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Religious Impact on Landscape & Conflict |

Explore the influence of Christianity, Islam, & Judaism on landscapes, religious conflict, pilgrimage changes, & cultural relationships with the environment. Learn about various religions and their incorporation of natural features, territorial disputes, and global spread. |

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Religious Impact on Landscape & Conflict |

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  1. Essay Questions Compare the impact of Christianity and Islam on the landscape. In what ways is Judaism an ethnic religion? How do different religions incorporate natural features into their cosmogony? How has religion been a source of territorial conflict among people? How has the concept of pilgrimage changed in the modern world?

  2. What is the relationship between culture, religion, and the physical environment? Changes in the physical environment by people may be due to religious ideas.

  3. Branch A large and fundamental division within a religion

  4. A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a sect

  5. A ____________________ religion appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations. universalizing

  6. The world’s largest universalizing religion is Christianity.

  7. How did Christianity spread from its hearth? relocation diffusion

  8. Know the branches of Christianity Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism

  9. How are Protestants in Ireland distributed? highly clustered in one part of the island

  10. What is the desire of most people living in Northern Ireland? remain part of Great Britain

  11. Why are so many Roman Catholics clustered in the southwestern United States? migration of Roman Catholics from Latin America

  12. Why are people from Quebec distinguished from neighboring Canadian provinces and the United States? the use of religious toponyms

  13. Is Judaism a universalizing religion? no

  14. Is Eastern Orthodoxy a denomination, sect, or a branch? branch

  15. Lutheranism is an example of a branch, sect, or denomination. denomination

  16. Where are Muslims clustered? Northern Africa and the Middle East

  17. Dominant branch of Islam Sunni

  18. Dominant branch of Islam in Iran is Shiite.

  19. What religion controlled much of present day Spain prior to 1492? Islam

  20. Which of these is the holiest book in Hinduism? The Bible, the old testament, the Amrit, the Quran none of these

  21. What religion is the most important in the homeland of its founder? Islam

  22. Why is Buddhism different than other universalizing religions? remained concentrated in one region of the world

  23. Contrast between Mahayanist and Theravadists Mahayanists emphasize Buddha’s compassion

  24. What assigns everyone to a distinct class? Hinduism’s caste system

  25. Followers of __________________ are most likely to believe in other religions simultaneously? Buddhism

  26. Those who believe that inanimate objects and natural events have spirits? Animists

  27. The agricultural calendar is unimportant to which type of religions? Universalizing religion

  28. Is Buddhism an ethnic Asian Religion? No

  29. The performance of public service is important in what religion found in Asia? Confucianism

  30. The reflection on the mystical and magical aspects of life are important in what religion found in Asia? Daoism

  31. monotheism belief in one god

  32. Followers of which of the religious branches does not trace their origin to Abraham? Judaism, Shiite, Sunni, Mahayana, and Eastern Orthodox Mahayana

  33. For most of the past 2,000 years the ________________ have been dispersed around the world. Jews

  34. Where were most Jews forced to live. Ghetto – an area in a city

  35. Why is Judaism classified as an ethnic rather a universalizing religion? Its rituals derive from the agricultural cycle in Israel.

  36. cosmogony beliefs concerning the origin of the universe

  37. What religion encourages each congregation to be self-sufficient? hierarchical

  38. Which ethnic religion follows a lunar calendar? Judaism

  39. How are mosque different from churches? a mosque is not a sanctified place

  40. Worship of __________________ is most likely to take place at home. Hinduism

  41. Cremation is very important in which religion? Hinduism

  42. The United Nations partition plan dividing Palestine placed Jerusalem under United Nations administration

  43. The conflict in Northern Ireland is a result of Catholic protest against discrimination by Protestants, British colonial rule, violence committed by both sides, counties in Northern Ireland voting to remain in the United Kingdom.

  44. Are Jewish citizens considered Palestinians? No – the following groups are; Muslim citizens of Israel, residents of territories occupied by Israel, citizens of other states calling themselves Palestinians, and residents of refugee camps

  45. When did Israel gain control of all of Jerusalem? The Six – Day War in 1967

  46. Followers of _________________ have controlled the Holy Land for most of the past 1500 years. Islam

  47. What religion is very important in Lebanon? Druze

  48. These penalties were imposed by the ________________ in Afghanistan; homosexuals were buried alive, prostitutes were hanged in public, and men were stoned for committing adultery, men were beaten for shaving their beards, and thieves’ hands were cut off, and women with nail polish had their fingers cut off. Taliban

  49. What policy did the British follow in India? encouraged the abolishment of the caste system

  50. In Russian history, what has the government policy been toward religion? Churches remained open but played a limited role.

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