success 2013. This workshop will cover:. Admissions Basics – A Quick Review Minimum Transfer Admission Requirements Major Preparation General Education Requirements Academic Record Evaluation Pointers
Transfer Basics: The Real Deal Behind the Scenes Ensuring Transfer Success 2013
This workshop will cover: • Admissions Basics – A Quick Review • Minimum Transfer Admission Requirements • Major Preparation • General Education Requirements • Academic Record Evaluation Pointers • Tools and Tips for Advising Students • UC Transfer Paths • UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC-TAP) • Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) • Resources
Minimum Admission Requirements To establish eligibility as a junior-level transfer: • Minimum of 60 UC-transferable semester (90 quarter) units. • Earn a minimum 2.4 GPA in UC-transferable courses. To be competitive for selection, students should strive to achieve beyond the minimum gpa • Complete the required 7-course pattern with a grade of C or better in each course; pass grade is acceptable if equivalent to a C (each course must be at least 3 semester/4 quarter units). 7-course pattern 2 English composition; 1 mathematical concepts & quantitative reasoning; 4 from at least 2 of these areas: arts & humanities, social & behavioral sciences, physical & biological sciences All campuses require completion of this course pattern by end of spring term prior to fall admission.
Major Preparation • Prepares students for upper-division courses. • Selective majors evaluate students based on major preparation completed prior to transfer. • Major prerequisite coursework may be a higher priority than general education requirements for some campuses. • Major preparation requirements can be found on the ASSIST website.
General Education Requirements • Each school and college at every UC campus has general education (“breadth”) requirements. • CCC students may have the option to complete IGETCto satisfy lower-division GE requirements. • IGETC is not an admissionseligibility requirement. • Completing GE, either through IGETC or campus-specific requirements, may be a selection requirement for some campuses and programs. • Be sure GE/IGETC pattern is appropriate for the intended campus and major.
Transferable Course Agreement (TCA)On ASSIST website: assist.org • Identifies UC-transferable courses at each CCC. • First level of articulation between UC and CCC; all courses listed aretransferable to everyUC campus. • Individual UCcampuses may, asappropriate, articulatecourses to specificlower-division courses/graduation requirements.
CCC to UC Major Articulation The CCC-UC Major Articulation Agreements offer students guidance in preparing for specific majors at each UC campus. Second level of articulation between UC and CCC. Indicates courses that fulfill major prep; alerts if IGETC is acceptable; explains use of AP/IB credit toward subject requirements, etc.
CCC to UC Major Articulation • Major Prep Left side – UC courses Right side – CCC courses • Includes minimum grade requirements • Recommended courses
The Review Begins TheUC Academic Record Evaluation Process • On the following slides, using sample admission applications, we will explain how we evaluate the academic record of transfer applicants, step-by-step. • Evaluators move term by term through the applicant’s self-reported courses and grades to determine whether the courses are UC-transferable and to derive a cumulative GPA.
Gaps In Education UC evaluators review the list of institutions the student attended, paying close attention to begin and end dates. Any gaps in education prompt them to look for an explanation in the application.
Language of Instruction (LOI) The high school’s Language of Instruction determines whether credit for lower division language courses will be allowed. What was the LOI during 9th grade (08/2003-06/2004)?
Exam Credit—AP or IB • Credit may be awarded: • Toward major prep and GE with AP scores of 3 or higher or IB Higher Level scores of 5 or higher. (Course equivalencies depend on campus articulation) • Toward IGETC requirements see: tinyurl.com/Examcredit-AP-IB • Up to 8 quarter (5.3 semester) units per exam may be awarded. Credit limitations may apply in some subject areas; and when exams and equivalent college courses are completed.
UC-transferable credit or not? • Non UC-transferable courses (For CCCs, check the TCA on assist.org – Non UC-transferable courses are NOT listed.) • Courses with credit limitations: PE, Math, Science, ESL • Courses taken out of sequence: Math, Chemistry, LOTE • Unit Limits: P/CR credits, coursework series (e.g. Physics) • Repeats for “D”s & “F”s (unlimited); credit for first course completed with “C” or better; no duplication of AP/IB credit • AR, NP, NG, W = neutral/no credit/no effect on GPA
Examples of Credit Limitations • Maximum of 8 semester (12 quarter) units of ESL/ELD allowed
Examples of Credit Limitations • Max of 4 semester (6 quarter) PE activity units allowed • Max of 8 semester (12 quarter) PE theory units allowed
Transfer Academic Update Students learn about the online Transfer Academic Update process when they receive the emailed application submission acknowledgment.
GPA and Unit Totals • Review summary of evaluation
Lower Division Units - Maximum Limitation Effective for Fall 2014 Applicants • Students will be granted up to 70 sem/105 qtr units of credit for lower division coursework completed at any institution or any combination of institutions. For lower division units beyond the maximum, subject credit for appropriate coursework taken in excess of this unit limitation will be granted and may be used to satisfy requirements. • Units earned through: AP, IB, and/or A-Level examinations are not included in the limitation and do not put applicants at risk of being denied admission. • Lower or upper division units earned at UC (Extension, summer, cross/concurrent, UC-EAP and regular academic year enrollment) are added to the maximum lower division transfer credit allowed and might put applicants at risk of being denied admission due to excessive units.
Tools & Programs • Advice for students • Use ASSIST • Transfer Prep Paths • UC TAP • TAG
ASSIST • Online information system that provides the most accurate and up-to-date information for California transfer students: • Shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. • Explore majors available at University of California and CSU campuses. • Is the official repository of articulation for California’s colleges and universities. • Allows students to explore transferable coursework from the CCC to the UC using: • Transferable Course Agreement (TCA) • CCC to UC Major Articulation (UC-CCC Course Articulation) www.assist.org
UC Transfer Preparation Paths • An early tool to advise students based on either their intended major or their campus of interest. • Admission requirements Students may determine if they meet minimum eligibility for UC and learn about additional UC graduation requirements. • Transfer path by major (statewide)Students may use this path to take coursework to prepare for multiple UC campuses in their major of choice. • Transfer path by campus (campus specific)Students may use this path to identify required coursework at a specific campus for a specific major or similar majors.
Transfer Admission Planner UC-TAP UC TAP is an online tool to help prospective UC transfer students track and plan their course work. • The UC TAP tool is designed for use by students transferring from California community colleges. • Students can use the UC TAP tool to enter their course work as they complete it. • The planner helps students track their progress toward meeting UC's minimum requirements, and allows UC staff to communicate important information to prospective transfer students. All information collected is considered confidential and is shared only with students' community college(s), UC admissions officers, and UC Education Partnership Programs personnel.
Transfer Admission GuaranteeTAG Seven UC campuses offer guaranteed admission to students who meet specific requirements UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz • Requirements vary – refer to the TAG Matrix. • Students can submit a TAG application to ONE campus. • The filing period for TAG is September 1-30. • By participating in a TAG program, students receive: • Early review of their academic record • Specific guidance on major preparation and general education requirements • admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/guarantee/index.html
Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 Questions?
Resources • For Counselors and Students www.assist.org • For Counselors: admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/index.html • UC Transfer Matrix: tinyurl.com/TransferMatrix • UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP): tinyurl.com/UC-TAP • UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG): tinyurl.com/UCTAG • UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Matrix: tinyurl.com/UCTAGMatrix • UC Statement of Transfer Credit Practices: tinyurl.com/UC-Counselors-Guides