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TYPICAL FIELD INSTRUMENTS FOR SOIL CONTAMINANTS. Dr. Sakari Halmemies 28 May 2009. Three main levels of evaluation of soil pollution. Screening f.ex. colorimetric method Photoionization Detector ( PID) Field investigation f.ex. field gas chromatography (GC) Laboratory analysis
Three main levels of evaluation of soil pollution • Screening • f.ex. colorimetric method • Photoionization Detector (PID) • Field investigation • f.ex. field gas chromatography (GC) • Laboratory analysis • f.ex. gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
If sample is taken, a regular sampling network is needed grey areas are polluted http://www.rickly.com/sai/images/WHEATONB.JPG
Colorimetric/turbidimetric testing Photo/flame ionization detector Infra red spectroscopy Gas chromatography X-Ray Fluorescence Available field analytic technologies soil contaminants http://www.brickhouse-environmental.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/Nosnesky_Field_Analysis.JPG
Colorimetric/turbidimetric methods Screening Methodhttp://www.clu-in.org/char/technologies/color.cfm • EPA has published colorimetric/turbidimetric methods for the following contaminants:
Colorimetric/turbidimetric methods Screening Method The Hanby Field Test Kit Range: 0-1000 ppm Time: less than 5 min/sample TPH soil test kit - TPH water test kit - Hydrocarbon soil test kit - Hydrocarbon water test kit www.clu-in.org/char/technologies/images/hanby.gif
Soil gas sampling with Photo/flame ionization detector (PID/FID) • Soil gas monitoring provides a quick means of waste site evaluation. • Using this method, underground contamination can be identified, and the source, extent, and movement of the pollutants can be traced. • Detailed data: http://www.dem.ri.gov/pubs/sops/wmsr2042.pdf
PID screening can be used to choose samples for GC Range: 0-2000 ppm Time: about 5 sec/sample http://www.hnu.com/images/dl101field_color_lowres.jpg
Infra red spectroscopyScreening Method • Near-infrared reflectance spectrometry (NIRS) could be used to predict total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in contaminated soil. http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a727073631~db=all~order=page • Near infrared fiber-optic chemical sensor system using reflectance spectroscopic measurements has been assembled. • This system was evaluated and found attractive for remote detection of organics in soils over distances of at least 30 meters http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=363367
Field portable FTIR and NIR analyzers http://www.samwoosc.co.kr/img/asdi.com/AgriSpec_Leafclip_11-04.jpg http://www.choosetech.com.cn/images/A2%20Technology%20product.png
Gas Chromatography Field AnalysisField analysis • Typical features for field GC-analysis • detectors (PID, FID, ECD, TCD, FPD, FUV) • temperature programming • Detector Characteristics • PID: Organic; inorg.; selective; range: 2 ppb to ppm • FID: Organic; selective; range: 100 ppb to ppm • ECD: Halogenated, nitro; selective; range: 0,1 ppb to 100 ppb • TCD: Organic, fixed gases; Universal; range: 200 ppm to % • FPD: S or P; selective; ppb to ppm • Far-UV: Organic, fixed gases; nearly; range: sub ppm to % http://dsscience.com/upload_goods/311-D%20Portable%20GC_catalogue.pdf
Gas Chromatography Field Analysis Range: from %- to ppb-levels Time: 5-10 min/sample http://dsscience.com/upload_goods/311-D%20Portable%20GC_catalogue.pdf
XRF for fast elemental analysisScreening Method or Field analysis • Field portable X-ray fluorescence (FPXRF) techniques provide viable and effective analytical approaches to meet on-site analysis needs for many types of environmental samples • Applications include the in situ analysis of metals in soils and sediments • More detailed data: • Dennis J. Kalnickya and Raj Singhvi:Field portable XRF analysis of environmental samples
XRF for fast elemental analysis Range:from a 100% to few parts per million (ppm) Time: from seconds to minutes http://www.edie.net/products/images/2347.jpg
Laboratory analysis (GC/MS) best result http://toxics.usgs.gov/photo_gallery/photos/pesticides/AnalyticalMethods/AM_GC_MS_lg.jpg
Sources • Technologies Characterization and Monitoring http://www.clu-in.org/characterization/ • Dennis J. Kalnickya and Raj Singhvi: Field portable XRF analysis of environmental samples http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TGF-42M1DXK-9&_user=4246040&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000062624&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=4246040&md5=9acda258927c7ba907e2b9bde31dccda