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Educational neuroscience – experiences from Learning Lab Denmark and the traditional university system. Theresa Schilhab GNOSIS Research Centre DPU Research field: how implicit knowledge facilitates explicit knowledge tsc@dpu.dk University of Aarhus Denmark.
Educational neuroscience –experiences from Learning Lab Denmark and the traditional university system Theresa SchilhabGNOSIS Research Centre DPU Research field: how implicit knowledge facilitates explicit knowledge tsc@dpu.dk University of Aarhus Denmark
Doesabstractcognitiondependonlinguisticimmersion? Howmightnon-verbalprocessesfacilitate verbal knowledge? Are the brains of boys and girlseducationallydifferent?
Two domains - twoperspectives • My background • Research at LLD and latertraditionaluniversity system as post.doc. and research manager • Recommendations - the reconciliation Education & Neuroscience
My background Childhoodinterest = animalminds • Neurobiologist in electrophysiology - the molecular basis of nonassociative learning in invertebrates • Youcan do philosophizingwhiletaking a shower, howeverdoingexperimentsdependsontraining and skills • Theoreticalneuroscientist William Calvin: • Philosophy studies for 4 years (BA in philosophy) • Ph.D. on the development of consciousness in prehistoric man. • Recruited to Learning Lab - alternative learninginitiative • Canyouactually talk aboutlearning from a biologicalperspective? The more experienced writers about intelligence such as IQ researchers, steer clear of the C word. Many of my fellow neuroscientists avoid consciousness as well (some physicists, alas, have been all to happy to fill the vacuum with beginner’s mistakes). Calvin, W. H. How brains think. (New York: BasicBooks, 1996: p. 2).
Learning Lab Denmark period Led by professor, philosopher Hans Siggaard 2001-2007. Established as a research institute by the Danish Government in 2001 and integrated into the Danish University of Education in 2006, the Learning Lab Denmark is a laboratory for research into learning and competence development in the knowledge society. Engaged in close collaboration with partners from many sectors and communication is a key element. The staff had a background in education, sociology, mathematics, chemistry, biology and neuropsychology. The NCL group consisted of consortium leader, a post doc neuropsychologist, a post doc neurobiologist and a Ph.D. candidate from psychology. 4 people. • From 2001-2005 (LLD), 2005-2007 (DPU) and 2007- (University of Aarhus) • Conditionsin Denmark since 2001 • Merkantile administration of the educational system. From day-care to kindergarden to grammarschool, highschool and university. • Example: it is mandatoryfor teachers to generate individualstudy plans for students • A switch in the belief in the teacher as a skilledauthority to an employee under profoundadministration • A greatdemand for ‘effectiveknowledge’ - catchphrase: ”Viden der virker” KNOWLEGDE THAT WORKS • Requiresdocumentaryproofs
Lessonlearned – avoid import of neuroscienceresultsintoeducational science • Brain research appearspromising, but: • Neuroscience per se does not address the pedagogicalworld • Laboratorywork vs. fieldwork • Situatedcognition - • Ex. Comparativepsychology • Naturalisticfallacy • What is, is different from whatought to be Avoid import of neuroscienceresultsinto the pedagogicalcontext Brain science in pedagogy must dependonbothsciences
Traditionaluniversity –normalisation and obstacleswithin the system • No tradition for naturalsciences in Danish Pedagogicalcontexts (noinherentappreciation) • Fightings for acceptance of biology as a materialcontribution • Nounderstanding of how to abide by empirical standards • ”This is a dry university” • Internalfundingwasparallelled to number of classestaught, however the educationwas not established, so I wasurged to reorientmy research interests. • Ph.d. students wererejectedbecausetherewerenosupportivePh.D.schools. • My applications for externalfunding in official funds (the Danish Council for Independent Research) weretossedaroundbetween administrators and finallyturneddownbecausetheywere in no mans land. - Loss of staff. Why is it likethat? Traditionally a science in the domain of the humanities ’hostiletakeover’ Fear of brainbasedlearning as a sociobiological, positivisticenterprise Scandinavian ideas of inclusion and the democratic ideal Ideas of equality (ex. multiple intelligence)
External support –the public and educationalpractionerswereextremely receptive Summer schools Presentations in educational institutions Books, papers, openuniversitylectures, interviews, consultants BUT • The public as well as educationalpractitionersare not trained to understand the context of neuroscientificresults • Knowledge is popular science journalism - beermatknowledge • The lack of neuroscientists with pedagogicalinsight to comment and securescientific standards createsmyths • In Denmark: • Faulty interpretations • Gender separation in schools • Boys (and girls) arestigmatised • Humble and self-critical – avoidfinancialinterestsprevail • Black marketopportunities for ’scientificfrauds’
Recommendations –reconciliation of educational science and neuroscience • Implementation of a mixed scientificfield EDUCATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE in educational institutions • Courses at graduate and post graduatelevels • to start introducing the blended kind of reasoning in students whowillbecomeculturalbearers of the field. • Laboratoryfacilities to sustainempiricalwork at the institution • Fundingopportunities • and perhapsselective seed money for an introductoryperiod of time • Lecturers and researchers shouldbeknowlegeable in reasoning in bothscientificdisciplines, humanities and the naturalsciences. • Criticalmass