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Corruption in the Medieval Catholic Church. What forms of corruption existed?. Popes used excommunication to force monarchs to obey Church Many priests were illiterate Many clergy broke vow of chastity High ranking Church officials lead lives of luxury Charged to see holy relics
What forms of corruption existed? • Popes used excommunication to force monarchs to obey Church • Many priests were illiterate • Many clergy broke vow of chastity • High ranking Church officials lead lives of luxury • Charged to see holy relics • Simony- Sold church positions • Sold indulgences
Babylonian Captivity (1305-1375) • Philip IV (France) fought with pope over power to tax clergy • 1296 -Pope Boniface was kidnapped & replaced with Clement V • Moved Church headquarters to Avignon, France • Seven French popes – Christians saw pope as puppet to French king
The Great Schism (1378-1417) • 1376 – Pope moved back to Rome • French cardinals elected Clement VII as new pope • Urban VI and Clement VII both claimed to be rightful pope • Christians questioned authority of papacy
John Wycliffe of England • Believed Christians did not need Church to achieve salvation • Bible is the highest source of authority • Completed first English version of Bible • OUTCOME: Wycliffe’s followers were persecuted as heretics.
Jan Huss of Bohemia • Criticized wealth of Church • Wanted services in language of people • Objected to selling of indulgences • OUTCOME: Burned at the stake for not accepting Church’s teachings on rituals
Catherine of Siena • 1347-1380 – said to have seen Jesus at age 7 – dedicated life to prayer, fasting & chastity • Encouraged deep personal meditation to experience God • OUTCOME: maintained that Christians could have own relationship with God outside of Church
Girolamo Savonarola of Florence • Dominican Monk – lashed out against & attacked immoral behavior in Church • Had immoral books burned • Spoke out openly again popes for breaking Church laws • OUTCOME: Was burned at the stake by angry citizens of Florence
Early Life • Son of middle-class German Parents • Almost hit by lightning – promised to serve God if he lived through the storm • Was an Augustinian Monk
Why did Luther question Church practices and teachings? • Troubled by idea that salvation could be reached through good works • Interpreted Bible to mean salvation was by faith alone • Believed only God could forgive • Angered by selling of indulgences
How did his criticisms expand into an effort to reform a new church? • Wrote 95 Theses to start debate with Church • Published pamphlets and books • Ideas of reform lead to new church • People choose their ministers • No need for saints • Mass in German • Clergy can marry
Why did his reforms create widespread revolt in Germany? • Peasants used Luther’s ideas as means for revolt • Princes seized Church land holdings • Peace of Augsburg signed by Charles V – allowing people to worship freely
Why did Protestantism spread beyond Germany? • Political leaders looked for ways to break free from Catholic Church • People were tired of corruption in Catholic Church • Charismatic individuals questioned Church teachings and provided leadership • Rising literacy allowed for people to learn about new ideas
What other groups separated from the Catholic Church? • ANABAPTISTS: founded by dissatisfied followers of Huldreich Zwingli • Christians should be baptized as adults • Christians should form separate communities
What other groups separated from the Catholic Church? • ANGLICANS: founded by King Henry VIII • King Henry was angered that pope would not grant him a divorce • Monarch is the supreme authority - not pope • Broke away but kept most of beliefs and practices
What other groups separated from the Catholic Church? • CALVINISTS: founded by John Calvin • Predestination (God predetermines who will have salvation) • Living a disciplined and serious life would show the people chosen for salvation
Pope Paul III • Led the Counter Reformation - Catholic Church’s efforts to stop Reformation • Promoted reform-minded cardinals • Had Church abuses recorded • Called meeting at Trent to deal with growth of Protestantism
Council of Trent • Defined Catholic beliefs and corrected abuses • Prohibited the selling of indulgences • Outlawed Simony - selling of high level church positions • Seminaries established to train priests • Removed immoral clergy from churches, monasteries and convents
Jesuits • Order of well disciplined and educated Catholic Priests • Worked in Poland and Germany - regained Catholic faith • Spread Catholic message to Africa, Asia and Americas
Inquisition • Church court designed to judge and convict heretics • Imprisoned, exiled or executed those with views contrary to Church
Index of Prohibited Books • Banned books were forbidden to be read • Protestant Bibles, books and some scientific writings were banned