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User-Friendly Interface Design Guidelines for Input Sequences and Menus

Design constraints and guidelines for input sequences and menus including keypad limitations, consistency in cancel key, numerical entry rules, accessibility of global commands, and ease of use. Provides keywords and structure for efficient user interaction in various modes and routines.

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User-Friendly Interface Design Guidelines for Input Sequences and Menus

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  1. Input sequences and menus • Constraints: • keypad size: only 10 numbers and *, # • consistency: cancel key should always be the same key, etc. • numerical entry required for COUNT – can’t have number keys triggering options when user is trying to enter numerical input • need for global commands to be always accessible, except during numerical entry mode • ease of use (commonly used commands grouped together) • 1 = Weight, 2 = Count across all modes • Globals: 3 = Tare, 4 = Gram ↔Ounce, 5 = Mute ↔Unmute • 6, 7, 8, 9: extra menu options for Factory mode • 0: Factory ↔ User mode (+ confirmation for entering Factory) • * = OK, # = cancel / go up a menu level

  2. Menus – User mode

  3. Menus – Factory mode

  4. Menus – Multi-step routines Numerical entry mode here – temporarily deactivates ability of input to affect settings

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