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Ninad Deshpande Application Engineer B&R Industrial Automation Pvt. Ltd. Ninad.Deshpande@br-automation.com

“ IMPACT OF INTEGRATED SAFETY ON FUTURE MACHINE AND PLANTS CONCEPTS ” Ninth ARC India Forum, Pune August, 2011 Achieving Operational Excellence Through IT and Automation Solutions. Ninad Deshpande Application Engineer B&R Industrial Automation Pvt. Ltd. Ninad.Deshpande@br-automation.com.

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Ninad Deshpande Application Engineer B&R Industrial Automation Pvt. Ltd. Ninad.Deshpande@br-automation.com

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “IMPACT OF INTEGRATED SAFETY ON FUTURE MACHINE AND PLANTS CONCEPTS”Ninth ARC India Forum, Pune August, 2011Achieving Operational Excellence Through IT and Automation Solutions Ninad Deshpande Application Engineer B&R Industrial Automation Pvt. Ltd. Ninad.Deshpande@br-automation.com Photograph of Speaker

  2.  SpeedMonitor  TimerRelays  What does Safety normally look like? • Safety Relays within the cabinet • Safety application by discrete wiring  PLC I/O Servo  Additional DI/DO module  Extra wiring of safe sensors  Extra wiring required to control safe actuators SafetyRelays  Extra speed monitor for safe motion control functions  Timer Relays for synchronous shutdown

  3. What Safety should look like?

  4. Reduced Wiring Benefit1 StandardDI SafetyRelays • Additional Wiring • Failure of standard I/O’s can affect safety. • Data of safety and standard I/O’s transfered via the same communication network. • No Unnecessary Wiring

  5. Decreased Response Time Benefit2 Speed Monitor > 80 ms32 mm < 7 ms0,25 mm Relays • Response time of several tens of miliseconds • Latency induced by the relay • Response time less than 10 ms • Significantly reduces the energy delivered and thus the danger. • Reduces safety distances

  6. Elimination of Setup Errors Benefit3 ??? SLS Limit 10A? • Significant risk of errors during maintenance • Wrong Parameterization • Poor positioning of switches • Using wrong power class • Automatic Parameterization • Consistent configuration through configuration files (EDS) • Traceability of maintenance(registration, password protection)

  7. Intelligent Safety Features Benefit4 • Ease of implementation of safety features • Control of all features via communication bus • Fully integrated and secure settings • Implementing safety features is complex • Function control require many wires • Large number of parameters difficult to configure

  8. Safety market overview • Available Safety Protocols • ProfiSafe islimitedto Profibus and Profinet • CIPSafety islimitedto Rockwell protocols and SERCOS • Safety EtherCAT islimitedto EtherCAT • Safety Net p is aproprietaryprotocol from PILZ • openSAFETYis opened and available for any transport protocol • These protocol are proprietary or limited to certain Fieldbus! • These technologies are NOT compatible with each other !

  9. openSAFETY is open and independent • Independence of underlying hardware, software and networking technologies • Totally independent from technical and legal aspects

  10. openSAFETY market • openSAFETY is already operational on: • EtherNet/IP • Modbus TCP/IP • POWERLINK • SERCOS III • PROFINET • openSAFETY covers 91% of Industrial Ethernet market !

  11. openSAFETY for the component manufacturer • One time development investment • same safety standard for all fieldbuses • Reduced development time • Certified openSAFETY stack available • Investment security • legal and technical independence • open source protocol stack • Easy certification • TÜV certified conformance test • guaranteed interoperability

  12. openSAFETY for the end user • One safety standard for your entire production plant • Cost reduction • Less down-time • Higher productivity • Easy maintenance

  13. Rockwell Automation Booth - Interpack • Nestlé at Interpack on Rockwell Automation booth • Bryan Griffen, Head of Electrical & Automation Engineering http://www.emea.rockwellautomation.com/events/interpack/docs/Interpack2011(Rockwell)-B.GriffenPresentation.pdf

  14. openSAFETY supported by users ALSTOM NESTLE SIDEL

  15. openSAFETY for all industries

  16. THANK YOU More information on http://open-safety.org

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