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The Subsurface Biosphere

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The Subsurface Biosphere

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    1. The Subsurface Biosphere Tom Kieft New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology T. C. Onstott Princeton University

    3. Major accomplishments & findings: Tracer technologies Extended known limits of biosphere to > 3 km depth Established biomass & biodiversity Isolates in Culture Collections Correlated microbial activity with geological interfaces Rates of subsurface microbial activity Long-term survival of subsurface microbes

    12. Sampling Rocks from freshly mined face Cores Fissure water from flowing boreholes biofilms

    25. Pyrococcus in mine fissure water? - a biological tracer of upwelling geothermal water? Fissure water characteristics: Anoxic 60 C Pyrococcus abysii Found at deep sea hydrothermal vents Anaerobic Growth at 67-102 C Optimum: 95 C

    26. Enrichments: Fe(III), Mn(IV), NO3-, So, SO42- reducers, So & Mn(II) oxidizers, methanogens, acetogens, methanotrophs, and fermenters. Samples inoculated aerobically/ anaerobically, +/-NaCl, +/- H2 & MPN’s. Incubate up to 6 months at RT or 60oC. Transfer, isolate & characterize growth vs. T, pH, salinity, radiation. 16Sr DNA & archive.

    28. Thermus multireducens – isolated from a West Rand Au mine Reduces a variety of electron acceptors: O2, nitrate, Fe(III), Mn(IV), S0, Co(III), Cr(VI), U(VI), Tc(VII) Thermophilic: optimum temp. = 650C Relatively radiation resistant D37 = 2000 Gy

    37. Results to date: Four new bacterial species and many new 16S rDNA sequences. Hyperthermophilic(?) Archaea may reflect deep circulating groundwater (>1 Ma). Radiolysis is source of H2 at West Rand

    38. Further questions: Are the hyperthermophiles really hyperthermophiles? Does autotrophy support subsurface biosphere? What is the source of NH3? What are the in situ microbial growth rates?

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