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History 1301: United States History from the Pre-Columbian Era to the Civil War. Professor Christopher Patke. 62960 --------- M-W 8 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. 62133 -----------M –W 9:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. 62961 ---------- M - W 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 a.m. 66787 ----------T- Th 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
History 1301: United States History from the Pre-Columbian Era to the Civil War Professor Christopher Patke
62960 --------- M-W 8 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. • 62133 -----------M –W 9:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. • 62961 ---------- M - W 11:00 a.m. – 12:20 a.m. • 66787 ----------T-Th 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Contact Information • Office – Alief Campus Faculty Office Area • Office Hours 9:00 – 11:00 Tuesday and Thursday • Tutoring – Tutoring Hours Tuesday 8:00 • Email- Christopher.patke@hccs.edu
Course Standards • Will be able to create an argument through the use of historical evidence • Will be able to analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources • Will be able to analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural and global forces on periods of United States history.
The American Promise, 5ed Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Hartmann ISBN-13: 978-1-4576-1345-6
Course Assignments • Exams- Midterm and Final = 200 • Chapter Quizzes - 100 • Maps - 50 - 5 maps for 10 points each • Web Assignments 50 - 5 for 10 points each • Major Paper - 100
Grade Scale • 500-450 = A • 450-400 = B • 400-350 = C • 350-300 = D • 300- 0 = F
Exams and Make Up Exams • Knowledge of the material will be measured through two examinations (this includes the final). Each test will consist of multiple choice or short answer and essay questions. I will provide a review for each exam prior to the test. Material that will be on the test will come from your textbooks, in-class lectures and web readings (you are responsible for learning this information). Information for the test will come from class lectures, textbook readings and information from my website. • If you miss a test you can complete a makeup exam on the day of your final or another final exam I am giving during finals week. If you choose to complete it during your final, you will have two hours to complete both your final and the makeup test. If you plan to do this you need to let me know two weeks in advance of the Final Exam.
Assignment Submission • Assignment is due on-time. There are no excuses for late work. • Assignment must be submitted to Turnitin.com by the beginning of class on the due date. • Assignment needs to contain the following heading: Name, Class Day and Time.
Scholastic Dishonesty • I will follow the general discipline provisions (see your Student Handbook). Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating on tests, plagiarism, and collusion. Do not copy from websites or try to purchase your essays online, YOU WILL BE CAUGHT. Do your own work and research. Cite your sources. • To prevent and address plagiarism we will use TURNITIN.COM • Student papers suspected of plagiarism will be anonymously subject to review by classroom peers who will determine three possible outcomes: No Credit, Half Credit or Full Credit.
Attendance and Drop Policy • Class Attendance is both monitored and encouraged • You may have up to Four Excused Absences • You may WITHDRAW yourself from the course at anytime before the official drop date. • I will not automatically drop you from the course.
Cell Phone and Electronics Policy • You may not use cell phones for text messaging or calls. • After being warned, you will be politely asked to leave the class. • If your cell phone rings, you must buy cookies for everyone. • Computers may be used for academic purposes only. • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO USE RECORDING DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM
Classroom Discussion Policy • I encourage discussion in the classroom. Please restrain yourself from the use of foul language, it is not welcome in an academic environment. Please give your fellow student the common courtesy that you would have afforded to yourself.
www.thehistoryprofessor.com You can find all of your course information on my website, including access to this powerpoint.