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Ptolemy’s Map from 1482

Ptolemy’s Map from 1482. Exploration and Expansion. 1400-1700. Theme: Migration and Diffusion. European migration to the Americas marked a turning point in world history. Expeditions expanded and the diffusion of goods and ideas changed societies worldwide. Major Events.

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Ptolemy’s Map from 1482

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  1. Ptolemy’s Map from 1482

  2. Exploration and Expansion • 1400-1700

  3. Theme: Migration and Diffusion • European migration to the Americas marked a turning point in world history. • Expeditions expanded and the diffusion of goods and ideas changed societies worldwide.

  4. Major Events • 1419 – Prince Henry supports Portuguese exploration • 1488 – Barholomeu Dias rounds the tip of Africa • 1492 – Columbus reaches the Americas • 1520 – Magellan’s ships sail around the southern tip of South America • 1602 – Dutch capitalists form the East India Company

  5. Make a Prediction • What do you think happened that enabled Europeans to learn about and to explore distant lands?

  6. Voyages of Discovery • MAIN IDEA: European explorers, motivated by greed, curiosity and glory, sailed to previously unknown lands.

  7. The Journey • How wide is the sea? Sailors knew the earth was round, but they did not realize how vast it was. • EXAMPLE: Columbus’ crew sailed for nearly a month without seeing land.

  8. Foundations • The Renaissance awakened a spirit of innovation and discovery. • Driven by the search for wealth • Some wanted fame and glory • Other explorers hoped to spread their faith

  9. Mnemonics Rock! • The Three G’s: • Gold • Glory • God • This mnemonic is a great way to remember the main motivations of the European explorers.

  10. Technology • Europeans borrowed heavily from the Chinese and Muslims.

  11. Made it possible to find direction at sea. Compass tells seaman what direction is North. Still used today. Magnetic Compass

  12. Tool used to draw circles. These circles would help them during the navigation process. Still used today. Mathematical Compass

  13. Map projections that show longitude and latitude as straight lines. Shows true directions to places. Mercator Projection

  14. Used to tell time on board a ship. Flipped each hour or half hour depending on size. Not accurate and has been replaced. Hour Glass

  15. Device to tell time on a ship. More accurate than the hour glass. Still used today. Chronometer

  16. Measures the angles of the sun and stars above horizon. Difficult to use at sea. Was replaced by the sextant. Astrolabe

  17. Device to find latitude of ship by comparing the altitude of the sun or stars. Better than astrolabe because ship movement had no affect. Replaced in 1900’s by radar. Sextant

  18. Latitude and Longitude • Latitude always given first, then Longitude. • Coordinates are listed as degrees, minutes, and seconds. • Designate a specific location on Earth

  19. Latitude • Gives a location in terms of North or South of the Equator • Can you explain how lines of latitude can be different sizes?

  20. Longitude • Gives location in terms of East or West of the Prime Meridian. • “meridians” extend from pole to pole, 360 degrees.

  21. If a degree is divided into 60 minutes, how many hours will it take to travel from the European star to the Asian star? One minute can be further divided into 60 seconds. Example: 38°56’23”N, 71°0’36”W Did you say 7,200 minutes or 120 hours? If you did, you would be correct!

  22. Caravel • The caravel was faster and more maneuverable. • Older ships had square sails, caravels had triangular sails (easier to change direction) • Bilge pump system enabled ship to float higher (less likely to run aground, easier to explore coasts and rivers).

  23. Push Factors • Decline of Mongol Empire in 1400s made goods from the east harder to get, more expensive • Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 was a major block to trade

  24. Mongol Empire

  25. Two countries were particularly well situated to kick off the Age of Exploration. Who thinks they can point to them on the map?

  26. Prince Henry the Navigator • Started an institute for seafaring and exploring • Combined ship technology learned from Islam with new European innovations • By the time of his death in 1460, Portuguese had sailed as far south as the Gold Coast of West Africa

  27. The Gold Coast

  28. Vasco da Gama • Sailed to Calicut, India • Took them ten months • Able to trade with Muslim merchants • Portugal became one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in Europe.

  29. Cabral • His crew sighted the land that became known as Brazil. • He sailed out of Portugal and followed in da Gama’s footsteps. • Stayed to the west of the windless gulf between India and the horn of Africa

  30. Columbus • Believed he could sail west to China • Landed in the Caribbean • Named the native people Indians • Returned home with parrots, jewels, gold, plants and Native Americans

  31. Columbus 2 • He made three more voyages, still thinking he was in the West Indies every time.

  32. Vespucci • After voyages of exploration along the coast of South America he concluded that this continent was a new land. • Confirmed that this was not Asia

  33. Balboa • Traveled through the Isthmus of Panama • Becomes the first to see the Pacific Ocean

  34. Magellan • Decided to figure out exactly how long it would take to cross both vast oceans • 5 ships and 250 men • Killed in the Philippines • Crew continues under Juan de Elcano • 18 crew members became the first to circumnavigate the world • See primary resource ~~ pg 76

  35. Think-Pair-Share • What did da Gama, Columbus, and Magellan accomplish?

  36. The Rest of Europe • By the early 1500s, the English and French were exploring the northern parts of the Americas. • Within a century, the Dutch had joined their efforts.

  37. The English • John Cabot • Sir Francis Drake • Henry Hudson

  38. Sir Francis Drake • The Queen sent him to round the tip of South America and explore the west coast • He made it to present day California and tried to get back to England by going around the northern rim North America • Too cold

  39. Sir Francis Drake • Becomes the second man to circumnavigate the globe

  40. Henry Hudson • 1607 – tried to find a Northeast Passage around Europe • Also explored the area of present day New York

  41. Northwest passage has finally been mapped. • Often ice covered and not the best for shipping.

  42. Statue in present day Montreal, Canada The French • Jacques Cartier – Tried to find a Northwest Passage through the Americas • Sailed past Newfoundland and into the St. Lawrence river • Called the area New France • Present day Canada

  43. The Dutch • Henry Hudson sailed again for the Dutch and continued trying to find a Northeast Passage through the Americas.

  44. The Netherlands

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