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Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. Atmospheric increase = Emissions from fossil fuels  + Net emissions from changes in land use  - Oceanic uptake  - Terrestrial sinks. Atmospheric CO 2. Humans emit 24 billion tons per year. 60% stays in atmosphere

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Carbon Emissions

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  1. Carbon Emissions

  2. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration Atmospheric increase = Emissions from fossil fuels  + Net emissions from changes in land use  - Oceanic uptake  - Terrestrial sinks

  3. Atmospheric CO2 • Humans emit 24 billion tons per year. • 60% stays in atmosphere • Increases atmospheric CO2 by 0.4% / year. • 25% increase from 280 ppm to 350 ppm

  4. CO2  550 ppm to 1000 ppm in 2100

  5. Temperature Increase: 1.5 oC – 6 oC by 2100

  6. Adaptation and Mitigation

  7. What are some adaptation steps? • Protect endangered species with larger refuges. • Avoid flooding risks. • Protect water supplies. • Protect grasslands and agricultural lands against overuse.

  8. Mitigation • Protection of rainforests and other CO2 sinks. • Techniques to sequester CO2 • Reduce CO2 emissions by reducing fossil fuel consumption

  9. Mitigation: Carbon Sequestration

  10. Mitigation: Reduce Fossil Fuel Emission We will address this issue in the remainder of the course.

  11. Carbon Emission Coefficient(Million Metric Tons of Carbon/QBtu)

  12. Global Carbon Emission • Global Carbon Emission of C in the form of CO2: 6.6 billion metric tons • Convert to CO2: 44/12 x 6.6 billion metric tons = 24 billion metric tons

  13. Calculate US Carbon Emissions US Carbon Emission = 26 MMT/QBtu x 22 QBtu + 19 MMT/QBtu x 38 Qbtu + 14 MMT/QBtu x 23 QBtu = 1.6 Billion Metric Tons

  14. Calculate US Carbon Emissions US / Global = 1.6 BMT / 6.6 BMT = 24 % The US emits 24% of Global CO2.

  15. Kyoto Protocol

  16. Greenhouse Gases • The relative contribution of the major GHG to global warming are shown below: • CO2 84% • CH4 9% • N2O 5%

  17. CO2 emissions are associated with consumption of Fossil Fuels • US CO2 emissions are 24% of global emissions. • Global: 24,500 million tons • US: 5,800 million tons

  18. Global CO2 emissions are increasing rapidly

  19. The Kyoto Protocol is an International Treaty to Reduce GHG emission • Organized by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change • Adopted in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan • Will come into force early in 2005.

  20. Annex I countries have a crucial role. • Between 2008-2012 reduce their GHG emissions by 5% below 1990 levels. • Different countries would have different targets. • US had agreed to reduce by 7% below 1990 levels. • Countries may offset emissions by increasing sinks.

  21. Annex I Countries • 24 developed countries (OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) • European Union • 14 countries with economies in transition. (e.g. Croatia)

  22. Kyoto Treaty Ratification • 127 parties have signed it. • Countries accounting for 55% of CO2 emissions in 1990 had to sign it for it to come into effect. • When Russia ratified it, the signatories represented 61% of 1990 emissions. • The US has not signed the treaty.

  23. Developing Nations • Obligated to reduce GHG emissions. • Do not have specific emission reduction targets. • Treaty has provisions to help LDC reduce GHG emissions.

  24. Innovative Mechanisms:Joint Implementation • An Annex I party develops a project that decreases emissions or increases sinks in another Annex I party.

  25. Innovative Mechanisms:Clean Development Mechanism • An Annex I party implements CO2 sequestration or emission reduction projects in a non-Annex I party (e.g. reforestation in Costa Rica) and receives credits to meet its own targets.

  26. Innovative Mechanisms:Emissions Trading • An Annex I party transfers some of its emissions to another country for a price. This process allows the free market to operate to reduce the cost of emissions reduction. Companies that broker deals already exist.

  27. Why didn’t the US ratify Kyoto? • US energy-related CO2 emissions in 2010 are projected to be 34 percent above the 1990 level. • Emission reduction policy to reduce emissions would have significant impacts on the US economy. • No emission targets for China & India

  28. What steps could the US take to reduce CO2 emissions? • We will look at this question in detail during the remainder of the semester.

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